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just a little difference , i dont use martinet or whip but a spanker
so lesbians have 2 poses with réalist kiss , 2 or 3 poses with verry baaaad kisses and for cuddle , we have just the slow dance hihi then yes we need cuddles and kisses
oh for info , the baaaad kisses are in the free ridind pose (change it please) , the 69 pose (change it please) and maybe in missionary pose (change it please) , long time i dont do all these poses hihi
hihi all the others want cuddle and kisses .
hehehe soooo true
hii remember hentai we are talking about DFB , then everybody here know how i like it ;D
hehe girls always win cause they alway be in top at a time or another
hi medjai thanks for your support , hehe too easy i win my first wrestling match without fight
its strange when this pose was made for MM i said the same thing than you inazuma (+/-) , and theanwser was this is a nice pose hehe (+/-) and here , the anwser is little different ;D
and hentai is true many people (i’m in) ask for foreplay poses yet , now it just need to wait , dont complain hihi 5 updates 2 poses , if i remember your words , its better than the last year no ;D
hehe if someone give me 5k to go in room he or she surely be verry verry sad , cause for i go in room , the partner must be interesting
oh just one thing , why this topic is called “long, loose hair for females” and not “Long, loose hair for females and males” , you know some men too have long, loose hairs.
thanks for the help adera , kisses 🙂
hihi oui et je ne penses pas que 800 français rendent la fabrication d'un forum francophone une priorité
I feel you Apollo too many girls asking for gifts. I'll never pay for sex on principle, I guess the real problem here is ti come up with the right phrase to get a girl/woman interested. Just hi or similar will just be ignored by most of the girls, which I guess could be understandable but come on give a guy a chance? How do you expect to start a coversation with a monologue?
i dont call “hi” a conversation . why they always introduce themselve saying “hi” , why not “hello , how are you” . its better to beghin a conversation.
hihi , thanks hentai .
Oh dev team for the next year why no made the girl decorated with an outfit made with the light we put on the xmass tree