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  • in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #167692

    björk            Possibly Maybe

    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109535

    Starts off moody as a Pussyhound missing her Slutpuppy, but it's short lived.
    Around 2:20 she catches the scent and flies on pounding, rhythmic paws to roll and play-snap sharp fangs in flesh among fallen red and amber leaves with her mate; then run for joy, flank to flank, lolling tongues panting the thrill of joined hearts rejoicing in the rush of wind through fur to the Den, safe again. In the musky gloom to dream dreams of ice and fire under the Goddess Moon.

    Dismiss the vidjo. Just a distraction from the moosic, as I'm sure even a Kitty-Kait would agree. (A shaggy tail wags in greeting to the feral feline prowling her own unfathomable biznizz through the threads).

    The choon and the feel is for my Boo.

    The final verse a warning to a wily One in a nest of a Dozen of it's kind. 
    Don't disturb  a Pussyhound with little nothings lest she wake to rend throats and tear soft flesh.

    Instead I’ll give you my storm, I’ll give you my hail.
    I will tear out trees, sweep up the seas and destroy your fields.
    And you’ll reach for the sky, but in this mud you’ll die.
    And you will pray, when lightning illuminates your face.
    You will pray: “Umai”.

    Shireen          UMAI


    in reply to: Game Idea. Profile page for additional information #168427

    I've bumped an old thread on this subject elsewhere in this forum, but just had to drop my agreement in here.

    What purpose does it serve and, frankly, who cares (and if so, why???) how many poses someone owns, what locations they've purchased or how many friends they have?  Irrelevancies.
    Surely what matters is the person behind the avi you're looking to engage with?
    Wouldn't it be so much better to be able to see immediately that person's gender, age and orientation so that the humdrum, “Hi            How are you?                What are you up to?                Can I invite you?” and frankly embarrassing for all concerned twaddle is rendered unnecessary?

    It would be a simple fix and would improve members' experience so much.

    in reply to: EMAIL REGISTRATION #168397

    I have to agree with Jessi and Kait regarding this.

    Entry to the game based solely on provision of an email address would encourage Alt's, trolls and minors rather than act as a deterrent, making it a very simple thing to access the game or have as many persona's as the individual desired.
    I have 3 email accounts, one for here, one for work and my personal one, It would be the work of minutes to create another 3, or 6 or 9 and use them to create that number of avatars here.

    Sadly, there will always be people that get their kicks from annoying or harassing others. Bullies, I believe, is the more common term for them.
    They've been around as long as mankind and will always be around.
    As for minors accessing the site, I'm afraid much the same applies. Many children nowadays are far more tech savvy than a lot of us here and would have no trouble at all setting up an email account and with that accessing here.

    The surest way to cut down on the above, as Kait says, is to charge to access Achat or to require some form of I.D only available to adults.
    And before there are cries of privacy being invaded or Big Brother tactics introduced, ask yourself the question, “Do I know for an absolute, unshakeable fact everything my kids do online”?  If you can answer Yes, I applaud you. But I suspect there are many that can't answer positively.
    Isn't it worth giving up a tiny piece of privacy to protect minors and members?

    As for trolls and Alt's, I won't even dignify their existence with another word.

    in reply to: Caption Competition #168405

    Sonia – “Well Mummy always said it was for pooing out of, nothing else”

    in reply to: CRY HAVOC ! And let slip the tunes…… #168136

    Another happy accident stumbled upon during random play.
    There is quite a lot of this amazing group out there in internet land…go find them and howl along.

                                        DakhaBrakha          Tiny Desk Concert 2015



    in reply to: Songs for a Slutpuppy #168025

                       Absolutely LOVE the energy this band pump out.
                      Turn it up, Mabel……throw your knickers at the Postman and bounce around the house like a loony.

                                                            Amyl And The Sniffers         
                                              Some Mutts  (Can't Be Muzzled)



    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109528

            THUNDERPUSSY          Somebody To Love  (Live At Pukkelpop)



    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109525

    Pushing this out to my Slutpuppy……because I know she'll hate it, and I need a fucking good spanking……

    For you, my Queen Mab

    Fuck it….put me in the pillory and break out the paddles…..

    in reply to: Achat 55 Word Writing Contest – Halloween 2020. #168351

    Huggs to V&J and all above.
    This Pussyhound slams her paw down in support but can''t participate…gobby bitch can't even say Hello in 55 let alone submit an entry in so few.
    My interest is piqued…this hound will wait and watch and lap up all offerings and if anyone wants to enter but lacks the necessary fee just hit me up. If you want to write I have you covered.

    watching and waiting…tongue lolling and eyes peeled…

    in reply to: What’s on in the Forum Village currently…. #149989

    I can't tie myself to 55 words.
    But I love that you're doing what you do.
    My full support and love and wishes are woven through this short message.
    If I were less verbose, not prone to prose and purple passages I'd  be yours in an instant.
    But “hru's” and how dee do's aren't me…just not.
    I'll bump this thread forever. Love that you want to see words that mean something more than an “ooooooooooh” or an “mmmmmmmmmmmm”
    But 55 is too damn short. Treble it and multiply, I might be caught in a web of of words to justify your time and your interest.
    I wish you well and wish this is just the start of folk posting more than just fucks.

    in reply to: Songs for a Slutpuppy #168021

    And Mabel…the blood on my bones, the breath in my lungs, my life, my love, my all. I adore you.
    I feel you in every breath, every kiss of the wind on my flesh. All that I am is you.

    in reply to: Songs for a Slutpuppy #168020

    Obvious, but true. kitty kait, this one's for you

    in reply to: Songs for a Slutpuppy #167975

    A bit special……'ve turned my world upside down an inside out.
    This is for you….always for you

    in reply to: Quote of The Day #164662


Viewing 15 posts - 766 through 780 (of 931 total)