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Tron was good, but it could have been epic.
Goin to go see Tron now, let you know how it is when I get back. That is if I don't pass out from this freaking cold.
Finally finally your falling deeper and deeper. Luke take my had and we shall bring the Empire down, the Darkside shall RULE.
I think what annoys me more is the fact that they want to do it ALL the time. Nothing different, just that same talk. Doing same rp over and over is just ahhhhhhh. I”m getting to the point that I'm like the porn star on the bed looking at the ceiling saying crappy lines, rolls her eyes and your know she thinking “Are you done yet”.
I'm so close to hitting the next person that says that line. I find it annoying even when black guys say it. I think I just need a vacation from them, when you have to much of something it can get stale.
You know what role playing that annoys the hell out of me more than anything….The Color Role Play.
I have run into guys that say they love Black Woman and can they be my friend. Their sex consist of “you want this white cock in that black pussy don't you?” aaaand cut scene. To have to do that it just turns me off
. I have a friend that likes to do it ALL the TIME. Really if it wasn't for him being cool outside the room, sheech.
I know everyone has certain things that attract them to others but damn, that is so boring. I don't see color when I room. I'll be honest and say seeing a different color against me is sex as hell, but thats it. This may come of wrg and I'm sorry if it does but “a cock is a cock, a pussy is a pussy no matter what color it is, its the person that makes it unique”
December 16, 2010 at 7:58 am in reply to: FF. Pose Review Request. 15. Foreplay – Lying on the bed. #46164As soon as I saw it, I knew you would reply Sweety. And you said it, so I don’t need to comment but smile and nod at you. Oh an drag your ass into a room to check it out. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
ummm isn't this weeks old and yet you still replied bobbycakes. :-* :-* :-*
But its stil hot or is it just me that I think its still hot. Man going to have to get The GOod, The Bad and The Ugly. LOL
Well they need to be clear on the age play(ewww). I have had ppl wanting me to play their mommy(ewww) or wanting to be mines(ewww). You have ppl who will say they ARE underage and if you want to play with them. Had one tell me something like that along time ago and I used the report button on them. I use to just block them, now with the button I can report.
Why don't they do a age verification, like SL does. You have to use your states ID or drivers ID to be able to do and go certain places on the site.
Hey its not like it was for the lack of trying. You intimidate me, *runs behind the sliegh and peeks out*
N no worries, you did say you rl things to do and THAT I totally understand
:'( :'( :'( laying my head on your shoulder, feeling your arms wrap round me. ( I can feel your body shaking trying not to laugh but going to ignore that since you feel so warm)
WTF Santa ain't REAL? OMG :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( I always thought the pervs were his stand in. :'( :'( :'( :'(Oh I will be there kicking ppl out my way to see Tron. Always had a crush on him and he still looks good as a old man. Like Sean Connery, purrrrr.
Yes I know they are old Adera, but still so damn cute.
@ Santa Bear
*Pout* Damn and I had a long list too. ROTFL Man I never get what I want for XMAs(kicks a pebble and walks off into the cold lonely night)