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  • in reply to: Happy Valentine’s Day To All 1 #135002

      To my Jayc


      Love Always
      Stone xxx

      in reply to: OLD NEWS OFF TOPIC. #6891

        UK Floods

        Some of you may have heard by now that the UK is being hit with floods and storms. Homes are flooded, people evacuated, villages cut off and still more rain and wind is forecast.

        I was talking to some members about the devastation. As usual the good old British spirit is pulling through and people pooling together to help. Our emergency services and military are working alongside the locals to help where they can.

        What’s causing England’s floods at the moment?

        A combination of heavy rain, bitter storms, and coastal surges. Met Office figures show that January and December combined were the wettest since records began in 1910.

        What are the different types of flooding?

        • Tidal flooding comes from the sea and tidal rivers.

        • Fluvial flooding from rivers bursting their banks or overflowing

        • Groundwater flooding happens when the earth is saturated and can hold no more water

        • Flash flooding is usually at its worst when drainage systems in urban areas are overwhelmed by sudden heavy rainfall, often worsened by the concreting over of large areas of soil and gardens that would otherwise have helped to absorb the water

        As the government’s Centre for Ecology and Hydrology notes, “the full gamut of flood manifestations – tidal, pluvial (flash), fluvial and groundwater – has been experienced over the last eight weeks.

        in reply to: Achat Town Square. Instant Chat Channel for Forum Members. #134932

          What a lovely idea.  I have spent a short time there in the chat room,  Achat Town Square,  and met some lovely people I wouldn't otherwise have done.

          May I also urge all who are trying the chat room to also sign up for Secret Valentine in Events. This is also a nice way to meet new friends on a fun none sexual date  ( Unless you agree to it of course ) here and in the game.

          Congratulations Hukk on all your hard work setting this chat place up for the Forum Village .

          Who knows, maybe we will meet on a Secret  Valentine date  ;)

          in reply to: Secret Christmas 2013 #115185

            I haven't met up with JaySnake yet.  We made initial contact but I have not heard from him since and have left countless messages.

            If you read this or anyone sees him, please tell him to get in touch.

            I owe him a lapdance !!

            in reply to: Secret Valentine 2014 #133750

              Count Jayc and I in please. Its a great way to meet new people.

              And if Jaysnake reads this, please get in touch. I have left you countless messages to fix up our Christmas date. 

              Thank you.

              in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #67973

                I sip my champagne, clinking glasses with all the girls waiting impatiently for the Famous Forum Three to open their performance and begin the greatly anticipated strip for the girls.

                Brandybee suddenly spurts some bubbly champagne in my direction as mrsexlover announces the three dancers for the evening and they suddenly appear as the sexy “Three Stooges”

                I burst out laughing as I spy Jayc’s new Moe hair cut.  He  looks strange but his good looks carry the wig off to perfection.  My heart beat thuds as I admire his wonderful attire.
                Then I look at the two handsome men with him. Tango dressed as Curly, has some wonderful pink boots to die for and Lover the Larry, looks amazing with his hair shaved at the front. I hope that’s a wig too, otherwise he will look strange for a week or two!

                The music begins and each of the guys begin a comic and strip routine. We are soon roaring with laughter and screaming at the sexy dance moves.
                Tango jumps in front of Brandy and  grinds his pelvis and thonged cock in her face. She is well and truly “Tangoed”  I hear her chuckle and the sound of a soft kiss before he moves away.
                “Way to go Tango”  I yell, thoroughly enjoying that strong rippled body of his.

                Lover is next to peacock around,  showing of his bulging muscles and jumping down to allow the front row of girls to fondle him.  He eventually stands in front of me and Brandy and allows us to undo his trousers.  I  help him of course, admiring his taut abdomen muscles.
                He pulls them off to reveal a wonderful red thong and returns to the stage.

                Jayc is next and he wiggles and writhes to the music.  He is full of rhythm and oozing sex appeal. I sigh as I watch his magnificent body ripple and sway.  He too jumps down and I search in my purse for a dollar and push it in his bulging thong, allowing my fingers to brush against him, under the firework he has packed inside. I giggle as I read the writing on it  “Big Bang”

                The crowd are screaming and laughing, encouraging the sexy dancers for more fun and frolics.

                Suddenly as they near the end of their routine, the dwarfs appear spreading seltzer bottles and cream filled flans amongst the tables and take a trolley full onto the stage.

                Then follows mayhem and chaos.  The “3” stooges pick up some flans and throw them at each other, some land, some miss and land in the audience.

                Before I know it I have been “Flan flunged”  and sprayed with the fizzy water in the seltzer bottles.

                Not to be out done, I fling some flans and pies and soon the bar is erupting in one big cake throwing contest.  It’s fun and fabulously messy and the cream tastes quite nice. I lick my lips clean.

