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  • in reply to: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE GAME? #163823

    I don't 'room' and haven't for a long, long time.
    But I have to say I've never experienced any problems in public.
    Maybe it's a connectivity problem on your end, Boo, rather than the Achat servers?
    Just a thought…I've no knowledge of these things, but can only speak from my own experience.
    I know before my friend here had her broadband upgraded she used to have lots of problems running Achat.

    Hope it gets worked out anyway, whatever the issue.


    in reply to: Happy Valentine’s Day To All 1 #144813

    It’s almost here again……Valentine’s, or Saint Valentine’s, Day.
    But where did it all start and why?
    Here’s a little something I wrote that will hopefully be of interest to all you lovestruck romantics out there.

    Valentine’s Day may well have it’s origins in an ancient Roman festival called the Lupercalia, which was held each year on the 15th of February.
    The origins of this festival aren’t clear, though scholars believe it may, from the likely derivation of the name from the Latin lupus or “wolf”, have stemmed from a ritual to protect flocks and herds from wolves, or possibly in connection with the She-Wolf of Roman mythology who suckled Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome.

    Saint Gelasius the First, born in Rome of African descent, was Pope from 492 to 496 CE.
    One of his acts whilst Pope was to change the Roman pagan festival of Lupercalia to Candlemas (officially titled The Presentation Of The Lord) in the year 494, which is still celebrated by the Roman Catholic Church on February 2nd.
    The 14th of February was chosen by Gelasius to honour Saint Valentine of Rome, who died on that day in AD 269.

    The first recorded evidence of Saint Valentine’s Day being associated with romantic love is from 1382 in a work by Geoffrey Chaucer entitled “Parliament Of Fowls”, based upon a ‘dream vision” of a parliament whereby birds would choose their mates, in honour of the engagement of two fifteen year olds : Richard II of England and Anne of Bohemia.
    Both the Middle English in which Chaucer wrote and a modern English translation follow :

    For this was on seynt Volantynys day
    Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make
    Of euery kynde that men thinke may
    And that so heuge a noyse gan they make
    That erthe & eyr & tre & euery lake
    So ful was that onethe was there space
    For me to stonde, so ful was al the place

    For this was on Saint Valentine's Day
    When every bird comes there to choose his match
    (Of every kind that men may think of!),
    And that so huge a noise they began to make
    That earth and air and tree and every lake
    Was so full, that not easily was there space
    For me to stand—so full was all the place

    The earliest surviving valentine is from the 15th century composed by Charles, Duke of Orléans for his wife, here translated from the original French :

    I am already sick of love,
    My very gentle Valentine,
    Since for me you were born too late,
    And I for you was born too soon.
    God forgives him who has estranged
    Me from you for the whole year.
    I am already sick of love,
    My very gentle Valentine.

    Well might I have suspected
    That such a destiny,
    Thus would have happened this day,
    How much that Love would have commanded.
    I am already sick of love,
    My very gentle Valentine.

    This was written by Charles whilst imprisoned in the Tower Of London after his capture at the Battle of Agincourt to send to his wife.

    The very well known and well-used “Roses are red” verse may possibly be traced to Edmund Spenser’s ‘The Faerie Queene’ from 1590 :

    She bath'd with roses red, and violets blew,
    And all the sweetest flowres, that in the forrest grew.

    A perhaps more recognisable version closer to the modern one can be found in a book of English Nursery Rhymes titled “Gammer Gurton’s Garland” from 1784 :

    The rose is red, the violet's blue,
    The honey's sweet, and so are you.
    Thou art my love and I am thine;
    I drew thee to my Valentine:
    The lot was cast and then I drew,
    And Fortune said it shou'd be you.

    From the late 1790’s to the present day, printed cards have become more and more popular, and since the 19th century the tradition of hand written notes has been replaced by mass produced cards, though there has been a trend since the expansion of the internet towards “e-cards” and ready-made “memes” as more and more people now choose to communicate in this way rather than the “old snail mail”. Many have criticised this discarding of “the personal touch” in favour of the ease and lack of effort involved.
    The custom of sending cards, flowers and chocolates to one’s romantic interest developed in early modern England has since spread around the globe and is now worth billions in terms of revenue for manufacturers of greetings cards, confectionary, floral gifts, jewellery……in fact just about anything that can be sold will be these days in terms of celebrating Valentine’s Day.

    That’s all from me on the subject, other than to wish any and all who send or receive a “valentine” the hope that their wish come true.


    Sources :

    Vatican Archive
    British Library

    in reply to: Music. The Studio Of Shame. #168885

    Nobody can listen to the first minute of this
    without stopping it and agreeing it is utter crap
    of course if someone wants to put it into sexy songs
    be my guest

    Sonia  :  I managed to make it to 1:32, just after the vocoder kicked in, but that was as much as I could stand.


    in reply to: Bullying #162950

    I couldn't agree more. Though why this and the previous post it's in response to is in a thread about bullying escapes me.

    This is a Public forum where any member should be able to post freely without being restricted as long as they abide by the rules.
    If a thread is in Public, then it's available for all to post in.
    If the originator of the thread has a desire to restrict what is posted there then I suggest they either clearly state so in the introductory post or lock the thread after they post to prevent anything they don't want being posted.

    It's akin to fucking in the public areas and someone posting a screenshot of it then complaining about the post. If it's meant to be private, take it to a room.

    in reply to: Forum Game. WHAT IF? MUSIC GAME #155238

    What if he were more ignorant?

              The Undertones      –      Smarter Than You



    in reply to: Clever & Talented Art #166158


    in reply to: Clever & Talented Art #166157


    in reply to: Clever & Talented Art #166156


    in reply to: Music. Sliding Into The Covers #166865

                                    First Aid Kit
                                  Red Dirt Girl
                                      (Emmylou Harris)


    in reply to: Your Dream Dinner Date #166019

                                              Rosamund Pike
              An English actress of stage, TV and screen with many roles to her credit….
    including “Gone Girl”, “Die Another Day”, “The Libertine”, “Jack Reacher” and “Pride And Prejudice”.
    She is fluent in French and German. Plays the piano and cello and has 2 sons, Solo and Atom.

    in reply to: Forum Game. WHAT IF? MUSIC GAME #155236

                          What if you're very sad?

        “If You're Happy And You Know It” song



    in reply to: Things that make you go "mmmmmmmmmm" #166201

    mmmmmmmmmmMaria Menounos


    in reply to: Sexy GIFs (not 56K friendly) #88943


    in reply to: Vocabulary word of the day #143320


    I think I may suffer from Sesquipedalianism    ::)

    in reply to: Regards, wishes and little messages #127314

    Just wanted to extend a warm welcome to a new and soon to be (hopefully) regular face to the forum….DayDrinker.
    Good to see you DD…hope to see lots more    ;D


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