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  • in reply to: Pose Ideas. Lap Dance. Pole Dance. Sit and Talk Poses #46577

    The ying / yang sign. 😉

    in reply to: BI or STRAIGHT….. MAKE UP YOUR MIND ! #47274

    Ohhh can I come?  I want to come? 

    in reply to: Owning. Getting REAL PISSED with the “owning” thing. #46246

    WOW, I'm learning new stuff each day with you guys and I thought I was close to being up to date.  lol

    I have had ppl ask me why I ended the friendship and had no problem explaining.  Some understand and we are still friends, say hi whenever we see each other.  Others didn't get it and I don't care, because a friend would understand, would get it.  I have been removed from lists and all I did was send a message, “Hey noticed you said goodbye, but just so you know you can always say Hi, cause once a friend always a friend no matter if your on the list or not.  :)”  and they always greet me.

    Now had a two spouses before my Sweety and we were more best friends.  I had them on my spouse cause they are the first ppl I wanted to say Hi to and see what was up, trying to look for their names threw my friends list(when I had a long list) was a major pain. 
    Now only Janine is on my list and I won't be adding anyone else, because she is a lil bit more. :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
    But if she ever would end it, I would respect that.  Just hope she would keep me as a friend.  Sometimes you have to do what you have to do, even if you fear what will happen.
    PS.  I don't see spouse as owning.  I don't own her and I don't want to.  She looks beautiful flying free.
    Some ppl just NEED to own and have more, think its a insecure issue if you ask me.

    in reply to: Pose Ideas. Lap Dance. Pole Dance. Sit and Talk Poses #46574

    Awwwww thats so cute.  But will arch my back and offer a nipple treat,  sorry no bitch leash(say that 5times fast) on me so no begging.  :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

    in reply to: MF Pose Review REQUEST. 47. Obedience. (Man kneels): #47139

    I wasn't here to answer it.  NANANANANAANA :P :P :P :P :P

    in reply to: Pose Ideas. Lap Dance. Pole Dance. Sit and Talk Poses #46570

    lol, oh bite me Urban, lol. Ummm please do. lol 😛 ;D ;D ;D

    in reply to: Pose Ideas. Lap Dance. Pole Dance. Sit and Talk Poses #46568

    See all that written in pussy hair would scare the hell out of me.  Can you imagine all the hair you would need to write that.  (shudders)  how bout a cute Mickey Mouse? lol

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19022

    rotfl ;D ;D ;D

    in reply to: ORGASM METER #44757

    I suck at the meter. I keep forgetting to hit it, so busy being lost in her to remember. ;D 😛

    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45307

    How bout a Alaskan background.  Beautiful beach sunset, or the background in the new room(city night).  The Hollywood sign background.

    in reply to: Pose Ideas. FF (and maybe some FFF) position suggestions. #44236

    I want more FF poses dang it.  I was with someone perfect and it was perfect( ;D) but it would have been nice to do MORE things.  The choices where really limited.  More foreplay, more touching, stroking, Kissing dang it. :P :P

    in reply to: Pose Ideas. Lap Dance. Pole Dance. Sit and Talk Poses #46565

    Well if we are talking pussy hair design, I want a lightening bolt. Cause its like a shot of electicity of pleasure up your spine everytime you enter. ROTFL

    ;D ;D ;D ;D

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19018

    Yup, what Adera says.

    I have a friend that refers to his ass as boi pussy.  First time he said that to me, I laughed MY “girl” pussy off.  Somethings you just have to smile, shrug you shoulders and just go with it.

    Not saying you should “GO” with it.  Cover your hands over your ass and ruunnn.  lol

    But maybe he is a hooker and you do have male hookers that do guys for the money but are really into chics.  Hell you have hetero pornstars that do gay porn cause they pay more.  I think he was offering you a free taste, hoped you might get hooked, and pay next time. Or maybe he got hooked himself, needed a fix and since it was for him to get off, hense free? lol

    in reply to: MF Pose Review – 46. Fisting: #46940

    Hell fisting is alot more than just touching, like giving birth the opposite way.  Didn't care for it the normal way so hell wouldn't care for the opposite way.  :'( :'(
    Won't stop ppl from having their own fetish but I will be looking the other way hard when they walk by me. ;D ;)

    in reply to: Owning. Getting REAL PISSED with the “owning” thing. #46233

    K, been little off my game but just read this.

    I will admit to being “owned” but not here.  I have never wanted nor cared to be “owned” by anyone.  But their are differences in “owning”. Before the guy I meet, I kept running into ppl who want to “own” me.  Control my every action, tell me who I can talk to, can't talk to, like I was to be their lil doll(fuck that shit). 

    One I found myself feeling cherished, special that something in me submitted. (Pissed me off too).  He is a Dom and the “owning” part is more of a game than anything, he did not force me.  He asked and I choice to.  He sets me NO limits whatsoever, I can do whatever I want, go wherever I want.  Its like I am a flower and can't help but turn to the sun.  Its a relationship, on trust and respect.  When we are in a room, I am his, out of the room and we are like best buds.  The rare times that I do sign on and he is there, he does not order me round at all.  He offers, after I greet him, to tp me where he is at and we talk with the friends he have round him. (Now I am waiting for one special lady to “own” the hell out of me one day  :P :P :-* :-* :-* but I always end up loosing control where she is concerned ;) ;D)

    Now the “owing” here are for little boys who want to play in the big boys games but can't.  This “owing” makes them look like they are the shit when they are shit.  Some guys think the more girls you have, makes you more of a man.  “Owing” gives you power.  They abuse, then cherish.

    Ignore them sweety.  They don't own this game, so they can't dictate how it is to be played.  Next time ask them if they are the creators and if not then go uck off cause your going to play it your way(and however you and your partner decides to play it).
    (lil devils advocate here)
    In a way relationships are a way of owning someone, if you think about it.  Marriage is samething.  That person is yours, and yours alone.  Yes you share with friends(if your not that obsessive).  But if that person should slepp with another, you would flip out. Is that not a form of owning, that that persons gentiles s yours and yours alone.  Or how bout their love, you want to be the only one in their heart.  You don't want them to love another and leave you, right? “Owning” its all in how you look at it. ;D ;D ;D ;) :- :- :-

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