                White fluffy goo is soon on everyone’s clothes, faces and hair.

                I suddenly feel someone's arms around my waist and am thrust towards Jayc who catches me as  I stumble into him.  “Hey baby,”  I greet him and lick a glob of cream off his nose.  We both turn to see who pushed me and start laughing.

                It was mrsexlover. He grins at both of us and then grabs Brandy and starts to suckle the cream off her breasts.

                Hukk has dived into the middle of some pies, and comes out smiling, waving to Zoeriink and Cutiguy who has just walked into the mayhem.  Jayc and I notice their clean faces but not for long. 
                “Hey guys, glad you could join us”  and we promptly wack them in the face with a full flan. “Welcome to the AB&G “  We  high five each other and get down to the serious business of flinging more flans.
                Zoerink and Cutiguy start giggling and immediately fire back.

                “Splat”  Tomi85 gets it on the forehead.
                “Pow”  Tom_Hardy gets one on the nose
                “ Kepow”  FoxyRoxxy gets one on the head
                “Smak”  HGO gets one on the head
                “Thud”  Lover gets one on the back
                “Shmak”  Hukk gets one on his cheek
                “Whoosh”  Tango gets one on his bare butt
                “Bong”  mrsexlover gets one on the back of his suckling head
                  “Clunk”  denisee40 gets one on the side of her face
                  “ Plonk!” Lydiarose gets one in the shoulder
                “Zonk”  Freddie gets a full facial
                “Pfffffffffftttt”  HB gets one on the chest

                It’s a pure, disorderly, but good natured mass of confusion and free-for-all. Chuckles and giggles and high fives are heard as each pie hits its target and reciprocated in kind.

                I look at Jayc and cheekily push a pie down the front of his thong and grab a selzer bottle and spray him down there too. His face is a picture as he feels the fizz and rush of the liquid on his cock.
                He pulls a face and starts inching towards me –  “ Now, now Jay, you know I love you “ I try to placate him.  And quickly bolt behind Brandy as he throws a flan
                “Splatttt “  It  lands right on her face. Mrsexlover still seems oblivious as his head is still buried in her cleavage!

                I quickly duck behind Tom_Hardy and Zoerink.  “You can’t leave yet guys, the fun has  just begun”  I tell them both.
                “I have to, the sea beckons” Zoerink answers and kisses me on the cheek, “I will be back”

                I grab Tom_Hardy’s arm, “Quick, lets hide with Old_Joe behind the bar, he has some hidden flans for ammo” I giggle at him. “Plus the dwarf army”  I add as I see the dwarfs and Old Joe standing behind the bar, flinging the flans at the crowd and then ducking down in fabulous, co-ordinated moves.

                in reply to: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 7 – OT #133928

                  I  still like the  idea  of a war time romance or dalliance  and  a  Winter theme  from last  suggestions.

                  in reply to: New wager: Olympic Winter Games Wager: Sotchi 2014 #133558

                    I think Austria will come 4th in the Gold Medals.

                    in reply to: Current Birthdays #73271

                      Happy Birthday Freddie

                      Happy Birthday  Tangoracer.

                      Have you have / had wonderful days.    Hugs and kiss to both.

                      Stone and Jayc.  ;D

                      in reply to: OLD NEWS OFF TOPIC. #133910

                        For the Chip N Dales, I will support the  Sea Hawkes too.  I love the film  Sleepless in Seattle.

                        I'm with you Brandy.  :-*

                        in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #67937

                          I watch as Jayc takes to the stage after such an exciting introduction by mrsexlover and he sits on a stool centre stage with the mic.

                          I look at Old_Joe and Brandybee questioningly.  They both raise their eyebrows and shrug their shoulders as if to say  “ Don’t ask me “

                          I look again at Jayc as he swigs his bottle of bud and the intro to the song begins. I immediately recognise it.  I know that tune from his singing in the bathroom when shaving the last few mornings.

                          He’d been practicing for days and as a consequence had found myself humming it to myself as I went about my daily chores.

                          He began to sing, working the audience beautifully and I found myself joining in and giggling in the moment of his performance.

                          He looked so good up there. His good looks and sexy smile never failed to make my heart race that little bit faster and my smile that little bit wider.

                          Soon I was cheering him on and  grabbed a pic from behind the bar.

                          It was a photo of him and Brandy at the bar, backs towards the camera. He was facing forwards but Brandy was sneakily looking back at the camera grinning pointing at a larger hole in his trousers that Pachi had done when they wrestled. Jayc at the time had no idea it was there but everyone could see the tight cheeks of his sexy ass.

                          At the appropriate time in the song, I held it up  at   “ the hole in my pants” and sang the words loudly with the audience.
                          It was fun and light hearted.

