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  • in reply to: MENACES AND INSULT MESSAGES #161235

    I rest my case

    in reply to: MENACES AND INSULT MESSAGES #161233

    that be you cass people are tired of your whinning I know why I was banned and it wasn't by you or anyone calling me a cyber criminal is actually a felony here in the states its called defamation of charature

    in reply to: MENACES AND INSULT MESSAGES #161231

    aw aint you sweet

    in reply to: MENACES AND INSULT MESSAGES #161229

    your the one who needs to change ive told you 4 now to leave me alone you really need banned for a few days…………by the way you must like my ass you keep posting it

    in reply to: MENACES AND INSULT MESSAGES #161227

    wasn't a sorry in that tag either your somewhere stuck in dreamland maybe after Christmas you need to see the Dr… keep saying my friends tormented you ever think it wasn't my friends just mutall friends of someone elses I don't need a group to bother you but you do I have full logs of our errr discussions …I wish you well in life now leave me be

    in reply to: MENACES AND INSULT MESSAGES #161226

    my best advise to you cass is leave me alone

    in reply to: MENACES AND INSULT MESSAGES #161223

    sorry cass after 2 years of you talking, pulling your friend or mine,sorry,or even hi isn't a option,BTW MERRY to whatever you belive in

    in reply to: MENACES AND INSULT MESSAGES #161220

    yes I posted that on my tag line sinse you think I lied about having cancer again,you took it as a joke I can only hope you find out what its like. also at any time you can stop giving people the offer of my friend or yours if they don't choose you you delete a friend and put them on ignore,you actually need to grow up cass.Also to the Mods take a poll on whether shes nuts or not shes had a 3 year online grudge with me im actually done with all her drama and I feel no pitty for her for the  people who have turned on her she probably proved them.But cancer is no joke

    in reply to: Fantasy OR Fetish: ONLINE, IT IS ONLY a ” ROLE PLAY” !! #162111

    “The intelligence and sensitivity of many women actually tends
    to blossom in bondage, finding within it the apt environment for
    its expression, for its flowering. This may have to do with such
    matters as the release of inhibitions, happiness, fulfillment,
    and such.”

    –Tarl Cabot speaks on the Response of an Intelligent Slave to
    her Bondage
    (from Magicians of Gor by John Norman)

    ,Firstly, a kajira must know and understand that she does
    not have anything that her Master does not give her or permit
    her to have. A girl's entire being is owned, the property of her
    Master. She has no name unless her Master gives her one, she
    wears nothing on her flesh except that which her Master allows
    her to wear. If a girl speaks, it is because her Master permits
    her words to be spoken Every thought, feeling, emotion and
    opinion she has, is owned by her Master by virtue of his total
    ownership of her. Such a girl will be displayed at her Master's
    command. A girl breathes because her Master allows her to
    breathe, a girl lives because her Master wishes her to live, a
    girl speaks if her Master wishes to hear her voice, a girl asks
    a question only if it pleases her Master to answer her. She
    displays feelings, thoughts, emotions and opinions only because
    it pleases her Master to hear them. A girl does not suddenly
    acquire a Master or a collar, quite the opposite is true, it is
    the Master that acquires the kajira, it is he who owns the girl.

    ,A kajira is not a puppet without a mind or a brain and
    lacking intelligence, however. Quite the contrary is true. A
    kajira must be wise and intelligent, not intelligent by Earthly
    standards with a University education, intelligent in that she
    knows herself fully, maintaining control over herself, owning
    firstly herself, body, mind, heart and soul. For if she does not
    own herself totality in such a fashion, how can she give herself
    to another to be totally owned and controlled? The more a girl
    owns of herself, the more fully she can give of herself to her
    Master, the more fulfilling and all encompassing the ownership
    will be.

    ,A kajira strives and delights in being pleasing, therefore
    a girl must be continually aware of her Master's will, his
    wishes and needs. The more alert the girl is, the more energy,
    initiative and creativity the girl will sustain and use to serve
    her Master's pleasure. Any further intelligence, training,
    education, social skills, qualifications or personal knowledge
    will only enhance her service to her Master should he have use
    of her innate abilities.

