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  • in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #10908

    I would like more jewlery options and pasties.  The jewlery really need to be improve, it looks painted on like the tattoos.  A belly chain would be sweet.  Maybe some piecings, like nose, tongue, eyebrow, nipple, the navel and the genitals.    Some more ear rings or bracelets.  I love the Celtic slave bracelets( rings attached to the bracelets by a thin chain).  How bout toe rings, or arm bands.  Just in case you can't see the pics, go here and you will see what i am talking about.  (they even have the harem jewlery you so love Bobby for you to look at– , , don't say i never gave you anything   ;D,default,pd.html?cgid=sh14&  (ok i was really bored today)

    in reply to: Update today #15709

    I', going to post this where ever I can, so I can make my dream come true.  More 3somes please, there are so many more positions left you barely scratch the surface.  Add 4somes please.  DP is a must.  I want DP.  ;D

    in reply to: MF Pose Review. 10. Licking from behind #13895

    I like when he grabs my ass and squeeze when he licks me. Ass grabbing/squeezing is a must, it helps make the world go round.


    in reply to: Rate increases and Achat’s Premium Membership. #15400

    This feels like deja’ vu :-

    I understand where you are coming from Diana, about keeping our purchases after our prescribtion runs out. You use real money to purchase A$ to purchase Outfits/Poses. Now I will still have to buy a new prescribtion anyway if I want the new Os/Ps that Achat puts out.
    As for the prices I really can’t complain, have you seen some of the other sites prices? OMG they ask for an arm and leg, then they want your first born, Achat is cheap. One site charges 19.99 for a trial run(3days), 39.99 for month, 69.99 for three months. Another one charge you 19.99 a month and one way to earn money is to whore yourself out man or woman walk the streets. They rent personal space apartments, the really good apartments rent are high as hell, you have to lay on your back 24/7 to pay the monthly rent. So I’m not going to complain about Achat prices.

    Now for the problem with whores, don’t pay for it, Duh. They can ask for A$ till hell freezes over and they still won’t get jackshit from me. It does not bother me at all because I don’t pay them no mind. You spread your legs for fake greenback then you have low self esteem and I only deal with the strong, sexy, funny, smart women/men that have a mind of their own and know their self worth. I say this again they are not going to go away, whoring is a old profession and its here to stay so just say NO and ignore the hell out of them like I do. There are plenty of ppl out there who are looking for a good time without needing to be paid to fake it. Leave the poor whores alone, if you think about it they are doing us a favor, they are taking the weak out the picture for us. Admit it there are some guys/girls out there whose personalities are so bad the only way they can get fucked/fake friends is to pay for it. 😛

    I also think guys should be gifted. Hell I would like to pamper my little boy toys from time to time. Besides fair is fair. Also it would piss off the whores. They ask to be gifted and the guy will say,” hell no you want a fuck you have to gift me,” right back at them. That just might lessen your whore pb.

    in reply to: Game ideas. Sound Effects & Music for the Rooms #16886

    well i do use a mic sometimes. have you ever tried yahoo messenger with the mic option. only works if you want to add the person to your friends list. it works for me right now, good idea tho. 😉

    in reply to: Suggestions for a better AChat experience #9744

    How bout adding incest to the list.  I'm tired of ppl asking me to play their mother or sister.  I don't do incest at all and I'm tired of saying no.  I had this one guy who was determine to get me to have him play my son.  ewwww hell no.  I know we have the ignore list but I want something that will save me 5sec of important seconds of my life from having to click ignore.  I want something to show NO I AM NOT INTO INCEST and no I do not like to play underage rp, sorry no.  Just a little suggestion.    :'(

    in reply to: Poses revamp and upgrade #16867

    Bobby you have such a dirty mind, good guess tho, 😮 strawberries are sweet, but blueberries and rasberries you really have to such for those. : 🙂 😛

    in reply to: Suggestions for a better AChat experience #9742

    How bout we make it even more easier.  How bout rooms with themes, BDSM room, Everything goes room, Romantic Room, Meet and Greet room.
    And their could be outfits to show where your interest lay.  For example, T-shirts for the BDSM room– slave( shirt and collar),  or ppl just curious bout the the scene vistor shirt(voyager).    Or we can just have our own rooms and have parties that fit our lifestyle, it could be an open or close party.  You send out invitations that sets the rules and you will be able to kick any unwanted visitors out.  No one can break the rules because you can set the perameter of what can and can not happen in your room.  For example your party is just meet/ greet with ppl of like mind so you go into your personal settings and you check off no sex, so no one can have sex at the party.  HMMM, it sounded easier in my head.  :P

    in reply to: Poses revamp and upgrade #16857

    Oh I’m a chocolate/whip cream lover. Let the chocolate melt in my favorite place and top it off with wonderful topppings then whipcream with a cherry on top(have to add extra cream for the cherry to stay on) and you have yourself a feast. Thats what I have learned in my research, andI have tried other toppings like- peanut butter/jelly, ice cream(poor test subject), carame(sticky)l

    ;D, and I have even tried the ice method with very good results. You can’t call yourself a scientist if your not willing to experiment and get dirty.

    Thanks for the info, I’m not a banana lover(sad but true) so I was curious. hehe
    Have you tried the flavored ice pop method?

    in reply to: Thanks to the A-Team #10185

    Grab what you want.  Lets all be happy.  I think the next position is going to be standing or ff one, who wants to bet?   ::) 8)
    well thank goodness no one took me up on that bet. but couldn't that have been part of the cowgirl reverse move?

    in reply to: Guide to descriptive roleplaying sex #15153

    Damn Bear, you just made me realize i'm lacking a romantic side.  Like the idea.  ;D

    in reply to: Game Idea. Spoken languages in Profile. #16895

    I agree with you sista, and I saw what you was talking bout.  You do have a good idea but Lover said it way better than I did.  ::)

    in reply to: Suggestions for a better AChat experience #9734

    Well I say don't stop suggesting it, let them know that we really want it.  If we show major interest the A-Team might here us and we get our lounge.

    in reply to: Poses revamp and upgrade #16859

    what they need is to upgrade the foreplay poses, cause thats not foreplay.  I thought foreplay was nipple play for both parties, kissing anywhere, fondling in all the right places, you know things that get you wet/hard, maybe tinkling, and women should have the kissing suggestion too.  Love all those Lover(booty massage is a must) and Charista your idea sooo has my vote. One question Lover–how you going to use the bananas, fruit salad, or is it peeled(just asking for scientific research)?

    in reply to: Thanks to the A-Team #10188

    Fine, how bout nipple play for everybody.  I want to lick a guys/girls boobs when i'm doing them.  Hell I want them to do the same. When you have sex your partner does not 99.9%  be touching their boobs.  But thats another topic,  so Thanks again A-Team. Oh and I can't wait for them to make this for ff because I really like to try the spanking on someone(and she know who she is) ;D

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