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  • in reply to: Music. Sliding Into The Covers #166880

                                                Mötley Crüe



                              AnArchy In The U.K.


    in reply to: Vocabulary word of the day #143344


    Too bad to be expressed in words

    Example : “Just a few words brought a feeling of unutterable boredom, she stopped reading”.

    in reply to: Joke of the Day #157736

    How do you get a stoner to comprehend what you're saying?

    Put it bluntly.

    in reply to: What is your feeling today? #159003


    in reply to: Favourite Pomes #168709

    Hi Kelly    ;D

    Good to see you found the Forum at last.
    It's always good to have fresh, new input.
    (Anticipating “The Chronicles”, by the way).

    Ode To Spot
    Lieutenant Commander Data : USS Enterprise

    Felis catus is your taxonomic nomenclature,
    an endothermic quadruped, carnivorous by nature.
    Your visual, olfactory, and auditory senses,
    contribute to your hunting skills and natural defenses.

    I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations,
    a singular development of cat communications,
    that obviates your basic hedonistic predilection,
    for a rhythmic stroking of your fur to demonstrate affection.

    A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents.
    You would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance,
    and when not being utilized to aid in locomotion,
    it often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.

    Oh Spot, the complex levels of behavior you display,
    connote a fairly well developed cognitive array,
    and though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend,
    I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

    in reply to: Music. What I’m listening to… #162774

    Barcelona Gipsy balKan Orchestra

    Lule Lule

    The ‘smallest museum in the world’ has just opened in Barcelona

    A mother and daughter have set up their own miniature museum in old water meter boxes near their house


    Traipsing around labyrinthine museums can feel like a bit of a chore – especially if you’ve been trying to squeeze as many as you can in a whistlestop weekend break.
    Sometimes, when you’re a time-pressed traveller, smaller is smarter. And definitely less likely to fuel holiday-ruining arguments. So next time you’re in Barcelona, first on your hit list should be the Smallest Museum in the World, which comprises ten or so miniature exhibits in former water meter boxes dotted around the Gràcia neighbourhood.
    With its lush plazas and cobbled alleyways, this is one of the Catalan capital’s most picturesque and walkable areas. You should definitely kick back and hang out at a terrace café here. But what better way to explore than by going on an art hunt?
    Noemí Batllori, who runs the Toy Hospital on nearby Calle de la Virtut, and her daughter Gala came up with the idea for the museum after Gala and her friend took to hiding objects in a similar box in their Gràcia house. Street culture is king in Barcelona, so the natural next step was to take the concept outside. ‘It’s a way of taking play out of the house,’ says Noemí. ’And, of course, showing that you don’t have to go to a park or plaza to feel like the streets are your own.’
    From a far-out alternative universe to delightfully out-of-proportion jungle and beach scenes, the exhibits are as wacky as they are cute. You’ll now find around ten of them scattered between Carrer del Torrent de l’Olla, Carrer de Martínez de la Rosa and Carrer de Laforja. Just remember not to reach inside – a couple have already been vandalised or disappeared, says Noemí.


    So hit the streets and keep your eyes peeled for those dinky eye-height doors. And if you want to get involved yourself? Drop by Noemí’s Toy Hospital to buy a kit containing a 9x13cm wooden box and instructions on how to create your own. It’s not often you’ll get your handiwork featured in a museum, after all.


    By Huw Oliver : Time Out
    Photos : Noemí Batllori

    in reply to: Bullying #162955
    in reply to: Vocabulary word of the day #143342


    not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something.

    in reply to: Favourite Pomes #168708

    I am an incurable romantic
    I believe in hope, dreams and decency

        I believe in love,
        Tenderness and kindness.

    I believe in mankind.

        I believe in goodness,
        Mercy and charity
        I believe in a universal spirit
        I believe in casting bread
        Upon the waters.

              I am awed by the snow-capped mountains
              By the vastness of oceans.

                  I am moved by a couple
                  Of any age – holding hands
                  As they walk through city streets.

              A living creature in pain
              Makes me shudder with sorrow
              A seagull’s cry fills me
              With a sense of mystery.

                  A river or stream
                  Can move me to tears
                  A lake nestling in a valley
                  Can bring me peace.

    I wish for all mankind
    The sweet simple joy
    That we have found together.

    I know that it will be.
    And we shall celebrate
    We shall taste the wine
    And the fruit.

    Celebrate the sunset and the sunrise
                  the cold and the warmth
                  the sounds and the silences
                  the voices of the children.

    Celebrate the dreams and hopes
    Which have filled the souls of
    All decent men and women.

                  We shall lift our glasses and toast
                  With tears of joy.

    Leonard Nimoy

    in reply to: Forum Game. WHAT IF? MUSIC GAME #155253

                          What if…Virginia were absolutely stunning?

                                                      ROXY MUSIC
                                                      Virginia Plain


    in reply to: Wisdom of the day #149847

    “I find that a duck’s opinion of me is very much influenced over whether or not I have bread.”
    Mitch Hedberg

    in reply to: Vocabulary word of the day #143338


    aquifer (noun) · aquifers (plural noun)

    A body of permeable rock which can contain or transmit groundwater.

    Early 20th century: from Latin aqui- (from aqua ‘water’) + -fer ‘bearing’.

    in reply to: Music. What I’m listening to… #162770


    in reply to: Funny Finds #23844
    This thread in the section “Everything About Sex And Love/Finding Love”……very amusing.
    Just demonstrates how difficult it is to judge someone from simply a “textual” viewpoint without all the little nuances and clues that are picked up in an actual vocal 'face to face' conversation.

    Laughing at someone is not nice.  Laughing with someone is much nicer and more friendly.

    Maybe you'd care to reconsider your “Wal-Mart” posts then?

    in reply to: Music. Sliding Into The Covers #166878

                                                            DEAD KENNEDYS
                                                        I FOUGHT THE LAW
                                                          (1960 Original  Still……The Crickets)


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