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  • in reply to: Missing Clothes in Shop! #46357

      ahhh Pse that`s so noble from you honey…but will you turn over when i change my clothes ::)

      @Sunny well there`s only one way to find out ;D …but please don`t have cold hands…brrrr ::)

      turn over? i tell u this, if it makes u cute and sweet lookin honey i will prob go all manly on ur lil ass, lol

      in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45567

        well there is soft woods and hard woods ! ;D

        oh? u r tht experienced… my lil woodpecker  ;D

        in reply to: Missing Clothes in Shop! #46355

          lol @Pse  hmmm… how would i look with a skimpy skirt :D…and me alone with a lots of lusty girls ;D…sounds exciting and scary at the same time ::)

          bb u can go through my wardrobe any day, im shure u look sweet  :-*

          in reply to: Game Idea. Suggesting changes to the chat function #49602

            Just a thing I realised.. If they change anything in the chat functions/relationship functions…
            It is possible to have someone on your ignore list and at the same time have him/her as a friend/lover/spouse.
            Shouldn't that perso be removed from all kists as soon as you ignore them? Just a thought

            so if i ignore a friend they dont dissapear from my friends list? tht aint right  :(

            in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45523

              Sunny`s secret cove  !    There`s been a couple of special  people That I`ve have shared that place with ! ;)   ahh the comfort knowing only the woods surrounding  my cove  , hold my secret !

              well tell u the truth sunny, i got some wood to guard my cove too ;) although old and worn bu stll standing tall  :D

              in reply to: Missing Clothes in Shop! #46323

                What`s this….did i hear screaming crazy wild girls?  :P it must be girls night  ::)…i better take a step backwards ;D

                come in bb, u can wear one of my skimpy outfits bb, no one will c in the dark here ;) …but we can feel  :P

                in reply to: Missing Clothes in Shop! #46327

                  I want front row seat ! lol and what `s  the policy about touching  ?   
                  @ Bear  > shake that money maker !      hehehe !

                  hear the tickets r going fast on this meatfest so if u dont get a seat u can always sit in my lap sunny, but i warn u though, it can get pretty hard  :P

                  in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45534

                    sunny's secret “cove”

                    thts it bear bb – perfect!  ;D sorry i had to reschedule the interview mr bear. will make it up 2 u though  ;)  :P  :-*

                    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45564

                      I got the perfect name for it  > PUSSY PALACE < ;D   I think i`d make a good female pimp !  hahahaha !

                      why not Sunnys… sunshine  :-*

                      in reply to: Missing Clothes in Shop! #46348

                        Certain it would Tight' but for now I have my new career… Chippendales…

                        Shaking the booty as I hit the lobby,… already an exciting adventure…*evil grin*

                        sign me up for sow first row tickets bear bb yummy  :P


                          Pse, I'll get you to rolll over all on your own terms… ;)

                          hmmm (gettin all warm inside) T.F tht was maybe the most perfect answer at this stage: self confident, not showin of, teasing, empathic and respectful. did someone tell u the only way to my panty goes through my brain and heart? lol keep this up an u gonna hear much more purrin from this ol cat, lol *warm embraces*

                          in reply to: Missing Clothes in Shop! #46319

                            Be careful alstott me and Pse releases female pheromones. :P

                            why do u think he is sniffin bb?  ;D


                              *pout* Pse, I guess you won't have to share my attention with Adera. Shall I rub your tummy? Though, cats don't easily turn on their back.. only if they feel completely comfortable..

                              she just knows im a more of a 2 some girl ;) hmmm wanna get me on my back huh? ….lets c how well u pet me bb  :P as u mentioned, its just a matter of comfort, lol

                              in reply to: Threats in game for having a girl… #48774


                                now u got me laughing, for the first time ;) good boy ;D


                                  …so tightfit, 2 pusycats purring in ur lap not knowing where to starts lapping first  ;D

                                Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 308 total)