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Standing on top of a hill, over looking the forest, two figures stand in darkness, only the moonlight and rain daring to touch them, thunder answering to the fire running threw her veins. Tired and lil dizzy from her flash traveling to get to this point, she leans on her boss, who helped her travel so far and they both look down at the invitation she received.
“hmmmm it seems we are late and the doors are locked.”
Her boss chuckles, “Like that would stop me or you my young apprentise.”
Rolling her eyes heavenware, last time I introduce him to good movies. Turning his head, hood hiding his face, but his eyes glows wickedly, “Come lets see how your climbling skills have improve.”
“Seriously? The things I do to see this woman. She better be there. Can't belive she slept that long.”
We both run the rest of the way, out speed nothing but a blink of the eye and we are there standing infront of the great door.
“I am actually a lil nervous. Its been such long time since I have seen my friends and seen HER.”
Quick hard smack to back of my head, pushing the hood farther over my face,”Really I taught you better than that. Now start climbing.”
I hear the music playing, laughter and I realize how close I am to her. Want to finally hold her in my arms, dance her across the room, feel her arms wrap round me as she trust me to lead. Finally feel her breath caress my lips as I brush mines across hers. I scramble quickly up the sides, bit clumsy, blushing as my bosses eyes glow red. Shrugging, “Sorry” blushing as I lean over the skylight to look down into the ballroom. Pushing my locks out of my face, so I can get a better look. “Damn Bear out did hiself this year.” No matter how crowded the place my eyes seems to seek her out automatically. “There she is.”
Holding his hand out to me, “Are you ready?”
“Don't make me appear in front of her. She knows how I like watching her. That her every move is a tease to me.” Pointing to a table and chair in a dark corner, “There, drop me there.” Reach out placing my hand in his, quick nausea jerk, feeling of the world melting round me and I am sitting in the corner. Wicked smile on my face as the shadows hide me and hooded cape hides my costume.March 24, 2011 at 12:54 pm in reply to: MF. Pose Reviews. 52. Slow Dance. Clothed & 105. Slow Dance. Sex Clothing #49094Had to reply to this(been busy, miss you guys).
Fucking took you guys long. THX, I knw you weren’t totally ignoring us.
Janine, I will so be spinning your cute ass round when I get back. Then spin you onto my lap, then a spanking, hehehehe.;D ;D
February 25, 2011 at 1:21 pm in reply to: Pose Idea and Room Idea. Shower Pose. Bath Pose. Jacuzzi Pose. Bathroom Sex. #13781if they goin to do that, go the whole 9yrds. Boots, spirs, and decent pair of leathers this time
K, I want a Queen of the Damned background…hey Lestat was sexy as hell walking threw that graveyard holding the violin.
hmmm Canadian Slurpy…..licking instead of kissing…so what do they call it when your doing it down South?
Super Slurpy?
Now this can be turned into a 3way. Chic/M/SM kneeling over the girls face.
I like thekitchen idea. Ever seen the movie 9 1/2 weeks, the scene in front of the open fridge…I can never look at fruit and honey without thinking out that scene. Oh and Wild Orchid, now the rooms/scenes in them were F'n HOT. Mardi gra party or background, mmmm.
Showers, have this thing bout water. Just watching the drops roll down the skin, making me lick my lips with the urge to trace its path. Or when your kissing and the water is running over your lips, oh hell..umm.yea..gtg
Ummm no pajamas…g-string(black), 4inch heels(black), blindfold(black), and RED lipstick(only color, well except for those pink
You know I want to grab fistful of your hair and pull you into a deep long kiss, fingers trailing down your spine..then we can see what we can do with the wrap…
:-* :-* :-*
Hey I want a fairy forest room, that romantic forest, where lightening is just right, grass looks perfect in laying that someone down on. A mini waterfall in the background you can get into..
Hey I can dream can't I?!
lol, honestly the only non cussing word I used was YOU, and AND..everything else was ^%&^$%#@$@^&*(()*()*()&*$#@!!
Never saw the point of female condom, its like the male version just baggy. If a guy going to fuss bout wearing a hat, then he can have a flashback to his fist days, cause I am out.
Did hear from a friend who uses plastic renolds wrap on girls pussy when she goes down.
You should come thank me ror allowing you to taste my white dick….Come bitch..Now (and thats not the worst of it)
I won't tell you my reply, because I think Achat really would have to bleep me…
Sorry guys, goin picture crazy….lol