    ,A girl must be wise and approach the act of giving of
    herself to be owned in a very serious way. A girl's last
    decision before she submits is her choice of the Master who will
    own her. She must seek out one who will own her wisely, not
    abuse her, accept and respect the gift of her life and her
    submission, one who knows the inner workings of the heart of a
    kajira and will guide her on her journey to the freedom of her
    fully experiencing her womanhood. It is essential that
    throughout her slavery, she maintains a keen sense of self-
    preservation. Slavery should never be entered into lightly. A
    girl must be fully aware of what she is giving and entrusting to
    her Master. She gives the most precious gift there is…her own

    Each Master is different, and different things will please him,
    but each require of a slave to be pleasing, obedient and to know
    her place. Her entire focus is on her Master and pleasing him.
    She denies herself, so the free expression of herself must be
    denied. Her thoughts, feelings, emotions and opinions are
    displayed to please her Master as he allows them to surface. In
    the giving over of her life and will to her Master to be
    controlled, she must exercise wisdom and self discipline over
    her will and her tongue. That is not to say that she cannot have
    an opinion that differs from that of her Master, but if a girl
    must disagree with him, she is to remain respectful, always
    keeping in mind who and what she is.

    ,Of course a kajira knows that she will have the last word
    on any subject with her Master, and that shall consist of the

    “Yes Master”. : )

    Incidentally, brilliant and imaginative women, particularly if beautiful and high-born,
    are avidly sought in Gorean slave markets. High intelligence, and imagination,
    perhaps interestingly from the point of view of a man of Earth, are highly prized
    in women by Gorean men. Indeed, a woman who is known to be intelligent and
    imaginative will bring a much higher price than some duller, but more beautiful,
    sister in bondage. Goreans, unlike many men of Earth, have very little interest in
    stupid women. The ideal candidate, for the Gorean slavers snare is a highly
    intelligent, beautiful, imaginative woman, one who is strong willed, proud and free.
    It is such women that Goreans enjoy making slaves.
    Hunters of Gor.. chapter 11

    in reply to: Fantasy OR Fetish: ONLINE, IT IS ONLY a ” ROLE PLAY” !! #162109

    Slave Information: Serves
    Try not to have more than three or four lines a post, check and recheck for errors. You must appear sensual, but respectful, graceful and elegant. Below are the basics remember to make a serve your own and do NOT steal one from another slave.
    1. A short simple serve that has all the required elements in it is always better than a long detailed serve that is missing something. Start out with a basic serve, and then add a little something each time. Each serve should contain the following elements:
    -approach the Master and offer service
    -leave the Master and approach the servery
    -locate the appropriate serving vessel, clean it, and test it
    -get the drink
    -return to the Master
    -offer Him the drink
    -be sure to thank Him for allowing you to serve
    2. Be familiar with all of the Gorean foods and drinks, and how each one is served. Bear in mind, though, that the Master's wishes are foremost. If he wants His blackwine served in a bowl, then bring it to Him in a bowl.

    3. Also be familiar with the layout of each tavern. Each servery will be a little bit
    different. Some taverns do not have a servery, but have a kitchen instead. Some are not taverns but are camps, and may have a wagon where the serving implements are kept.

    4. Vary your serve according to a particular Master's wishes. this one keeps a little book where she writes down notes about how each Master likes to be served. Some prefer a shorter serve, some like it long and involved. Some like it sexy, some prefer it more  subdued. Some like the drink sweetened, some do not. this girl knows of one Free Woman who likes to have three ramberries placed in her ka-la-na. Knowing these things without being told will please the Master greatly.

    5. A serve is one way of showing yourself off to the Master. Describe what you look like, what you are feeling, what you are doing. Be sure to not just describe what you are doing; tell Him how you feel about serving Him, the sensations that you feel in your body as you go about the serve.

    6. Make the serve your own. Watch your sisters, learn from them, get ideas from them. But do not copy their serves and use them as your own. Not only is  that the sign of a lazy slave, it is outright stealing. That slave you might be tempted to copy from has worked very hard to make her serve an expression of her personality and her submission, and you should do the same.

