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  • in reply to: Music. Sliding Into The Covers #166874


    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109660




    in reply to: Favourite Pomes #168706

                                                          (Song of Darraðar)



    From the Icelandic Njal's Saga.
    A man called Darraðar has a vision:
    Twelve Valkyries are weaving the fate of an ongoing battle on a grisly loom…

                                                  Blood rains from the cloudy web
                                                  On the broad loom of slaughter.
                                                  The web of man grey as armour
                                                  Is now being woven; the Valkyries
                                                  Will cross it with a crimson weft.

                                                  The warp is made of human entrails;
                                                  Human heads are used as heddle-weights;
                                                  The heddle rods are blood-wet spears;
                                                  The shafts are iron-bound and arrows are the shuttles.
                                                  With swords we will weave this web of battle.

                                                  The Valkyries go weaving with drawn swords,
                                                  Hildr and Hjörþrimul, Sangríðr and Svipul.
                                                  Spears will shatter shields will splinter,
                                                  Swords will gnaw like wolves through armour.

                                                  Let us now wind the web of war
                                                  Which the young king once waged.
                                                  Let us advance and wade through the ranks,
                                                  Where friends of ours are exchanging blows.

                                                  Let us now wind the web of war
                                                  And then follow the king to battle
                                                  Gunnr and Göndul can see there
                                                  The blood-spattered shields that guarded the king.

                                                  Let us now wind the web of war
                                                  Where the sacred banner is forging forward
                                                  Let his life not be taken;
                                                  Only the Valkyries can choose the slain.

                                                Lands will be ruled by new peoples
                                                Who once inhabited outlying headlands.
                                                We pronounce a great king destined to die;
                                                Now an earl is felled by spears.

                                                The men of Ireland will suffer a grief
                                                That will never grow old in the minds of men.
                                                The web is now woven and the battlefield reddened;
                                                The news of disaster will spread through lands.

                                                It is horrible now to look around
                                                As a blood-red cloud darkens the sky.
                                                The heavens are stained with the blood of men,
                                                As the Valkyries sing their song.

                                                We sang well victory songs
                                                For the young king; hail to our singing!
                                                Let him who listens to our Valkyrie song
                                                Learn it well and tell it to others.

                                                Let us ride our horses hard on bare backs,
                                                With swords unsheathed away from here!

    …”And then they tore the woven cloth from the loom and ripped it to pieces,
    each keeping the shred she held in her hands…
    The women mounted their horses and rode away, six to the south and six to the north.”


    With thanks to Michaela Macha and her brilliant website.

    in reply to: Thought for the day! #158309

    “Just erotic. Nothing kinky.
    It's the difference between using a feather and using a chicken.”

    Terry Pratchett  'Eric'

    in reply to: The Campervan of Doom #168222

    This guy has given most of his life to natural history
    but doesn't know when to stop … I am sick of his voice
    forever on the tv as if it is a permanent soundtrack
    to my life.  Please Mr Attenborough retire, you are 94
    with respect, it's what older people do .. either that or get in the van !
    (Can't be fairer than that, can I ? )


    It's not all that often we disagree, but I have to on this occasion.
    He's done so much to raise awareness of and promote interest in not only the wonders of the more sensible species on our planet (the one's happy to co-exist with it, not destroy it) but has also become synonymous with many organisations doing so much great work to encourage education and interest in our world.
    I'd like to unbuckle his seatbelt and take him for a coffee and listen to some of the amazing stories he must have by the thousand.

    in reply to: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE GAME? #163842

    Could you send back that ten grand then please DD?
    I sent it to you ages ago, but it was never acknowledged because I think you were busy chatting to someone else……  ::)

    Seriously though.
    I sort of agree. It would be nice to perhaps click a button marked 'Disable Gifts' and that would be that.
    Although as time has gone by here my view on the subject has changed.
    I used to send the amount back to the person straightaway.
    Now I keep it.
    If they're fool enough to throw money at random strangers then they obviously have too much of it.

    See you soon

    in reply to: Forum Game. WHAT IF? MUSIC GAME #155249

        What if the belt snapped and his trousers ended up around his ankles?

                                              BooBoo Got His Black Belt

    in reply to: Music. What I’m listening to… #162766

                                                          My Little Pony
                                                  Friendship Is Magic



    in reply to: Joke of the Day #157734

    A dyslexic man walked into a bra

    in reply to: Vocabulary word of the day #143333


    in reply to: CRY HAVOC ! And let slip the tunes…… #168171

                                                                        Mdou Moctar



    Mahamadou Souleymane, known better by his professional name 'Mdou Moctar', is a Tuareg musician and songwriter from the small village of Tchintabaraden in Niger.
    After hearing artists such as Abdallah Oumbadougou, one of the founders of the  Ishumar genre of the desert blues (or Assouf), a guitar-driven, politically conscious musical genre of the Kel Tamasheq people of North Africa's Sahara region.
    Growing up in an area where secular music was all but prohibited, he taught himself to play on a homemade guitar cobbled together out of wood he found and an old bicycle cable, which he untwisted to make the strings.
    He quickly became a star amongst the village youth and, in a surprising turn, his songs began to win over local religious leaders with their lyrics of respect, honor, and tradition.
    His unconventional interpretations of Tuareg guitar have pushed him to the forefront of a crowded scene of Saharan music.

    His first album, 'Anar', was recorded in Sokoto, Nigeria, in 2008, featuring “spaced-out” autotuned vocals and demonstrating influences from Hausa music. (The Hausa are one of the largest ethnic groups in Nigeria, Niger, Ghana, Sudan, Cameroon and many West and Central African countries).
    Speaking in an interview of his first realising the interest of an audience outside of the Saharan region, Moctar said in late 2014: “I first met him (Christopher Kirkley of Sahel Sounds) on the mobile phone as he had called me…It was a weird conversation, as I thought my cousin was pulling a joke on me so I hung up. This American guy calling me, saying he wanted to work with me for my music, it just couldn’t be real. He called me again and we talked. He came to visit me in my village and also sent me a lefthanded guitar, which is very hard to find in Niger. This guitar has crossed several African countries to arrive in my hands, I have been playing it ever since!”

    in reply to: Wisdom of the day #149841


    in reply to: Bought clothing not all at the top of the menus #169513

    I checked less than 2 minutes ago and the already purchased and 'To Buy' items are mixed together.

    in reply to: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE GAME? #163838

    Something original that isn't pulled from the web would seem to express similar sentiments far better. In my own opinion, that is.

    Don't allow yourself to be condescended to…raise your point and your voice.
    Talk to people, but talk from your own standpoint…don't have theirs forced upon you.
    Respect is won by those that deserve it and is a gift that must be earned, not expected.

    What a very sad world it would be if we all espoused the same viewpoints and were too concerned with others' opinion of ourselves that we didn't have the courage to express ourselves freely and fully, but became bogged down in a morass of sugary artificial sweetness, afraid to have a differing opinion to the masses or those that can shout loudest simply to 'fit in'.

    in reply to: Thought for the day! #158305


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