Forum Replies Created
Too bad the bikini bottoms with the new bikinis doesn't seem to work for shemales.
Sorry, our mistake, will be corrected soon.
tomand pls pls pls tom while u r at it can u also make some of the fem clothin wearable for a lil ol shegirl like me? *glancin at u with sincere hopes in my eyes* its about time they did somethin for us shes, dont u think? (i wonder where i put tht creditcard i have so much unused cash on reserved for buying sweet stuff here?)
seeing sunnys nudiedance in her comboyhat under the moonlight on the beach makes me wanna join in. i wriggle myself out of my skimpy clubdress and g-string in one swift move, unbutton my heels and flip them away and as i start to run naked down towards sunny i realise i dont have a hat so i do a halfcircle back to the gang and snatches Bears cowboyhat so fast it takes a sec or two to see the surprised look emerging on his face. “im commin suuunny!” *shouting cheerfully* as i glance over my shoulder towards the rest of the gang i see……..
You know where my room is? There is always an open door for you
oh im afraid i dont, never been there :-[ *innocent and a lil lost look on my face* …but i figured since u r such a wildcat u´d pick up my scent and track me down and pound on me in my lil nest :
Mmm… though the blowjobs tend to end a little faster then.
nonono me sucky u looong time >.<
(hej sötnos *ser pa dig skälmskt med tindrande ögon* saknat mig? *snurrar lekfullt upp en lock runt mitt pekfinger*
come on guys lets give her free shots the whole night?!
dance the moonlight away sweetie
oh well…. i guess u r right *pouting inconsolable with my lips* …(
idea) but then after u r done with ur lil protest here can we then have a pantyless week…. month…. year, yes?
*noddin my head eagerly and lookin at u with hopeful eyes*
*taking you in my arms, gently pushing my mouth against your pouting lips, leaving behind a fulll, passionate kiss* The glory of our Victory will set our hearts (and loins) on fire. Even though it means we will have something to wear, a pantless week will be within your grasp…
then i will wait in my chamber for u, my noble knight, 2 come home victorious and share ur spoils of war with me and if u r honourable enough on the field of battle when wearing my colors i might even consider lettin u seed ur seed of peace and love
Usually I forgive, but not just if you say it
Wanna get your embraces…
then my sweet lover i guess u know where to go
Pse, being well aware of your desires, this protest will have to go before the urges of the body and mind.. Not wearing pants all week would diminish the effect of the protest.. And as I know you like your men to be full of passion…
oh well…. i guess u r right *pouting inconsolable with my lips* …(
idea) but then after u r done with ur lil protest here can we then have a pantyless week…. month…. year, yes?
*noddin my head eagerly and lookin at u with hopeful eyes*
I thought about this for awhile, and just now as I was going through the posts and realizing I was sometimes jumping back pages to see where I had last been reading the thread. So with the newest first I wouldn't be clicking that last page, then clicking back pages, etc, etc. After realizing that I added my yes vote.
but J sweetie wouldnt u still be doin tht with the newest post change implemented? u´d just be goin forwrd instead of backwards to find were u last read it right?
Hmm I wonder how sexy one can make a cheerleading dance before they stop you?
having the prospect of watchin u sweetie i think they will never stop it
Thanks for the welcome PseRamesses
yw bb. pls feel free 2 drop in on me if u c me online *warm embraces*
Your so helpful sweetie. :-*
I don't really need a translation… though the character “å” would be really good to have in AChat.
shes right, i use it all the time “åh älskling jag kommer åh guuuud va skönt, ja sååå meeera…” etc etc
u know bear bb one of the things my coutry is famous for is all the firm, solid wood we have here.
ps. and u really shouldnt listening in on our girly talks either. were not always talking about u, u know 😉
but almost 😛hey tightfit! why not make whole week pantyless? u know i just wanna takem off anyway
*giggle* but i guess if u wore some more decent stuff thebn wht achat is cookin up i guess i could stand u being dressed a while longer
i dont mind scrollin and entering a new thred i kind like to read wht previous posters has said before posting. anyway, both ways have perks so i guess leaving it as it is would be the best option. nice btw to c a new admin, welcome