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Your never to old to enjoy cartoons. I proud to admit it.
my smiley face is bending over an patting its ass, Kiss it Bobby. lol
I screen an I also look at their profile. Because someone has anal on it does not mean they want anal, that they might be the type to give it. Again cold screws just don't do it for me. So talking and finding out likes an dislikes might save your avatar unwanted pop goes the weasel incident
Magnum PI
cartoons, yes cartoons
Dragonball, and Dragonballz
Pee-wee play house(before the hand job)heres a really old movie that stared my fav actor. Futureworld and Western World. Love old sci-fi and horror movies. ever heard of The Brain that Wouldn't Die?
OMG, I remember that one. LMAO
No plug babes, I remember. I was thinking it would wrap around your waist, like a belly chain with a tail attached.
, and the cat eyes? Nice diamond collar with my sweety written in your birthstones?
Nickleback rocks so does, One Republic.
Love Adele, her voice is just…..
Think I mentioned Chevelle, Enya, Drake, The Flaming Lips, Indie Arie, Kings of Leon, Morris Day, Prince, No Doubt, and Saosin.K, I like the song, I Kissed A Girl. its funny cute.
That babe gave me shivers. When they found out that she was into pain had me floored. Oh an her first time, WOW. Remember the skinning part, damn I can go on and on about the books.
I never wanted her story to end. :'(
I did Lover and talk about revenge kill. Thats one guy I would never want to piss off. I'm going to use the scene where he tourtured the guy in the warehouse for when my daughters future dates(when she is old enough to date, when hell freezes over) and tell them thats there future if they don't treat her like the Queen she is.
Loved it.
Watchmen is in my collection. So is Sin City, The Spirit(was all that great but entertaining), 300, All the batmans(ALL of them), Spiderman, Wolverine Origin(love Gambit), Kill Bill, Vampire Hunter D, Ghost in the Shell, Legend(tom cruise), Never Ending Story, Princess Bride, and some really unque martial arts(love the subtitles soo much better than eng dubbed).
Janine I'm close to Achat purposal. I was addicted to that Kushial series that I almost got that Rose tat on my back. I stopped reading it when the story turned to the young boy she adopted, I just wanted her story.
Must not forget Anne Rice, ever read her Sleepin Beauty series?
Hostel. That movie was insane. There was no point except pure bloodshed. Well maybe another point was never go to a Hostel and don't trust ppl when they tell you there is a Utopia of beautiful guys/dolls so go check it out. This was one time I almost felt sorry for the victims.
Stephen King. Have you read his novel The Dragon's Eye, best fantasy book I have ever read. His Running Man was also great. I hated that they made a movie out of it. Once you read the story it made the movie look like shit. It would make a really good movie if they keep to the story and the ending might have to be changed because of 911. Love King, The Stand, TommyKnockers, Cujo, and IT. Because of IT I hate clowns, I really, really hate clowns.
One of my fav songs is called Shout. Love Disturbed and Tears for fears
Here are two versions. -