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  • in reply to: Music. Sliding Into The Covers #166825


                                                Remember Me  (Eivør Cover)



    in reply to: What is your feeling today? #158942

    Just about sums up the day really (and a bit of last night)
    Some shouldn't be so rude as to intrude on things that don't concern them.

    Alizée            J'en ai marre



    1600 GMT  14th Nov.

    All of the public spaces are just black screens.
    The rest of the content in the client seems to be functioning as normal.

    I've emailed Support to inform them, as, I'm sure, others have already.

    in reply to: What is your feeling today? #158941

                    First Aid Kit            Emmylou



    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109566

    I thought this thread could use a little Polish music…
    some Polish funk bass

                                Kinga Glyk            Joy Joy



    in reply to: I’ll Show You Mine … #168472

                                            Nude Thursday 12th Nov.

    A BIG thank you to everyone that took part in “Nude Thursday” in Amsterdam.
    Below are a few pics…I tried to capture everyone…if you were nekkid and I missed you, soorryy. I'll be sure to get you next week…same place, same dress code.










    in reply to: Songs for a Slutpuppy #168042

    Let's smooooooch around the floor to this……just for an hour or two.

    The Hot Sardines            Petite Fleur


    Si les fleurs
    Qui bordent les chemins
    Se fanaient toutes demain
    Je garderais au cœur

    Celle qui
    S'allumait dans tes yeux
    Lorsque je t'aimais tant
    Au pays merveilleux
    De nos seize printemps
    Petite fleur d'amour
    Tu fleuriras toujours
    Pour moi

    Quand la vie
    Par moments me trahit
    Tu restes mon bonheur
    Petite fleur

    Sur mes vingt ans
    Je m'arrête un moment
    Pour respirer
    Ce parfum que j'ai tant aimé
    Dans mon cœur
    Tu fleuriras toujours
    Au grand jardin d'amour
    Petite fleur…

    Dans mon cœur
    Tu fleuriras toujours
    Au grand jardin d'amour
    Petite fleur…

    in reply to: Songs for a Slutpuppy #168041

    I've played this before, and I've no doubt will again. You know I have a weakness for Tessa.

    This just seemed so…
    I dunno…
    So apropos
    Of what's occurin' at the mo'

                            Tessa Violet & Chloe Moriondo
                                    Words Ain't Enough



    in reply to: Remembrance Day and Veterans Day 1 #143087


                                                                Metallica        One

                                                                       For The Fallen

                                                  With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
                                                            England mourns for her dead across the sea.
                                                            Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
                                                            Fallen in the cause of the free.

                                                            Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal
                                                            Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres,
                                                            There is music in the midst of desolation
                                                            And a glory that shines upon our tears.

                                                            They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
                                                            Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
                                                            They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted;
                                                            They fell with their faces to the foe.

                                                            They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
                                                            Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
                                                            At the going down of the sun and in the morning
                                                            We will remember them.

                                                            They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
                                                            They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
                                                            They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
                                                            They sleep beyond England's foam.

                                                            But where our desires are and our hopes profound,
                                                            Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,
                                                            To the innermost heart of their own land they are known
                                                            As the stars are known to the Night;

                                                            As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
                                                            Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain;
                                                            As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
                                                            To the end, to the end, they remain.

                                                            BY LAURENCE BINYON 


    If you're in-game at 11 a.m GMT, please observe 2 minutes silence for those that gave so much to give us the freedoms we have.

    in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #167696

                           Lennon Stella            Older Than I Am



                                                    My hearts seen things I wish it didn’t
                                                              Somewhere I lost some of my innocence
                                                              and I miss it
                                                              I miss it
                                                              Stay up all night thinking it’s twisted
                                                              My life’s been survival of the fittest
                                                              But I did it
                                                              I did it

                                                              I do all my own healing
                                                              Manage all of my feelings
                                                              I don’t ask for help no
                                                              Cuz I don’t need it
                                                              Cuz I don’t need it

                                                              Sometimes I wish I could do something stupid
                                                              Be kinda reckless while I can
                                                              Say I don’t give a damn
                                                              But I’m older than I am
                                                              I could get hurt and get some scars to prove it
                                                              Just say to hell with all my plans
                                                              Cuz I don’t give a damn
                                                              But I’m older than I am

                                                              Why am I always the one making decisions
                                                              How do I handle the pressure
                                                              I do my best to fake it
                                                              But honestly I hate it

                                                              I do all my own fighting
                                                              I’m who imma confide in
                                                              Maybe I need help no
                                                              I won’t deny it
                                                              I won’t deny it

                                                              Sometimes I wish I could do something stupid
                                                              Be kinda reckless while I can
                                                              Say I don’t give a damn
                                                              But I’m older than I am
                                                              I could get hurt and get some scars to prove it
                                                              Just say to hell with all my plans
                                                              Cuz I don’t give a damn
                                                              But I’m older than I am
                                                              Older than I, older than I, older than I
                                                              I’m older and I don’t give a damn
                                                              I’m older than I am

    in reply to: What is your feeling today? #158939

                                    Feeling a little reflective, a little self-analytical. A little like………

                                          Pale Waves            My Obsession



    in reply to: I’ll Show You Mine … #168470

                                    TOPLESS TUESDAY

    Last night in Amsterdam. Thanks to all who joined in, if I missed you in the shots I apologise. Make sure you remind me to include you next week.
    More pics here on Friday after even more (hopefully) join in to celebrate NUDE THURSDAY – go on……it's just a bit of fun and it saves you having to agonise over what to wear.

    it starts with just a few…

    …but before too long…

    …you can't fit everyone in a screenshot.

    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109564

                                                E mor henion i dhu:
                                                Ely siriar, el sila.
                                                Ai! Aniron Undomiel.

                                                Tiriel arad ‘ala mor
                                                Minnon i dhu- sad oltha.
                                                Ai! Aniron Edhelharn.

                                                Alae! Ir el od elin!
                                                I ‘lir uin el luitha guren.
                                                Ai! Aniron Undomiel.

                                                I lacha en naur e-chun
                                                Sila, eria, bronia.
                                                Ai! Aniron Edhelharn

                                            ENYA          Aniron



    in reply to: Music Association Game #41797

                                                  Katelyn Tarver           
                                                      You Don't Know



    in reply to: Music. Songs that touch you #166264

                                                      Faith Marie          ANTIDOTE



Viewing 15 posts - 706 through 720 (of 931 total)