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CROSSTOWN TRAFFICZeppelin covered by The Devil’s Daughters
I’m in agreement. The forum has long been run by, and for, a few people who wish to keep it alive and see it blossom again into the vibrant community it used to be many moons ago.
I’ve no intention of scuppering the vessel while it’s still in dry dock. So, while not always in agreement with everyone or everything, I’m here, as ever, to promote and encourage the forum.
Thanks for the welcome back…much appreciated.Perhaps it may have been the case that I’d just returned after a long absence and had only posted one you tube vid before being frustrated at keep being denied the ability to post in the “test” thread and so attempting to start a new topic.
I’ve since opened a new thread with no difficulty at all, so maybe, as you say, it could have been some inbuilt function of this particular format.I can assure you there’s no chip on my shoulder, or any other part of my anatomy. But, as you know, I speak my mind and will always do so. I may not always be right or popular or on target. But I, like anyone, have the right to my opinions and to express them.
As for attempting to make this forum a more accessible and populous arena for all members, you know that’s been my intent for a long time, and still is.
Regarding a probationary or “lock-out” period for new members…not wholly in agreement with that…it’s hard enough to get people in here as it is without restricting access. I think monitoring of posts and removal of anything untoward is sufficient.I had the message when I couldn’t access the “test” thread and decided to open a new topic to try out various image codes. That’s when the message “Your topic is awaiting moderation” appeared.
I didn’t think to screenshot…just assumed it was another stumbling block in this shiny, all-noo & improved fuckup of a forum.I’ll try to open another topic and if it occurs again will screenshot & pass on.
Update : just started a new topic with no problem whatsoever. perhaps my previous attempt failed due to some error of mine…who knows?
Anyhoo…on with the motley……NASTY
MARC SPEMNCEI think you have a point. A valid one.
Whether it will be addressed is another matter entirely.
Don’t expect democracy or fair treatment .
Doesn’t exist here unless it generates revenueEven then it’s a toss up as to whether they can be bothered..
Does anyone know the secret of being able to read ones PM’s here?
I’ve tried the obvious…my profile, but to no avail. All there is is as below…
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I’ve tried each link just in case they’re hidden in one of them, but no.
Maybe it’ll be similar to image posting and it’ll be left to the members to stumble around and attempt to discover some occult talisman or the text to an arcane ritual that will allow messages to be seen.
“I believe that one day, the world will judge the witch hunt against homosexuals just as harshly as it judges the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust.”
Mae West