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*Had another wonderful time today sweetheart*
Thank you so much,
FOXI'm still smiling.
Hi Boo,
Nice to see you finally made it here.
Hugs and Welcome to Forum.The Silence is now mine. By Stone.
Hello from the outside, it is so desolate.
Embers of dying love with a need to berate.
At least I can say that I’ve tried and tried,
To tell you, 9 years is worth saving, in my heart.
But it doesn’t matter, it clearly is not worth your time!
Silence is your answer, all wrapped up in betrayal’s slime.Smiling. Remembering. We had a good time… didn’t we? _ _ _ _
The Achat Bar & Grill served a great steak, meal and tea.
Doris and Stanley would float and tinkle the bells,
As their ghosts swept through with little signs and tells.
But it doesn’t matter, it clearly is not worth your time!
Silence is your answer, all wrapped in betrayal’s slime.Hyperion Homestead was filled with love and lust.
Built with loving care, Mr Mouse eating the leftover crust.
Racoons – playful, funny, scuffling around at night,
Thieving and raiding our bins in the moonlight.
But it don’t matter, it clearly is not worth your time!
Silence is your answer, wrapped in betrayal’s slime.Crystal Lake – serene and tranquil, our boat trip must,
Laughter and tickles, bound in friendship and trust.
The Dwarfs and Gnomes would sneak about, mischievous and fun
Whether it was in the moonlight or blazing sun.
But it don’t matter, it clearly is not worth your time!
Silence is your answer, wrapped up in betrayal’s slime.Real life’s up and downs, I was always there for you!
But Covid struck… and things needed a new perspective and view
And in MY time of need, YOU gave up. Wanted something new
But you didn’t tell me! Even though I gave you the cue!
Instead you chose lies and deceit.
Weighing us down in a mass of concrete!
But I don’t matter, I’m clearly not worth your time!
Silence is your answer, wrapped in betrayal’s slime.You chose another over me. That hurts as hurts can be!
And I found out myself… instead of you… explaining it all to me!
And when I caught you red-handed, how thoughtful – out of respect for us you said
You did not use the cabin, it was all locked up dead.
Not to be used again!
Please! Please do not refrain and think of me now!
The damage was done when you fucked the silly cow!And as for that lady! – well what more can be said.
She bites off the hands of friends to see how well they’ve bled.
She only plays it well my Dear…. even denies the friends Dear…
Achat is a sex game – it’s fucking crystal clear!
Except if that is so…
Why hide from the exclusive, loving spouses?
Tell them straight,” I’m dropping my pants and trousers!”Does she think she is the original Jolene?
Nah! She’s just sad, pathetic and very mean
She just gets her sexual kicks from those that are forbidden?
With respect for others gone, dead and forever hidden!
She says she avoids clashes and doesn’t like the drama!
Innocent? No! Her actions cause devastating trauma!Oh yes, I almost forget, out of respect for me…
She keeps the target there, in her Friends list… see!
So it shows there’s No change to a secret spouse or secret lover
That could hurt or annoy me and hide you undercover
How thoughtful of her now to give me such spousal thought and respect!
When really!
She should have thought of that when, sneakily… to our marital bed, she crept!Memories of a time, treasured and forever in my heart,
But Silence has a way of demeaning it and is never smart.
Best to face the consequences of your actions… a coward no more!
Talk things over to smooth what is raw and sore
But it don’t matter, it seems not worth your time!
Silence is your answer, wrapped up in betrayal’s slime.Once we were so close no matter how far, forever trusting who we are.
Which is why the silence is shocking and not who I thought was us.
Layers of truth, peeled back.
So many it seems, to fill a sack.
Now with un-tinted Rose glasses, it’s all so clear to see.
You threw me away with NO THOUGHT of what was happening to ME!
No birthday message, Christmas gift or token for our anniversary!
Yet you gifted the Floosey! And then told me…
Was this to make sure you would be set free?
Could you have possibly been,
More nasty and mean?
It doesn’t matter, I’m not worth a dime… or your time!
