Forum Replies Created
Great, So what everyone is saying is that we are wasting our time asking for them.?
Yes / No, Perhaps………
I know the MF orientation is going to make the biggest return, I knew that right at the start of me complaining about it. But, without the other orientations would they make less money or more ? Who knows But the ACHAT team.
As for the Inflated Cocks/Egos. All I can say is LOL !!!!! Nothing more.
But other orientations do exist massively, and I have been messaging people in ACHAT about the appeal. People don't like coming on here for reasons unknown and known to me
. But, this is the only way they can show that they do. So…….. What else can we do ?
Quit. Go to other Games. What ?
What we have to remember here Zuzannah is what AChat sales are based on. What the mf poses sales are based on is access to us women and shemales. Without us here AChat won't sell a single pose. It is us women and shemales that is the commodity that AChat makes its money on. That gives us both power and the right to demand equality.
At this time I would be happy for a statement of intent from them as to when they aim to put new poses for us in.
If however AChat are just going to keep slapping us in the face then we have two choices, take matters into our own hands or leave. How can we take matters into our own hands? Simple bisex girls and Shemales outnumber hetero girls about three to two here. We simply do what Lysistrata did and go on strike. Stop having sex with men full stop on the site and let them fight over the much reduced number of willing women. Achat will soon take notice when the males start complaining about it suddenly being twice as hard to get laid.
It is unfortunate that men will suffer as its not their fault but it is obvious that if we do nothing then AChat will reciprocate. You want it you are going to have to go fight for it because AChat are just going to sit there complacently and do nothing otherwise. (for those curious
It is getting late in the day for achat now. Frankly the last three poses have been a huge fuck you to the lbgt community here. Yes I know ms got one pose but it's too little too late. I am certainly actively looking at other places to play and I know I am not the only one. I was on the poker table last night and there was at least four of us there that I recognised as playing now at one of the other places.
As far as I am concerned my purse is doing the talking now and achat isn't getting a dollar more from me till they pull their finger out
Absolutely nothing to stop you holding a christian themed event Foxy, go for it I say. Its not my thing so I will just avoid your table for that time. But I wish you well in your endeavour
May have escaped your attention babe but rp is talking to other players. So we have the admin blessing by your lights. Dont want to see it just be an adult and dont come along. *shrugs*
End of the day Foxxy I am on a sex site, I am using part of the facilities for sex
You are on a sex site and want to use it for poker
I am willing to compromise so we both get what we want
You want it all to yourself
Yet somehow I am the selfish one?
If you want to play poker, goto a poker site. Their are many good ones out there, even a 3d one called PKR
Your side it intolerant Foxxy, I have had one of them on ignore since day 3 of my joining. Reason ? He was bullying players at the poker table for using the actions. Actions which AChat gave people and therefore we can presume they expected to be used.
Oh and by the way I am not the original poster and I have no house. I merely saw an event that I would like to attend so I posted in support of it here. I stayed out of the other thread where your people were floating such ideas such as ban chat its distracting due to the house politics part. I am not trying to stop you having fun, I am merely saying I and those like me also want to have some fun from time to time. Until AChat give us better tools we will all have to learn to share. The adult way is to set certain times where anything goes and keep the rest for the social/poker side.
Foxxy it is a room for socialising the poker played there isnt poker. If it was you wouldnt be getting the damn awful play you get there. its just something to do while we chat for most people. Stop being greedy and wanting it 100% of the time for what you want. It is our only social area and has to cater to the entire community as such and not just your narrow little subsection. So yes you are being selfish.
You had this yourself recently with the complaints people made about you promoting God, your reaction and quite rightly so was to ignore them. Many claimed you were being selfish at the time and not thinking about others. The same applies here as far as I am concerned. 99% of the time that room is poker and chat. That does not appear to be enough for you.
Dee was being responsible by letting people know it was going to be happening so they could avoid it for the couple of hours it is ongoing. Don't want to see something learn to be an adult and dont go there. Since I posted this message here I have had a lot of tells from people saying they support it. Certainly more than the number complaining about it here.
You do not speak for the entire Achat community and neither do I we are both speaking for our own little niches. The difference is I realise that and you don't seem to
I gather you are a member of the AChat team. If so a message for you
Many people here are a fan of group sex, and by group I mean a proper group not just the limited three people you currently consider a group and especially when so many of those groups have such a limited range of options. Currently our only option if we want to indulge our sexual fantasies on this Sex site is the poker room. Dee is just being responsible here and making sure that those handful of puritans who do not wish to see it can avoid doing so for the handful of hours during this event.
You want to listen to the small handful who posted here complaining then go ahead you just give me another reason to not give you any more money in the future. The only thing you need to do to make the problem go away is to make the ignore function work in the poker room then those that don't want to hear people talking sex on a sex site don't have to do so. It would also mean we don't have to listen to the inane drivel and ranting that spills out of the mouths of some of those doing the complaining about such events.
The only people being selfish here is not those of us that wished to attend this it is the ban it brigade. 99% of the time the poker room is free of this sort of behaviour. One event is organised for us to enjoy and they come charging out with their holier than thou attitudes. You notice a lot of them also want a lot of the action buttons removed as apparently it detracts from playing serious poker. If they believe serious poker is played in that room then I can only lol.
All folk are doing here is having rp in the poker room for a couple of brief hours if you don't like that sort of thing then simply don't read it. Just like I don't bother reading the idiocy that comes out of some of theirs. We don't want to take the poker room over. We just want to use it for a couple of hours to indulge in what we like sexually on a sex site.
Options for you if you wish to keep both sides happy
1) Implement the ignore function
2) Allow private poker rooms where we can invite those we wish to play with
3) Allow us to see who's playing on each table and pick which we table to play atAny of those mean they don't have to hear us and we don't have to hear them. The poker room is our only social area and until you change how it works then people are going to use it to accomplish those social things they desire that the site is so otherwise lacking in
100% behind this