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  • in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49440


    Go for babe.  I'm not gonna object, lol.

    in reply to: Janine’s Dungeon #24258

    Honestly I have never considered Janine a sub.  Hell BDSM never popped into my mind with us.  I just find that she leds me in somethings and i might lead in something else.  She is my equal in every way.  I love a good debate, I love someone I can talk to bout everything without worrying about them freaking.  She seduced my mind before we even entered the room  :-*

    For some reason ppl have this idea that subs are suppose to do everything you want without saying no.  They are not suppose to have a mind of their own.  That is sooo far from the truth. 
    Just like some subs think that Doms are suppose to  know their needs before they even voice them.

    To me communication and open mindedness builds BDSM relationship. 

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49437

    K, too much to read so I'm just going to ask.

    I CAN write my own lil short story and add it to erotic fantasy right?

    in reply to: Janine’s Dungeon #24256

    Heya Hugs Tight, Bear, Lover and molesting squeeze Adera.

    Sorry for going dark but I was curious about whatya might think.  As for tats, it's a permanent and I made clear decision.  If it ends it ends but the tat is symbols of something good that I experienced in my life.  No matter how it ended I'm going to herish that memory.

    I will say this I have dealt with someone that basically was insecure in how I felt about them.  I was always accused of having fuck buddies or flirting.  Nothing I did or say made him feel secure.  he acted like I thought with my pussy. 
    I explained to him, that I kneel not because you make me but because I desire/wish to kneel before you. 

    To me a sub that kneels willingly/lovingly before you is the most beautifulest thing in the world.  The trust they give you is a gift that should be respected and cherished.  You don't accuse them of being a whore, lol, or just disrespect them period. 

    They kneel, you love

    in reply to: Janine’s Dungeon #24243

    Oh sweety you should have seen his reply to some of the comments to his questions.  He calls himself a sadist.  He likes making his pet suffer. I have friends that are sadist, they enjoy giving pain, but they enjoy their pets getting pleasure from the pain.  It never crossed their mines to remove anything from their sub.  They want their subs to feel pleasure, the only time they keep pleasure from them is in form of punishment or play. (I have friends in different levels of kink, I don't down anyone for their fetishes.  As long as they respect the line that I drew in the dirt we good).

    Like I said to each his own if they truly consent.  This topic he had posted was about a bunch of selfish ass mutherfuckers that are insecure about their manhood that they got to take away her womanhood to make them feel like a man. 
    I love giving pleasure, seducing the mind, body and if I can soul.  To deny anyone joy permantly in any kind of form is some sick shit. 
    What really got me is the replies the females made when the question was put to them.  Again if it's something you consent to then whatever.  But I can't help to think do they really undertand what they are agreeing to.  I wont tell you some off the modifications he suggested, made me want to vomit, but but the dumb bitches actually had no problem with it.  You have women fleeing their countries just to get away from this tradition. It  hurts that they actually want to do this.  If it was something they did for themselves, for their own pleasure, then fine.  But they are doing it for another persons sick need to feel better bout themselves.  Like Janine said, no one really understands what loosing a part of yourself really means. 
    This is something that you can't grow back, cover up, or fix without going bankrupt.  It's permanent.  As far as I am concern, I don't consider this bdsm, kink, or a fetish. 

    in reply to: Janine’s Dungeon #24239


    I needed to add my 2 cents if you don't mind.  If you do, to bad, lol.

    There are two reasons why I don't let anyone Dom me.  First is my attraction to a certain person is so overwhelming that I want to devour them.  I want/need to make them loose control.  To see how far I can push them, how far they will push me.  Now i have wanted a certain someone to dom me, i have tried but i cant help it.  I want to push her down on the bed, watch the look on her face as i….anyway i digress.  I must say once i take control its really really hard to let go.  Second is trust.  Your giving everything to that person.  You have to have the ability to trust and let go.  I have only ever let myself be owned once in RL.  I have his symbol tat on my neck.  He is 2nd person in my life that i trust and is worth doing that for.  Its my sign of respect, love, trust(i would like to put a pretty J on my wrist but i dont think she would like that..or would she).  And only one other person in VR worth truly showing my Dom side(kiss) too.  I think  a dom can lead with a firm hand then a painful one.  Sub can follow without following blindly.  Now I'm telling you this so you guys won't lynch me for the question I am bout to put to you.  But everyone ones idea of bdsm tend to go beyond the norm and I wanted your thoughts.

