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*nods, raises his hand….* “Hello all, my turn thanks to Skydance” then that hand falls back down on Skydances's bum with a resounding 'Thwack!' “I feel much better now.”
Next to say hello will be oh I don't know Cherry Babe
Ray…..The shower I took was longer than usual, zoning out as we sometimes do with so much happening today.
Again habit took over, and once done with the shower I tossed my dirty clothes in the hamper, wrapped the towel around my waist after toweling off my hair and headed upstairs. At the top of the stair, I took a right and walked right into my bedroom, opened a drawer and unwrapped my towel as I reached for a fresh pair of boxers. It was only then I glanced over to see Mia curled up on my bed and sleeping soundly.
Standing there with my towel still open, I casually wrap it around my waist again and move to the window to close the curtain. It’s then that I see Frank leaning against one of the barns casually gnawing on a piece of straw as he’s gazing up toward the second floor windows. Tilting my head, I watch him for a moment not entirely sure if he can see me. I’ve never cared for the guy, in our business we don’t ask a lot of questions of those willing to get their hands dirty. The works hard, the pay is low, and most of those willing to take the work can’t find better for good reason.
I sigh heavily and close the old curtains until they touch, it’s still just barely light out and the well-worn curtains still manage to keep the light out well enough. Turning toward the bed, still in my towel I look at Mia, she must be utterly exhausted from her trip and the day’s events. I watch her for some time, maybe a minute as she’s stunning. I was instantly attracted to her this morning, as she stood before me in that same sundress she has on now, just riding up her creamy thigh as she slumbers.
Reaching down, my fingers just barely graze the calf of her leg before gripping the top of my blanket and I cover her up somewhat reluctantly. The sight of Frank just now, staring at the house like some kind of predator put’s me ill at easy. At this point I take a moment to check the downstairs windows are locked, and lock the front and back doors respectively. This is not something I would normally do, especially living in the rural area of Maine, but now that Art’s granddaughter is here and my suspicious feeling about Frank, I secure the house.
Entering Art’s room for the first time since he died, I look around slowly, leave the door open behind me and lay back on his bed, not bothering to cover up. I found it odd that she ask me to stay at the house with her, the way she looks at me at times in the short time we’ve know each other sets me to wonder about her. As I close my eyes, my thoughts on her, her intentions for the farm, and her creamy bare thigh….
No sharks in the swimming pool but me, so I'll choose the pool thank you.
Okay wait.
If bread always lands butter side down, and a cat always lands on it's feet?
What happens if you strap buttered bread to the back of a cat and toss it?
Does it hover?
I'm in! I'm in!!!
BrandyBee, you can take your stiletto off of my spine now?
Maybe, but you told me you liked it !!