Forum Replies Created
I agree the men need to be able to do more then just sit there. Needs to be updated
I purchased but havent used it.
I really dont care for this pose. Wish I hadnt purchased
I think the are very good for your first try. Wish i had your ability. I not very creative so I enjoy looking at others who are
I remember trying mayonnaise on my hair. LMAO Must have used to much. All i could do was smell it.
I think a lot of ladies will love these.
I dont know him either but i know Lydia. If she says he is a good guy I believe her
Anything going on inside here. Would be nice to have another room.
As for myself i enjoy cumming on every part of my partner. Turn on for me to cum on her and see her eyes staring at me.
Havent tried it yet. Think some people will really like it.
Happy Birthday Day Covems. Think sexilicious will make it worth while, lol
Happy Birthday Naughty Ann and Beaubelle.
Bear it was you and your butt bringing all the new women in, lol
Yes for me. I signed
Its a boy he aint going to be in a hurry, lol
21 Dec 4:45 pm 8lbs 3oz
Thanks for letting me know about that Tight.
Have ideal for Tattler. Think should do a piece on our new Moderator Brandybee