    7. A slave should never use macros in her serve. This is just another sign of a lazy slave. This girl has a general outline that she uses when she serves, and she has certain phrases that are characteristic of each serve–her trademarks, so to speak. But each serve should

    in reply to: Fantasy OR Fetish: ONLINE, IT IS ONLY a ” ROLE PLAY” !! #162110

    Silks come in various colors and each color have a different meaning: White Silks:The White Silk slave is a virgin slave, who has never been touched by men. These slaves are generally permitted to serve drinks and food.  They are allowed to converse with any Free Person, but from their knees.  No laps and alcoves (Sexual use), are permitted to them.  Any Free Person insulted, may embarass, confine or display the slave, but may not strike, punish or abuse the slave in any way, nor permit another to do so. .Silks come in various colors and each color have a different meaning: White Silks:The White Silk slave is a virgin slave, who has never been touched by men. These slaves are generally permitted to serve drinks and food.  They are allowed to converse with any Free Person, but from their knees.  No laps and alcoves (Sexual use), are permitted to them.  Any Free Person insulted, may embarass, confine or display the slave, but may not strike, punish or abuse the slave in any way, nor permit another to do so. . Black Silks:Denotes the Uncollared slave. . Red Silks:The mark of the Pleasure Slave.  Red Silk slaves are considered to be well trained to please in all ways:  sexual, service wise and dancing. There are two types of Red Silk slaves:e should be prepared to be used as a Red Silk.. Yellow Silks:Denotes the Tavern owned slave.  Her use is rented and negotiated with the Tavern owner and may include sexual favors at the owner's discretion.. Gray:State owned slaves. .

    in reply to: Fantasy OR Fetish: ONLINE, IT IS ONLY a ” ROLE PLAY” !! #162107

    not all Kajira are 300 lbs and on mind pills that can be your case but I love the beauty of it that you have seemed to lost

    in reply to: City Meeting place Date game 2017 #161125

    why join your using your alt also nina

    in reply to: xShezaWolfx. Bye and Back. #8309


    in reply to: Achat Weddings conducted by Shezawolf. #160073

    KarlaTee and niccs

    Minni91: taking pics

    Shezawolf: brides maid?
    KarlaTee: tessa?

    Shezawolf: We are gathered here today in the face of this company, to join together Niccs and KarlaTee in matrimony; which is an honourable and solemn estate and therefore is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly.

    Shezawolf: Into this estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace. Who gives this woman to be married to this woman?

    Shezawolf: Niccs, do you take KarlaTee for your lawful wedded wife, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honour, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?

    niccs: i do

    Shezawolf: KarlaTee, do you take Niccs for your lawful wedded Wife, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honour, comfort, and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?

    KarlaTee: i will

    Shezawolf: you can play a song if you want now

    niccs: i niccs take the karla to be my wedded ife to have and to hlod from this day forth for better for worse for richer for poorter in sickness in health to love honour and cherish till death

    I KarlaTee take thee Niccs to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health

    KarlaTee: i karlate take thee niccs to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold fom this day forwrd,in sickness and heath to love honor and cherish til deah do us part

    Shezawolf: hell tosses a ring to niccs
    Minni91: lol

    Shezawolf: May this ring be blessed so he who gives it and she who wears it may abide in peace, and continue in love until life’s end.
    niccs: hehehe
    KarlaTee: :****
    Shezawolf: put it on her finger

    Shezawolf: With this ring I thee wed. Wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment.

    niccs: with this ring i thee wed .wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment

    Shezawolf: May this ring be blessed so that she who gives it and she who wears it may abide in peace, and continue in love until life’s end.
    Shezawolf: tosses karlaTees ring to her

    KarlaTee: with this ring i thee wed. wer it as a symbol of our love and commitment

    Shezawolf: May this couple be prepared to continue to give, be able to forgive and experience more and more joy with each passing day, with each passing year. Niccs and KarlaTee, are now beginning their married life together, we hope that they may have loving assistance from their family, the constant support of friends, and a long life with good health and everlasting love.

    Shezawolf: In so much as Niccs and KarlaTee have consented to live forever together in wedlock, and have witnessed the same before this company, having given and pledged their troth, each to the other, and having declared same by the giving and receiving of a ring, I pronounce that they are Niccs and wife.

    Shezawolf: You may now seal the promises you have made with each other with a kiss.
    Shezawolf: kiss will ya

    KarlaTee: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm








    Shezawolf: Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the loving couple
    Mrs. and Mrs.niccs

    Music by: The naked guy in the leopard chaps

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