tonight , new hetero pose , inevitable . it was 3 updates that they dont have one
AAAAA help they want eat me ….
uuh sometimes you make me scary
np my thought (hope its the good word) was not to do pub for other site , just anwser questions
wait , you have forgot one of mine i erase it now
uhh , there is no zombies hihi , and trust me tombstone can be comfortable
yes i know that why i said we'll see
i have a bad feeling about it , but we'll see
thanks to hentaiboy who give me an unrealisable idea for a room . In a spaceship with zero gravity seeing the earth by a small window , no bed just the bodys “flying” in the air . Dont think its realisable
if shemales can swap in SS poses like women in FF poses , you just need one “gentle foreplay”
i suppose it will be principally sex , and sometimes chatting , depending of the peoples in the room .
maybe i'm wrong , but i dont know if there is a difference between D/s and SM . But if there is no differences , i'm right
thanks for the info bear , this mean that the pose is not in the good section
i have vote yet and i cant vote a second time
i dont know , i cant access to the links