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  • in reply to: Guide to descriptive roleplaying sex #15191

    True besides I owe Bobby a very interesting room visit.  After we are done Carli I think he will offer his balls to us on keychains to keep.  This will be sooo fun, don't chicken out Bobby.  Oops sorry Bob aka the ex-ruler of Hell, Satan(I rule now babes) :P ;D

    in reply to: I relinquish my posting title to… #17660

    Besides this is more on a fun level.  Its not really a competition or anything.  This thread is not like SOMEONES who wanted to do whose better, who looks better and insult ppl who didn't agree with his ideas.  We like to laugh an have fun here.  This is another fun thing with major gab honors, really we already knew who the winner was going to be ;).  Don't think to hard just enjoy, let the force take over an lead you to our side.  8)

    in reply to: Pose Idea. Pile driver position #17428

    Actually when it comes to anal I have always been asked by the guys or they would tell me what they was going to do(giving me a chance to say yes or no to anal).  Besides I have yet to answer a cold invite, those are the ones I figure with just dip without asking. I”ll ask, because I like something does not mean the other person does.

    in reply to: New game idea, what do you think #17745

    Thanks guys, that why I asked for your input.  I was worried that some might consider this game as prostitution thats why I didn't want to use real A$s an no sex in the room.  But i'll think real hard on the pb.

    in reply to: New game idea, what do you think #17738

    k, i wanted to know what ppl thought of the idea of it before I put more effort into it. I notice some ideas don't last long.  I know some might be thinking prositution, so I wanted your input first.  So if you think its a cool idea then we can start setting up the rules.  I want this to be fun, so I want everyones ideas also, it can help with the planning an making of the rules.  K?

    Anyway if someone don't go in the room why are they playing.  Again going to the room DOESN”T MEAN SEX.  Its more get to chat an know the one your interested in.  As far as I am concerned if you don't want to go in a room an chat you don't have to but if your doing it to be ansty an cruel you can't play in any other reindeer games(only for the ppl who are trying to be mean).  But if you don't feel comfortable with someone, just say so an you can ask for the next highest bidder. 
    Again if you think worth making a effort of trying out an auction, just vote an we all can work out the details later.  Team effort on this one ppl. :P ;D

    in reply to: Pose Idea. Pile driver position #17424

    ALoverV did I say thank you for that site.  Screw anal(love it) I want my damn boob an nipple play.  Its like these guys here just don't touch the boobs.  I really can't take it anymore, some of these positions are easy for a guy/girl to lean over an suck, or fondle the breast. 
    Anyway back to anal, why can't either one of us choose to do anal, either the guy can do it only or the girl.  Really you can't offer it an just stop, its like trying to take drugs from an addict(that sooo won't go over well). 

    in reply to: Favorite Music #17298

    I know this has nothing to do with the topic but I'm bored an I was having a 80's movie marathon(hanging my head down in shame).  Anyhooo I love The Breakfast Club, SomeKind of Wonderful and Sixteen Candles oh an the Legend of Billie Jean.  Yeah I said. :P

    in reply to: Should Non-Members play with Premium Members? #17123

    i think we should have something just for the members, thats what being a member is all about. We are paying for perks.  But if we have a place just for VIPs should our friends on our list(who might not be members also) be able to enter the area without a invite, until they get removed from the list.  Unless you think that will cause more non-members to try to pimp themselves out to get on a members list? or It just might make them pay for membership, kinda make you go hmmmmmm? :-

    in reply to: Soapbox: Do’s and Don’ts on finding playmates. #17733

    Oh I had that issue with guys that say “homo”.  Suprised the hell out of me.  I had to keep asking them if they understand that I am a woman an if they made a mistake in putting homo as their orientation.  Forgive me if I offend but I always thought the female body was really repulsive to the pure “male homo” population.  To me if you can go in a room with a woman then your not homo, but thats a whole other debate and I sooo don't want to go into that. 
    I have never had the clicking fest pb, when it come to sex.  I have lucked out with my lovers an friends, thank G.  But you are right about the conversation should not end.  I have been in rooms with ppl an we just played around with the foreplay buttons an made crazy comments with each.  Going in the room doesn't always have to be about sex.  You can joke around with the positions an foreplay like you would if you was in person.  I like to play an laugh sometimes before we get down to really playing. ;D

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #10969

    Oh horsey I have all the patience in the world.  So what color do you want to be Bear, I really like the Pintos, but I'll be nice an let you choose this time. An for you innocent ppl, this is what a “pony” would look like, LOL.

    in reply to: More Sensual, Foreplay and Afterplay Poses. #17698

    Now that sounds nice an i can run my fingers threw your hair, hmmmm. 🙂

    in reply to: Guide to descriptive roleplaying sex #15188

    Please Janine, I thought we had something special an you would curse me with a life of marriage with a (gasp, hand to throat) MAN.  Ummm I'm kind of sexist, Men are cute to have on your arms, to pet an give little gifts to, an to screw an send them on home with a smile.  But marriage, unless they can be barefoot and preggers in the kitchen or very easy to control never.(Joking guys, don't send me any hate mail, LOL). ;D

    Anyway Bobby offers but I think he'll run away in the end.  C and I will just be too much for him to handle.  We will call you when he skips town and see if you can handle us ;)

    in reply to: Erotic sound contribution appeal #12207

    True that, true that.  I am a very private person, I don't do pics or anything else.  But chatting, if I see you as a friend I would like to chat, basicly to shoot the breeze, not to moan and groan.  But like I said before its always up to you to decide how far you will go with things an with who.  Never ever feel like you have to go with the flow, free will is a beautiful thing.  Chatting, voicing is an options, always an option. ;) ;D

    in reply to: Soapbox: Do’s and Don’ts on finding playmates. #17730

    I do believe I said bitch away babes. You go sweety.

    Anyway think, please think before you text someone.  Starting off your greeting with insults is not a way to a positive ending, for you.  Treat ppl how you want to be treated, unless your kink is getting insulted an abused, talk to the person first to see if thats what they are into also.  Just don't assume that everyone likes what you like.  Communication makes the world move smoothly.  Respect makes the world smile.  Kindness an understanding, an a sense of humor gets you friends.  ;)

    in reply to: More Sensual, Foreplay and Afterplay Poses. #17696

    I have voiced my thoughts on this before. I like foreplay before an a little cuddling, soft petting after. Honestly there are times that after my orgasm I sooo don’t want to be touched, its just my entire body be feeling that sensitive. So a nice relaxing cool down pose with us just facing one another on our sides, just looking at each other would be nice also. 🙂

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