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  • in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109503

    Mabel, pass the Tena's would you…there's a love.

    Sorry to break the Pettythread again, but I wanted to fling this brilliantly catchy choon into the arena. I don't care if it's poppy and throwaway…at the moment I'm loving it. It's playing now and will be played several more times today.Have a listen, give it a “Like” and let's encourage more great songs from new artists.

    JUNIE        Ett Steg Fram


    in reply to: Songs for a Slutpuppy #168001

    From an old, but brilliant, choon to a much newer but equally, in my opinion, brilliant one.

    I'm going to buy this for when all this Covid shenanigans are over and take it out with me and ask the DJ wherever we go to play it…just love how infectious this is, and how it just get's you dancing.

    Hope you love it Mabe…have a shuffle about on yer Zimmer frame.

    Daði Freyr (Daði & Gagnamagnið)        Think About Things


    in reply to: Over 40s Discreet Erotic Holidays..would you? #163972

    I've just signed me and Mabel up for a weekend Quickie-Saver package. Easier to get to than Skeggy and they give you free bottle of lube AND a smorgasbord.
    Never tried one of those, but we'll have a go. Have to be circumspect with positions cos of Mabel's dicky hip…but we''l give it a go.

    in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #167689

    You call it blues Mabel, I'll call it honky tonk and we'll agree to differ but agree on one thing…it WAS kind of you to offer to shit in that guy's hat…would have warmed his little bald head up a treat on that snowy, freezing night. I always said you were a philanthropist.

    Speaking of coming across something by accident…this popped up on random play this morning and it grooved my groovy bits…bend yer ears round this……

                                    Foxy Shazam        Holy Touch



    in reply to: Music Association Game #41738

    AVENUE D          Do I Look Like A Slut



    in reply to: Music. Sliding Into The Covers #166808

                  STEVE HILLAGE

    The Hurdy Gurdy Man

                                                                Here comes the Roly Poly man
                                                And he's singing songs of lu-u-u-u-urv


    in reply to: CRY HAVOC ! And let slip the tunes…… #168131

    A Pussyhound listens and laps it up…then sends the thread careening away on a different tangent……

        Ooby Scooby Doomsday  or  The D-Day D.J's Got
                                  The  D.D.T  Blues



    in reply to: DANCE #163908

    Well that's three of us then.
    Bowled over by the response to be honest.
    Knowing how apathetic most people are here I wasn't expecting any replies at all.

    I was hoping it would lead to things like this………


    ……………but if people would rather stand around and chat-chit that's fine.
    It means more hot bitches for a Pussyhound and a Slutpuppy to run wild with.

    And so, to that resounding roar of silence, I'll bid this thread adieu.

    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109501

    I don't think you're being a petty puppy at all pet.
    In fact……

    TOM PETTY        Crawling Back To You


    Hey baby, there's something in your eyes
    Tryin' to say to me
    That I'm gonna be alright if I believe in you
    It's all I want to do

    in reply to: The Campervan of Doom #168199

    I’d like to nominate…..see below. Agreeing with Mr. Crosby, but Achat has no funds for a space program.
    So get the little shit in the campervan…

    in reply to: Trolls #164942

    I'm not sure if this is a troll or perhaps a player who doesn't understand English, sign language, writing or any other form of communication known to humans.

    For the last few weeks there has been an avatar going around the public areas inviting/getting invited to fuck in public. Friends have seen this, obviously so have others that have had the pleasure of it's company then got the name mixed up and are either inboxing me in the lobby or approaching me in person to thank me for the fuck. All guys. Obviously this has caused some confusion as I'm lesbian, and don't recall any blackouts when this may have occurred.
    I've seen this “other sonia” myself on at least 6 occasions. Whenever I'm in the room it just freezes still, doesn't move, until it's either kicked for inactivity or exits under it's own steam. All attempts to communicate with it by me have been ignored. All invitations declined. Offers from me to pay the A$2500 for a name change ignored.

    If this is an avi created by some idiot to annoy me, it worked, to a point. I'm now past caring. It's obvious to anyone that knows me which is the genuine avi, and to any that don't…they're welcome to pass on by to the obviously much easier access robotic noob.

    Just so people are aware the silent slut's username is       soniaslutt      very similar to mine, but without the initial capital letter and the final extra “t”.

    If this is a malicious attempt to disrupt my enjoyment of the game, it hasn't worked. I'm enjoying it more now than at any time in the past 8 years.
    How sad that this person can't say the same and has to resort to childish pranks to get their kicks.

    in reply to: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE GAME? #163800

    Can we get rid of the level number on the public profile header bar please?

    I, and I know others, would much prefer to see an indicator of sexual orientation on a person's public area name bar than the useless level number displayed at present. Say something like  S for Straight, L for Lesbian……you get the idea.
    If people want to see a player's level they can click on the avatar and see it in the profile box, though why anyone would be interested in levels I've no idea.

    It would be much more useful to know at a glance without the usual preamble whether a person swings the way you do.

    in reply to: Songs for a Slutpuppy #167995

                                            Ana Vidovic       
                                      Asturias (Isaac Albéniz)



                                  Wow……she can finger my fretboard anytime……

    in reply to: CRY HAVOC ! And let slip the tunes…… #168129

                        Absolutely Amazing

                          Estas Tonne
    The Song Of The Golden Dragon



    in reply to: Group Pose ideas – 3 people & plus. MMF. MFS. MFF. #79593

    Definitely agree with gentledom on this…more cuddles/snuggles & huggles would be a brilliant idea and would be welcomed by everyone I'm sure.
    Not too fussed personally about having dance options…never been a fan of any of the dances here if I'm honest, they always seem awkward and jerky.

    HOT KISSING POSE SHOULD BE FOR ALL MEMBERS…NOT JUST  MF/MS                                           
                         C'MON ACHAT – EQUALITY FOR ALL

Viewing 15 posts - 811 through 825 (of 931 total)