    Anyway I came back cause I wanted to put a questions to you all.  I was in another site. I am not allowed to copy his post.  He put a questions to owners…..It's about body modification.  He wanted to know if men thought that their pet/slave/sub's clit was distracting her so much that it interfered with their pleasure.  As owner would you remove it?  What other body modifications would you subject her to?  Do you have the right to modify her without her say so? Do you think her getting an orgasm is a service to you? 

    So please feel free to tear this apart.  I will say this, if a pet wants this, if this is her/his thing and they are not following blindly, then I'm not gonna bitch.  But if it's forced upon them, or they are bullied into it til they give in…I seriously think the owner should seriously be &@$$&87)$7()(%^~#>~#%><€€^> and ^><}~#}><^>^%#%#|#~. 
    I was never asked to put the tat on, it was a surprise.  My decision and he is thinking bout a design for me, for him.  It's not a symbol of ownership but of trust.  And no matter how it ends, it's a very good reminder of something beautiful.

    in reply to: iPad and Tablet version of Achat. #48982

    Hey Adera, kisses…I know now, lol, for a seccond I thought I went nuts, well nuttier. :P

    @Azrielle…thanks for info will give it a try an ;D ;Dd see what happens. ;D

    in reply to: iPad and Tablet version of Achat. #48976

    Well I did type in NUDE in my andriod app search and some interesting things did pop up .  So if they are letting things like nude stripping as an app, something like this can't be that far away. ;D

    Hmmm did my post just get edited and pasted somewhere else!?  Rotfl.  😮

    in reply to: iPad and Tablet version of Achat. #48972

    Surprise…Kisses all you guys.  FONDLES janine ::)

    Anyway I wanted to suggest making this available to ppl who have tablets and stuck with the Andriod.  I know alot of the sexy computer geeks gonna suggest that it'll take time, gonna be alot of work.  I KNOW, LOL,  I  just wanted to be able to play again.  Unless it is available and my crazy tail haven't notice.

    in reply to: Halloween Party 2011… the lair of Ursa #54220

    I shiver, feeling a evil chill run down my spine(bobbler ;D), but her warm hands on my back makes the feeling fade.  Pulling away, I pull from my pounch her gift, wrapped in orange with a black bow.  She smiles, opens it and frowns looking at the skeleton key.  “What does it go to?”
    Leaning down I press my lips to her plump cleavage, kiss first then the other, “Guess?”  Hands on her hips, pull her closer, my tongue delving playfully. ;)

    in reply to: Halloween Party 2011… the lair of Ursa #54215

    Music still playing, we bagan to move to our own beat.  Hand playing over her flesh, so soft, so smooth, just like I remembered.  Teeth bite down on her earlobe and my other hand cups her breast.  Tumb teasing a nipple threw her top.  Her head falls back, her hair loosening and cascading down my back, silky waterfall.  Hearing her sigh, my hand on her stomach travels lower, slipping under top of her skirt, lower still as I watch her chest rise and fall. 
    Some drunk bumps me on the dance floor, causing my hood to fall back, my cloak to flare open just enough to glimpse my boots.  My eye piece glinters in the light as I quickly move us into shadow(succubi, can never hold their drinks).  Quickly turn her in my arms, stilling pressing her into the shadows, my mouth on hers, our tongues teasing along each others til her back touches the wall.


