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  • in reply to: Songs for a Slutpuppy #168083


      in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109662


        in reply to: Music. Sliding Into The Covers #166876


                                                                    Original : The Crickets  1960

          in reply to: Thought for the day! #158311

            If you look up into the sky this evening, and the sky is clear enough, you should be able to view the planet Mars and  a cluster of stars known as The Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, in their closest conjuction since 1991.
            The two won't be near this close again until 2036.

            No matter where you live worldwide, look for Mars and the Pleiades at nightfall and early evening, for that’s when the twosome is highest up for the night. Mars and the Pleiades sink westward as evening deepens into late night, so it might be best to spot the close encounter at early evening. The celestial couple stays out until around midnight at mid-northern latitudes, or mid-evening at temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere.

            Abhijit Patil caught red Mars and the dipper-shaped Pleiades star cluster – aka the Seven Sisters – on April 1, 2019.

            The Pleiades is easy to recognize with its diminutive size and dipper-like shape.
            To locate the Pleiades, look for three medium-bright stars in a short, straight row: the easy-to-spot Belt of Orion, the Hunter. You can star-hop from Orion’s Belt stars – through Aldebaran – to Mars and the Pleiades.
            It’s easy to distinguish Mars from Aldebaran, by the way, despite the similarity between the planet and star in color and brightness. That’s because the red “star” appearing much closer to the Pleiades star cluster is none other than Mars.


            If you have binoculars Mars and the Pleiades cluster should fit within a binocular field for at least several days, if not close to a week. If you’ve never viewed the Pleiades cluster through binoculars, you’re missing out on one of the sky’s most magnificent treasures. Most people can see six Pleiades stars with the eye alone, but binoculars dramatically increase the number of Pleiades stars that you can see.

                                                                    HAPPY STARGAZING

            in reply to: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE GAME? #163846

              I'd like to see the amount of “scenes” or “poses” however you choose to call them, being spread across all genders/orientations far more equally than they are at present.
              I realise this has been raised many times before, but is, I feel, worth mentioning so long as there is such a glaring disparity in the provision of poses for all.

              I took a quick look through the poses available in the in-game shop and came up with the figures below.
              They possibly aren't totally accurate, I may have miscounted slightly (with the exception of FF poses…there are no poses available for me to purchase, so I must have them all) but the figures can't be too inaccurate, and I think speak for themselves.

              MF  :  185 poses
              MS  :  108 poses
              MM  :  18 poses
              FF  :  79 poses
              FS  :  75 poses
              SS  :  30 poses

              Considering how often this has been brought up in the past I'm surprised more hasn't been done to redress the imbalances.

              in reply to: Forum Game. What Comes Next? #169535

                You had me stumped there for a while.
                I was thinking it was “My Way”, but even looking online I couldn't match the words…

                …To bear with unbearable sorrow
                To run where the brave dare not go

                “The Impossible Dream”  :  Frank Sinatra

                Next up…

                And I'm black rainbow
                And I'm an ape of god…

                in reply to: Original Limericks #169237

                  No. 39

                  My friend Sam has a dog he calls Tilly
                  Who he says does behave rather silly
                  For despite her small size
                  She jumps up to his thighs
                  And buries her teeth in his willy

                  in reply to: Songs for a Slutpuppy #168082

                    To paraphrase one of the comments on this song on yoochoob……
                    The Devil may well have gone down to Georgia and had his ass kicked.
                    But if he came here he'd be no more than a greasy stain left on the flloor.

                    Florian Cristea (Violin), Richard Smith (Acoustic Guitar), Bina Coquet (Acoustic Guitar), Nando Vicencio (Bass)and José (Rhythm Guitar)

                                                              Paganini…in Gypsy Jazz Style



                    in reply to: Things that make you go "mmmmmmmmmm" #166209

                                                        mmmmmmMess……of the Eton variety

                      in reply to: Forum Game. WHAT IF? MUSIC GAME #155251

                                                          What if… everyone wants to be a dawg?
                                      Or a guinea pig?  Or a horse? Or a lil bunnyjumper???

                                                                              Hot Club Du Nax
                                                              Everybody Wants To Be A Cat



                        in reply to: Funny Finds #23842


                          This thread in the section “Everything About Sex And Love/Finding Love”……very amusing.
                          Just demonstrates how difficult it is to judge someone from simply a “textual” viewpoint without all the little nuances and clues that are picked up in an actual vocal 'face to face' conversation.

                          in reply to: Vocabulary word of the day #143335


                            in reply to: Songs for a Slutpuppy #168081


                              in reply to: CRY HAVOC ! And let slip the tunes…… #168172

                                                                                                    Bomba Estéreo
                                                                                              El Alma y el Cuerpo



                                in reply to: Wisdom of the day #149845

                                  It's better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.
                                  Elizabeth Kenny

                                  Sister Elizabeth Kenny was a self-trained Australian bush nurse who in 1911 developed a controversial new approach for treating victims of poliomyelitis.
                                  Her methods of muscle rehabilitation became the foundation of physical therapy, or physiotherapy.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 931 total)