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  • in reply to: SF. Pose Review Request. 72. Forced Doggy. #52216

    QUOTE: “FS version is shemale giving and female receiving, I was astonished at the amount of options and how sexy it was. It’s also good to be back on the forums : 🙂 wouldn’t mind trying the ss version on Adera : 🙂 :-* 😛

    why not a lil forced doggy train shianna?
    😉 sign me up 😛

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11840

    agree bear bb. this is why i proposed this lil idea tht all clothes should be free BUT instead u buy color and texture for them in the shop. so, ur suede lookin chaps i could instead choose to have in PVC etc.

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11837

    i guess i have to go with a classical geisha outfit… just silk and skin ;)  :P

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11824

    @Tight: doublepout ;)
    @Adera: dubbelpuss  :P

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11821

    I visited a musem of modern art this weekend, and came across these creations. It would be so nice to have dresses or clothes in general like this for a costumed ball for instance…:

    [img]!185:Scaled1024/IMG_0384.JPG?psid=1&ck=0&ex=720[/img] [img]!186:Scaled1024/IMG_0385.JPG?psid=1&ck=0&ex=720[/img]

    oth dresses were completely made out of felt, and the complexity of the fabrication is not well-see. But besides the appearance of the dresses, the passion for them was visible in every detail…

    its a pity they dont show here sweetie. i would have liked to see them

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11791

    i repeat myself: u have such good taste sweetie (wht web site is tht?)

    in reply to: MS. Pose Review Request. 76. Fuck The Tits. #51973

    *sigh* and here i stand all kissable in my new romantic slip ;) ….and no one to come and kiss lil ol´ me *poutin uncosolably*

    in reply to: Unofficial "thank you for this section" thread: #51357

    My head snaps at Pse's words… and I bounce up…gripping her and pulling her tight to me as my hand rises.. clamps firmly to her throat. I push my hips to her.. making certain the shank of my cock spreads her cheeks to slide teasingly up and down between them.. the wet tips of that head brushing against her.. leaving a mark of slick desire on her.  The other hand clamps to a breast… kneading slowly as I lean into her and tug at her ear lobe with my lips… a quick flick of the tongue follows…then I speak… the words flowing in stern clarity…
    “I decide who and how I take…you definitely will not be unattended to…”
    My head turns,… teeth rake Pse's lobe…nipping in a light tug.  bend her slightly forward as I dip,.. drag the rim of my deeper along the crease of her body… “The stringing tease of desire between us creates a hot fire of it's own… you need a private tempering of this so we may focus on our little playmates before us..” as the words fall,.. I turn your head tilting it.. my lips laying a passionate kiss along the skin of your neck….

    i shiver of lust as this alfa male sinks his teeth into my neck shoverin it with hot, steamy lust. feelin his desire between my buttcheeks i can hardly stand straight anymore. *sotfly letting my fingers and long nails run up the outside of ur thigh, circling a lil on the outer side of ur buttcheek. i lean back towards ur strong powerful chest and reach back with my other hand slippin my hand through ur hair in the back of ur head pullin it closer to my face. i lean my face to the side towards ur slightly opened mouth and as im about to kiss u* i softly say: papabear bb, when u r ready to focus on mama bear u r welcome to try again. now run along and play with the little cubs over there *i slowly release myself from ur perplexed grip and gives u a swift very horny glance over my shoulder and makes darn shure im walkin away in my most sensous and tempting way i can* ;)

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11789

    guess wht i just slipped into? ;) (yes adera u have such great taste, lol)

    in reply to: More Group Poses. #51890

    Pse, your height does open the door for poses more difficult or impossible to do with a shorter woman… Ones I have not tried yet… ;D

    awww darling, u always swings around to the positive side dont u?  :-*

    in reply to: Unofficial "thank you for this section" thread: #51354

    Hey! Pse, don't hog him all to yourself, we want to ride his cock too. :-*

    shesh! *frownin my eybrows and showin my theeth as a varning* this juicy meat pack is all mine! lmao  ;D

    in reply to: More Group Poses. #51886

    Adera, Actually the dutch are considered to have the tallest average height in the world. I am 1.80 and I am just a little over averga. 1.8-195 is very common for a man's length. And yes, there are tall girls as well. Dated a few that were taller as me… I kinda like a smaller girl.. ;)

    oh god now i will never dare to say my true height sweetie *blushes*

    Did I just ruin my chances? It's always a risk to out your preferences… To anyone, make sure you leave room for exceptions…lol

    tht u can never do bb. im just a very tall woman ;) *giggle*

    in reply to: More Group Poses. #51883

    Adera, Actually the dutch are considered to have the tallest average height in the world. I am 1.80 and I am just a little over averga. 1.8-195 is very common for a man's length. And yes, there are tall girls as well. Dated a few that were taller as me… I kinda like a smaller girl.. ;)

    oh god now i will never dare to say my true height sweetie *blushes*

    in reply to: Unofficial "thank you for this section" thread: #51352

    Too bad they didn't allow for foursomes… :P

    mmmm a big manly papa bear in this hornest nest is all we ever need bb. lets get ready to ruuuuuuuumbleeeeeee!  ;D

    in reply to: Pose Idea. Suggestion for Foreplay pose: Body massage #51814

    @Pse your application has been noted. And you are the first… ;)

    (yesssss) :) thx sweetie

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 308 total)