    I Dreamed A Little Dream Of Her :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

    Last night I had this dream bout you. Its really long but gonna try to give you the short version.
    It started out with you standing nude before me, standing tall and proud.
    I watch as honey powder is being slowly dusted on your body with feathers by the female servants. Another is adding khol to your eyes, color to your
    lips. All of this is being done in such a way its sensual, has my hands
    clenching to stroke your flesh, biting my lips, but I control myself as I
    watch them began to dress you in traditional japanese clothing. Layer
    after layer hiding your body from my site, makes me want to cum so bad. When they are done, I order them to design your hair in a very intrique design, imagining me taking it out, feeling your hair fall between my fingers,
    hmmm. You kneel in front of the mirror, eyes down as you let them comb
    your hair to such soft shiny splender. Seems like forever when they are
    finally done with your hair. I rise and walk over to you, hold out my hands and
    wait for you to take mines.
    You still have not raisedyour eyes, and I'm thinking, "Look at me" but you don't. Teases me, challenges me, cause I want to see your eyes. But Isay nothing as your hands touch mines and you rise. We walk down this
    long hall(you know those halls that go on forever and a day, lol), til we get
    to this door that slides open silently and we enter. Smell of food doesnt'
    make me hunger, all I can think of is licking the powder off your skin. I
    take you to your seat, and I go to mines. I don't eat, I'm to busy
    watching you. Your every move is like a dance that ensnares me. When you
    lower your hands to pick up your chopsticks, the way you hold them, then
    began to eat. Do you know every time your move to eat your arm pulls
    on your collar, teasing me, barely giving me a glance and then you raise your
    arms, causing your collar to close. Watching as your lips wrap round the
    chops, your tongue comes out to lick off this one rice that got stuck, you swallow, your throat moving and I WANT to kiss it.
    And you still do not look up at me. I think, I KNOW you know what you are doing to me.
    I ask how does the food taste, watch you pause, your hand slightly trembling
    and you whisper, “Its very good, thank you”;. The sound of your voice has me close to cumming and find myself across the room, holding your face in my hand, tilted up, my lips almost on yours. Your breath caressing my lips and your eyes still are down. So close to kissing you and I stop myself, release you, stand, bow and say excuse me for my lapse and walk back to my seat.
    And the torture starts all over again. You torturing me and I love every second of it.

    in reply to: Halloween Party 2011… the lair of Ursa #54211

    Watching her began to move has me sitting up straighter in my chair, I gulp my drink down as I break out in a sweat.  Damn she can move, I almost forgot how graceful she is, how beautiful her skin is as the light caresses her flesh.  The revelers move out of her way, making a opening for her as she moves in middle of the dance floor.  Not caring that she is dominating the dance for, not caring who is watching her, not caring how she is inticing the crowd, working them up.  She dips, she sways, and in one move she tosses her hat, its skidding across the floor to brush up against my shoe.  The scent of  her rising from her hat and somehow I find myself on the dance floor, my front to her back, arm round her waist, other over her chest, my cape wrapping us in our own little world.  I don't even remember flashing to her side, or what the new song was that started playing, but we started moving as one, all sound downed out by her sweet laughter.  I kiss her neck, tongue peaking out for a quick taste, and we dance.  Each movement a tease, a welcome, and I can't help but send out a mental “THANK YOU” to Bear for the invite. 
    Whispering in her ear, “Don't sleep so long next time.  I missed you so much”.


    Right back at ya my bEAUTIFULLY WICKED peeps.  :-* :-*
      So not giving a hint to my costume.

    in reply to: Halloween Party 2011… the lair of Ursa #54202

    I watch her dreamily sway, her delicate hand wrapped round her glass and close my eyes sighing to myself.  I consentrate, my power grows and send out a simple touch.  I see my hand skimming over her hand on holding the glass, following it over her wrist, down her arm and I shiver just thinking bout how her skin would really feel.  Smiling, I cup my hands to my mouth and whisper a few words, spreading them wide, the blue butterfly takes off, every person it passes by touching them, it leaves a sneaky feeling of pleasure til it finally lands on her shoulder.  I watch as she listens to what it says, (I hear a familiar laughter floating on the air and I turn for a sec and see Adera, her contagious smile brightening up the ballroom even more, I blow a special bubble her way and watch it pop on her cheek…a lil kiss…and her OH of surpise makes me smile). 
    Turning back to she who has hidden from me for so long, I snap my fingers and the song, our song begans to play..Te Amo and I wait to see “Dance for me love” the butterfly had whispered in her ear.

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