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  • in reply to: New game idea, what do you think #17760

    how bout we let the the person being auctioned decide what they are willing to offer.  Lets say I was being auctioned and if you bid on me you get a normal date with a full course meal cooked by me(this is an example, I know you can't eat the damn food). 

    But if we do this then there has to be a list of ppl wanting to be auctioned an make dates an times when the auction takes place.

    First the rules has to be made.  hmmmmm.

    in reply to: Favorite Music #17366

    t.A.T.u.– All the things she said    ;)

    in reply to: Favorite Movies #18352
    in reply to: New Profile pics… Non avatar images? #19780

    I thought you weren’t suppose to hack or you’d get thrown out. Or am I imagining reading something like that? :-

    in reply to: Favorite Music #17364

    I love her and her dancing, totally miss her.  Love her music also.  Aaliyah ;D

    in reply to: Favorite Movies #18350

    I have no reason to put this on here but these chics are hot and clips are from my favorite movies.

    in reply to: Favorite TV #18598

    Awww my padiwan there much I must teach you still.  I don't have cable but you can go on the tv channel sites an watch the episodes you missed or their is this I'll message it you.  I hate spamming. ;)

    in reply to: New Profile pics… Non avatar images? #19776

    Speaking of which I saw a avatar with a different outfit on.  Nothing you can buy here.  I though I was seeing things.  So I'm really curious on how thats done.

    in reply to: The Masked Ball #17572

    Stepping from the shadows I make my way to the middle of the ball.  I lift my right hand and I snap my fingers, the light goes out.  I snap my fingers two times more an slow music that makes the hips move began to play.  Snapping my fingers three more times I'm bathed in light.  I unloosen the ties of my red silk cape, and let it fall slowly, sensously to pool at my feet. My body on display for all to see.  A tinkling sound can be heard as I step from the cape, one foot in front of the other.
    Raising my hands above my head, I began to move my hips to the beat.  My bare feet barely making a sound as I dance, only the jingling from the bells round my hips, hands and ankles are the only sound you hear.  I began to move faster as the music picked up speed.  My legs kicking out, my hips thrust forward, hands moving across my body.  Sweat began to make my skin shine as I let myself go.  The more I dance the more hot I feel, my nipples get harder, my juices began to flow.  I can't help but throw my head back an laugh, from the shear joy of the music flowing threw me. Twisting, turning I began to bend back and back the tips of my long kinky hair touching the floor.  My laughter my joy is contagious and I feel the crowd began to get even more, amourous.  But I'm not really dancing for the crowd, I'm dancing for him and for her.  For the two I trust the most with my most devious of plans.
    The music beat is faster now, my chest rising with each breath I take, the jinglings louder with each move I make, my legs straining like they are wrapped round a lovers waist.  The momentums faster, faster and I twirl in a circle the room spinning until the music stops and I find myself crouched on the floor.  My breast heaving, my arms shaking, my thighs wet from my jucies I raise my head and meet the hot gazes of my lovers. :-*

    in reply to: Books, Books, and More Books #18669

    I will say this, I LOVE the Harry Potter books and I LOVE the Twilight books.  The movies(twilight) is not as good as the books.  I was not impress with the first movie, the acting was so so.  But I'll still go see it anyway.  Just like The Avatar-The Last Air Bender,  I'm really disappointed in some of the actors he chose to play certain characters.(but when you watch a series for a long time you end up with a certain picture of how the characters are suppose to be).  I'm still going to see it because just maybe his spin on it will make the movie come alive for me.  ;)

    in reply to: Favorite TV #18596

    ;D ;)  Just started watching, just hope it doesn't comflict with my other shows in the near future.  You see the ending of TrueBlood?  OMG!!!  I knew there was some perversions out there but WTF. :-

    in reply to: Suggestions for a better AChat experience #9811

    Heres a suggestion that I know might fall on deaf ears.  RESPECT.  I know this is a sight that is basicly bout sex(totally just about sex for some) but that does not mean disrepect ppl because you can.  All the time I have spent here I have met some really cool ppl, with soul.  I have run into pain in the asses, yeah but never someone that was totally down right nasty til yesterday.  I'm not going to put guys name out there, but Dude(blank the rest of his name), if you think sending nasty ass insults to someone you have never met is going to get you in a room with them, think again.

    Sorry I just had to vent.  Now I feel like its off my shoulders.  Sometimes you just need to vent. ;D ;) ;D

    I LOVE the ignore button even more.  If only they could stay on the list even when we have to install the game again. 

    in reply to: New game idea, what do you think #17758

    I agee, just being lazy.  :P

    in reply to: Books, Books, and More Books #18667

    Its not the skinning I meant to focus on.  Its the fact she had balls to deal with the crazy shit that happen all the way up to that point.  When that happen she became the ralling point for her ppl.  She became a HERO.  Thats when she truly became my Hero.  She didn't have super powers,  what she had was human strenght and a strong ass will. ;)

    in reply to: Favorite Music #17356

    Love korn, taste good with butter an seasalt.  An yes you are Disturbed.  :P

    Falling Away From Me ;D

    Sasquatch– song Nikki
    Hooch by Everything
    Blue Oyster Cult
    Ozzy's Road to Nowhere
    Creedance Clearwater  Bad Moon Rising
    Foreigner– Hot Blooded
    Iron Butterfly– In-Gadda_Da_Vida

Viewing 15 posts - 886 through 900 (of 1,341 total)