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As long as we keep my friend in business Pse..
always and for a looong time
June 6, 2011 at 7:25 pm in reply to: Game Ideas. For the Editor, Zoom Face , Colour dial, Personalised Background. #51721Mosquito's don't like me.. My partner for the night should be aware…
@Pse I know your preferences.. willing to comply in any way……and i with u :-*
Tickling your senses Susy? Glad to hear your voice again.. and a reward might be waiting if this pose was bumped up a few places up your list…
yes indeed. just let me know suz. i can be a very appreciative girl
Well at least you dear… I might coax Tight in some other way.
thought u might. lmao
girl talk… always worrying me… details of lovers discussed, strategies determined…
😉 : 🙂
u do know us… always conspiring 😉
June 6, 2011 at 7:16 pm in reply to: Game Ideas. For the Editor, Zoom Face , Colour dial, Personalised Background. #51719Hmm a background about where your from or what you like would be kinda nice though something else is probably better.
I'd definitely wouldn't put a background there to represent where I live… far too many mosquito's. I think they like me, my arms and legs got bitten all over a lil while ago when I was walking in the woods. No, I'd put something more generally Swedish in that case than something Pse will laugh at me about. *pout*
u know sweetie, i only laugh with u
Oh, guess I'd find you two exhausted.
so u will come in ur nurse uniform and give us a vitamin injection?
Åååh älskling… du missade jordgubben där nere tror jag.
nä *fniss* sparar allti den bästa biten till sist
QUOTE: “Åh, jag skulle så vilja bjuda dig på jordgubbstårtan jag gjort idag… fast på ett lite mer sexigt vis. :-*
Its just some innocent girl talk Tight. 😉 ”äta från magen din, jordgubbarna o grädden f.ö strategiskt placerade? delikat!
now its really getting innocent here TF😉 *giggle*
QUOTE: “Waving my hard dick at her “want a taste sweetie?”, looking a little transfixed at her pretty and slightly parted lips. Then I smear my dick with whipped cream, sits back and smiles naughtily at her.”
but honey, tht aint nice. u know tht cream will go directly to my thighs
🙁 (thinkin for a millisecond – oh wht the heck, i run it off tomorrow) *movin towards u with a carnivouros glance fixed at all tht cream, licking my lips at the thought of all tht sweetly packed meat*>
And they all need new upholstery? I'd gladly wear them out with you
i think they will need it when were done *giggle*
June 6, 2011 at 6:53 pm in reply to: Game Ideas. For the Editor, Zoom Face , Colour dial, Personalised Background. #51717Love the idea of personalised backgrounds.. Thinking cheeses or sausages, refering to my background. Which should I choose?
i think u already know sweetie
as long as there is no “cheese” on the sausage
QUOTE: “hmmm, transalator needed for this thread… : 🙂 ”
just girl talk sweetie *consoling hugs*
June 6, 2011 at 6:41 pm in reply to: Game Ideas. For the Editor, Zoom Face , Colour dial, Personalised Background. #51714Oh I have no idea what to put there… I still haven't put a image on my profile yet.
can i mail one if i find some tht i think is you?
Hihi, jag är väll inte jätte patriotisk… det har ju tyvärr blivit aningen synonymt med rasism även om de försöker jobba bort det. Meeeennn jag dansar gärna runt din stång.
😉 :-*
*fnissar blygt* du säger alltid det jag behöver höra sötis 😛