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  • in reply to: Quote of The Day #164728


    in reply to: Songs for a Slutpuppy #168077

                                                                    Charles Bradley
                                                                Why Is It So Hard



    in reply to: Music. Sliding Into The Covers #166869

                                                                  Nili Brosh
                                                          Cliffs Of Dover
                                                                  (Eric Johnson)



    in reply to: Art For Art’s Sake #169319

    The pendant pictured below is similar to one that I have and is of a style of Viking art called 'Jellinge', named for the animal decoration found on a cup in the burial mound of King Gorm from approx. AD 958.
    The Jellinge style is characterised by S-shaped animals with their heads in profile and with ribbon-shaped bodies, spiral hips, “pigtails” and curling upper lips.


    in reply to: Music. The Studio Of Shame. #168887

    All you need do is listen to the song and watch the vidjo…if you make it past 1:00 on the timer you are in need of either a Medal for Perseverance or a hearing aid.

                                          Tay Zonday
                                      Chocolate Rain



    in reply to: Forum Game: 3 words game #127098

                            eyes ever scanning


    in reply to: Forum Game. WHAT IF? MUSIC GAME #155240

                                                  The Jam
           Down In The Tube Station At Midnight


              What if the Underground were closed and you had to go to the Bus station?

    in reply to: Original Limericks #169217

    No. 18

    My friend here at Achat called Kelly
    Has boobies that wobble like jelly
    And so tight is her bum
    That it sounds like a drum
    When hit with my trusty shillelagh

    in reply to: Music Association Game #41961

                                        Blind Melon



    in reply to: Quiz : Movie And Music Titles (originally started by Lover) #166039


    Hiya hun
    Lover's original post stated a quote from a song or movie…but I think we can forgive you as it could be considered a new topic.
    (Next time, though….CBT for a week ;))

    Going to keep this one fairly simple (I hope).
    Just some lines from a song written about the 1927 Mississippi River flood.
    The original was written in 1929, but the most famous reworking of the song was made in 1971.
    My favourite version is by a 4 piece female Zeppelin tribute band and was recorded in 2013. I have made reference to them at least once in this forum, may even have referenced the very same track.

    Don't it make you feel bad
    When you're tryin' to find your way home
    You don't know which way to go?

    If you're goin' down South
    They got no work to do
    If you're going down to Chicago

    in reply to: The Campervan of Doom #168214

    Smarmy, unctious, arrogant, rat faced quizling Anne Robinson.
    A thoroughly detestable person.
    Strap her to the roof rack and start up that engine……


    in reply to: Funny Finds #23832


    in reply to: Original Limericks #169214

    No. 16

    When recently shopping in Waitrose
    A sweet perfume invaded my nose
    I looked all around
    And guess what I found?
    Right behind me was Lydiarose

    in reply to: Music. What I’m listening to… #162751

            Sopor Aeturnus And The Ensemble Of Shadows
                                  A Strange Thing To Say



                                            I know it must seem to you like the strangest thing to say
                                                    but in the winter of his presence I've always felt warm and safe.
                                                    I always knew no skirt no suit would ever bother me
                                                    as long as he is present, as long as this man stayed close to me.

                                                    I do like his company, I enjoy it, in fact
                                                    he's the only human friend that I ever had
                                                    which is quite ironic, 'cause he's mostly occupied
                                                    by the methods that exist to blow out people's lights …

                                                    I wouldn't be surprised at all
                                                    if someday I found out
                                                    that he had thoroughly checked on my life
                                                    and on my background
                                                    and confidently reconfirmed
                                                    by the things he didn't find
                                                    he then granted me access to a small part
                                                    of his secret life …

                                                    I know it must seem to you
                                                    like the strangest thing to say
                                                    but in the winter of his presence
                                                    I've always felt warm and safe …
                                                    I never had to worry though, it can't give me the chills
                                                    because, you see, men are the only species that he kills.
                                                    Oh, that's why I love his company, quite enjoy it, in fact
                                                    he is the only human friend that I ever had.

                                                    I rarely ponder on him
                                                    in the wayward hours of the day
                                                    but am surprised at my own delight
                                                    I find in seeing him again.
                                                    White shirt, black tie, exquisite twine
                                                    I'm brewing tea, he's having wine.
                                                    It's quite seductive, if it's right
                                                    the perfect way to spend the night …

                                                    I do like his company, quite enjoy it, in fact
                                                    he's the only human friend that I ever had
                                                    which is quite ironic, 'cause he's mostly occupied
                                                    by the methods that exist to blow out people's lights …
                                                    I never had to worry though, it can't give me the chills
                                                    because, you see, men are the only species that he kills.
                                                    Oh, that's why I love his company, quite enjoy it, in fact
                                                    he is the only human friend that I ever had.

                                                    Each act performed is like a ballet, a prayer, precise and acute.
                                                    Oh, how I do admire such perfect business-like attitude
                                                    both in style and execution, virtuously immaculate …-
                                                    and flawlessly equated to the savage fee that he has set.
                                                    Built just like the idea of an athlete, my champion of sorts.
                                                    His price is one that only broken hearts are willing to afford.
                                                    Death is always quite disastrous, messy, common and obscene
                                                    but in the golden hour when he leaves all is stainless, all is clean …

                                                    I do like his company, quite enjoy it, in fact
                                                    he's the only human friend that I ever had
                                                    which is quite ironic, 'cause he's mostly occupied
                                                    by the methods that exist to blow out people's lights …
                                                    I never had to worry though, it can't give me the chills
                                                    because, you see, men are the only species that he kills.
                                                    Oh, that's why I love his company, quite enjoy it, in fact
                                                    he is the only human friend that I ever had.

                                                    If I, one day, might also decide to need
                                                    this special kind of service that this man provides
                                                    oh, I will pray that my fate kindly agrees to the plot
                                                    and sends someone like this man to come and finish the job.
                                                    Because I just cannot bear the foul and blasphemous thought
                                                    that involves getting slain by some filthy amateur's hands.
                                                    I know it must seem to you like the strangest thing to say
                                                    but in the coldness of his presence, I've always felt most warm and safe.

                                                    I know that you must surely think me mad
                                                    but he's the most human friend that I ever had …

    in reply to: Group Pose ideas – 3 people & plus. MMF. MFS. MFF. #79595

    In agreement with you DD…maybe even some “fixed” seating and tables in the meeting places that avatars could interact with.  Many  other sites have this feature and I believe it would be very popular. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, just somewhere a group can sit and chat. Though I still think the very often unused space in Amsterdam could be made into some kind of Café/Bar with pavement seating…get rid of a couple of the cars & non-usable benches and install some interactive furniture in it's place. The vast majority of people congregate around the entry point and sometimes create a “traffic jam”, so encouraging use of all that empty space would reduce that.

Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 931 total)