                          As the song began to end,  I slipped out of my panties and ran like a groupy to the front of the stage, chanting his name like a lovesick teenager  “ Jayc, Jayc, Jayc”   I softly screamed, completely over acting.

                          Jayc saw my antics and joined in like the star he was.  I threw my panties at him and he defly caught them,  sniffing them playfully and putting them in his pocket.

                          We all cheered and he ended the song, chuckling  “ You got dirty minds”  to the audience. He bowed and  then jumped down to me, snogging me soundly as the audience wolf whistled.

                          He caught hold of the photo from behind my back, and looked at it, as he still kissed me. He narrowed his eyes for the moment and as he walked with me back to the bar, he playfully raised the back of my skirt to show my bare ass to all the people behind us.

                          “Jay”  I admonished him but I knew I deserved it as I had been flashing his ass cheeks in the photo to everyone.

                          He just grinned as he threw his arm round my waist to give me a squeeze and we joined Brandy, JD and Old_Joe at the bar again.

                          “Set them up Joe” Jayc  said to the Head Bar Keeper and Joe placed 4 cups and saucers on the bar and fetched a freshly brewed tea pot.

                          Freddie walks in and orders his drink. We all greet him affectionately.  I  hug him, ” Hey Freddie, Happy Birthday,  good to see you back,”  clinking my cup with his glass ”
                          He grins back at us all.

                          in reply to: who is your favorite artist? #114849

                            I recently bought a couple of prints from this artist because I liked her style and enjoy her work .

                            Marianne Caroselli

                            m-caroselli-eagle-gliding.jpg    m-caroselli-deer-near-cabin.jpg    m-caroselli-bears-on-log.jpg  m-caroselli-winter-farm.jpg    19.%20Caroselli,%20M.%20-%20Loving%20Sun.jpg  imag008.jpg

                            Hope you enjoy them too.

                            in reply to: Daytona 500 sweep 2014 #133574

                              Count me in Sweetheart   :-*

                              watching you arrange everything     


                              Then I go find my car to polish and tune up.  BRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMM    BRRRRRMMMMMM


                              Entrance  fee paid to Pythia  26 Jan 2014

                              in reply to: Secret Christmas 2013 #115089

                                Brandy messaged me and I picked it up on my return home. She wondered when I was free to meet up for our secret Christmas date. Seems the fates that be had decided that she was to give me a Lap Dance.  I had to chuckle, we had been betting who could get the highest score for a while now, on these dates, asking our partners to give us a mark out of 10 for our efforts.

                                Unfortunately he who shall remain nameless gave her a score of 1,000 out of 10 for one of her dances, so I was somewhat lagging behind.
                                She had taken the time to help me improve my lap dances though, in my earlier green days much to my spouses delight as he had to sit through them while I honed the horn.

                                Jayc and Bear were out that evening so I messaged her back,  saying I was ready and willing to score her   LOW      NOW.

                                She said she would put the kettle on, an old English custom, meaning – Come on over, I’ll be waiting with a cup of tea for you.

                                I arrived at her yard and we both laughed when she told me she had had to go buy the poses, the Lap dance and the new fast manic dance for FF.  It was her gift to me after all. 

                                Of course, we had a mug of tea and began the mad cougar dance first, just for the hell of it. It was funny seeing the Forum Queen flailing around in an epileptic fit, but then again, I wasn’t much better. Of course we blamed the caffeine in the tea and promptly had another and speeded it up a bit for effect. 

                                As we laughed and joked, and caught up with some of the Forum village antics, we worked out a couple of post ideas for some topics before getting down to business of the Lap Dance.

                                We had a competition, to see who had the most sex clothes on in the world. We broke even ! By this time, we were both crying with laughter.

                                Then she asked me to wear my cowboy hat so she had something to direct her dirty words at instead of my fat knacker face !! To which I retorted, “At least I wasn’t ugly as sin and there was hope for me yet”

                                We both burst out laughing and she began her performance, talking to the hat. She was careful to point out, it was nothing personal.

                                She gyrated and shimmied. All the time, hot steamy words were pouring from her mouth to the hat. By the time, she had finished, the hat had turned from brown, to pink, to bright red.

                                Luckily the hat wasn’t marking her, I was … and I give  ….    Minus 1,000  out of 10  LMAO.  Now we are about even.  LOL

                                Before I was about to leave, she suddenly asked  “Heads  or Tails”
                                Puzzled, I answered, “Tails”

                                “You lose”  she giggled.  “ Means you post the date!!!”

                                in reply to: Forum Game. Christmas Presents for members fun. #132151

                                  For Tango & HB

                                  [img][/img]  [img][/img]  7-PIECE-RELAX-MASSAGE-GIFT-SET-17691.jpg

                                  Merry Christmas.

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