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  • in reply to: What turns you off in chatting? #65393

    Yesterday a guy said something kinda like this to me “We should room, you look horny”… who is he to tell me that I look horny!? If he wants to room with me he should try and make me interested, not tell me so.

    lol…..that's damn stupid thing to say…….or maybe it's he's best approach, lol!

    Rukya, most people don't read profile cause they probably mean it's useless….isn't it pathetic!? well, if one of the guys i had room with at last get mad cause i'm not a shemale is their problem…..they don't want to read!   :P

    This happens to me a lot D:

    They fail to read, we room, and then I role play being a guy in women's clothing and they flee. Oh god do they flee! As cruel as it is, it's also rather humorous. :D

    in reply to: What turns you off in chatting? #65378

    There's two things that i've found that really turn me off. Well, two things that i'm not willing to overlook anyway.

    First is people not reading my profile, then making assumptions about me or some really ignorant comment which could have easily been avoided if they did read it.

    Second is something that's just. Bleugh. Three times now I've had people ask me, If I would like to take part in a Rape role play. Errr… What? Now I clarified this with them and one did admit he was wrong and it was mind break/forced sex he wanted. But the other two. Nope! Well that's not a buzz kill or anything, being offered to not enjoy yourself. Just, what?

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #67149

    Wearing a simple black T shirt and a blue denim skirt, that's just long enough to cover the top of my dark stockings, I move a lock of brown hair off my glasses and look round a little confused. I almost decide to just go back home but instead wander over to the bar, looking the place over. Once at the bar I take a small hand mirror out of my handbag and check over my hair and makeup, occasionally looking up and down the bar at what to have to drink.

    Now that i'm here I might as well enjoy myself a little, arching my back to show off my bum and small breasts as I lean against the bar I look round for the bartender.  Almost in a nervous way I ask in a slightly deep but feminine voice, “Ex-Excuse me? Can i get a bottle of cider? And a glass?”

    Drink in hand I mostly keep to myself, looking round occasionally at the other patrons, dipping one knee to give my hips a slight tilt and make me look a little shorter.

    in reply to: Sissy_Claire. Hi all! #79020

    Thanks everyone. Frankly it just means the world to me that i can be somewhere and be honest about myself and what I enjoy!

    in reply to: Sissy_Claire. Hi all! #79016

    Thanks guys! i'll be keeping an eye about the forums ^__^ probably the stories area, I love E-RP and erotica.

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