Silence is your answer, wrapped up in betrayal’s slime.So take it on the chin! YOU should have found time!
Another way to find a closure…
Is to scream out in frustration and full exposure!
You should have talked, to show respect, to me… to you… to us,
Instead of being an evading, pathetic, little Wuss!
The Silence has just made me stronger, receiving the message loud and clear
Let’s get deleted!
Fetch the dishcloth and wipe away the smear…
Of each and every year!Hello from the outside. It’s not so desolate
Embers of a dead love with nothing left to rate.
At least I can say that I HAVE TRIED.
9 years was worth saving once, was in my heart.
But it don’t matter now, it’s not worth MY time
Silence is NOW MINE. Claimed back, wrapped with an indifferent prime.My Stallions wild, free and a breath of fresh air,
Have shown me, I’m not broken, boring or not worth a care.
They have indeed boosted me in my time of need and lockdown.
A Gemstone that’s brilliant. Sparkles! Dressed in new heels and gown.There is always a space for someone,
Not a stallion but just as wild and free!
Magnificent and scary, well… at least to me
Grinning,” I don’t hide and will invite… anytime… blatantly”Then in your moments of quiet solitude,
Sipping your coffee in an interlude
The Soaring Eagle framed – a reminder of my love
Looking down from your wall above.
Are you deep in thought of us and of what once was?
And while you stare in to space and sit,
Tell me, was she really worth all of it?Well… With my blessing, be happy. Reap what you sow.
Look around as I applaud and please take a bow.
Be it in public, cabin, bar, boat or new abode… Go!
Enjoy this awesome sex game, as I cheer you yellow!
But don’t you dare talk of me or us from that shared pillow!Sex is fun, an emotion in motion! Go forth shag-ing-ly!
Toast your muse, your fuck toy and slutty Its_ _ _ _ _ _!
And remember… HOW GOOD I AM… at dancing and Fantasy!
Hot and Sexy and sensuous! You will … regretfully agree![img][/img]
I mentioned I had just experienced the shittiest break up ever. Why?
Because mine had everything mixed in there – cheating, whopping lies, repeat behaviour, avoidance, and worst of all the silence.Well today is exactly 31 days after last contact, that's a whole month for him to reach out, give closure and salvage some kind of friendship or not as the case may be.
But he hasn't, even though he knew the avenues were open to him and I gave him space.
So time for me to make my own closure, to end this purgatory and as the above poster says
Silence speaks volumes. Do not believe it is the best way to deal with the situation!
Please carry out the closure option first.
When the partner chooses Silence instead of facing their (ex)partner and allowing closure, they are showing their cowardice, that they are hiding from their responsibilities to end the relationship properly and with respect and hiding from the consequences of their actions.
That is the worst disrespect you can show to your dumped partner and all you once shared in your relationship.
Then add that to the mix of “I'm sorry for cheating but I'll continue to fuck her anyway so you can see it … I have time for that but not to talk to you” scenario….
You are disrespecting your ex in the worst possible way and showing that actually your priorities are fucked up.
Closure first before moving on with the new!Otherwise revenge begins to kick in.
In my case Revenge sex was quite magnificent and will repeat as and whenever. After all the cheating couple set the rules here.
Where I may have rules with other players and will show respect to their relationships, the gloves are off concerning one particular player.
“I was just horny, I didnt think of you!” are the words burned into my memory.
Obviously, she knew we were an exclusive couple, so it would have been nice and honorable to send the guy away till he was free to room her.
But she does not play that way… ever! Past behaviour has proved it.
He though has no excuse and is fully at fault. He has no respect, honour, lies drip off his tongue, and he is a coward.
“Love you are welcome to him.”January 26, 2021 at 8:32 am in reply to: Poems, where everyone can leave their scribbles, haiku’s, poetry, etc. #43903Love Spell
What do the letters of my love spell?
There is nothing enough to scribe my feelings
My love is greater than words can tell.My heart undoes and my emotions swell.
With these unexplainable dealings
What do the letters of my love spell?In my breath, body and spirit you dwell.
But nothing on paper can reveal their concealings
what do the letters of my love spell?I want to write your voice, your spirit, your smell.
Yet nothing prose nor poem can unseal my dreaming.
What do the letters of my love spell?My words mean nothing in this desperate show and tell
Clumsy rhymes are not worth reading,
What do the letters of my love spell?To lumbering letters and words I write farewell
I need you my love, more than written meaning,
What do the letters of my love spell?
My love is greater than words can tell.Dedicated to someone I haven't met yet. Don't be shy my lover come to me, because I'm hunting you down.
Congratulations on finally posting your first poem.
I hope you post more for all our enjoyment.[img][/img]
Amazing Migration of the Monarch Butterfly
Monarch butterflies migrate by the millions. As many as 300 million monarchs will make the trip from northern areas of the continent to California and Mexico.
Every autumn, the largest migration of insects begins. Monarch butterflies are the only insect to travel thousands of miles from the cooler north to the warmth of southern regions to spend the winter. What may be most amazing about this migration is not just the distance, but the fact that it takes four generations of monarch butterflies to make the trip and that the butterflies — four generations apart — use the exact same trees to winter each year.
The most popular places for monarch butterflies to spend the summer are in Mexico in oyamel fir trees, and near Pacific Grove, California where they live in eucalyptus trees. No one yet knows how the butterflies are able to find the exact same trees their ancestors used during hibernation.Make you feel – Alina Baraz ft Galimatias
Make You Feel Alina Baraz, Galimatias
Listen long, long enough you can love me
I'll be just yours, you can hold me
Even let you undress my mind
Save it, play it, watch it then press rewind
I can give you what you need
I can give you what you need
I can make you feel
I can make
I can make you feel alright
I can make you feel alright
I can make you feel alright
Breathe, breathe me in, taste my words, let me blow your mind
I will take you far, far away
I'll make you feel alright
You've gotta crave it and chase it
Until you're close enough to taste it
I can give you what you need
I can give you what you need
I can make you feel
I can make you
I can make you feel alright
I can make you feel alright
I can make you feel alright
I can make you feel alright
I can make you feel alright
I can make you feel alrightEvery time, every time, every time, when I'm with you alone
Precious Stone
[img width=300]×2048[/img]
Always amazing.
[img width=500]×612&w=0&h=yMqKJJD6o_2BkDN9DGt8zSeryDz1qqqmYIfLrsXYUvk=[/img]
This is too beautiful the whole wolrd needs to know…
Rolando Villazón sings “Je crois entendre encore” is the name…
Elvis Presley – His Latest Flame (Remix)[img width=500][/img]Beauty
It is painful
when a beautiful woman
walks alone through a crowd.
She must tread on eggshells
which burst into violet birds
at the touch of her feet,
her figure forever lit from without,
even while folding inwards,
like some dream-burning bit
of origami paper.
She must move
against a fragile paper wall,
forced to step prudently,
as if on the ledge
of a wishing well –
one foot placed in front of the other,
the presentation as careful
as Japanese kaiseki delivered
on dragon-shaped china –
and all this
not for the sake
of being a lady,
but to avoid
jarring awake
the night sleeping on the scales
balanced against her torso.
Enough to think about,
this pilgrimage of one woman
and the world,
but also she will be followed
by everyone’s watching,
waiting for a sign
of pain, a wince
of loneliness,
an invitation or
a slippage from grace –
to catch a glimpse
of this sometime-dancer
in the wings,
probing her spine
for evidence of inner protest.
For everyone around her
will assume that she has just emerged
from a battle of wills
held in some strange, forbidden place,
from a museum, say, in which
she spent the night,
a stowaway claiming
her birthright, sleepless
and staring down the portraits
which were painted to multiply beauty,
to certify, sanction, and give it witnesses,
to escort its wildness,
its radical otherness,
through the galleries of time.Cynthia Gralla
Thats a lovely poem. Thank you.This song is beautiful just like the lady that posted it
*Hands you a rose and kisses you*
FOX. mmmm Smells beautiful. -