Forum Replies Created
Ingenious. Your comic strip is very cleverly done. I look forward to every edition. Great work Concerto.
Congratulations on your new venture. As always, your unique ideas take my breath away. They are always interesting and intriguing.
October 10, 2013 at 8:00 pm in reply to: The Order of the Tudor Rose. O.T. ( Off Topic Comments ) #98852Thank you all for all your kind words and encouragement. We have also received PM's that have been very useful to us.
We take your BDSM comments on board and will be including vanilla scenes too as the story progresses.
Covems, you mentioned some ideas you would like to see happen, please PM us your thoughts, who knows, maybe we could work some ideas in, if it fits with our story line.
Thank you again for your comments. Please continue to do so, good and bad.
This is our first attempt at a large story and all advice, creative critisims, and suggestions can only help us to improve.
If you are too shy to post, tell Brandybee, she isn't.
She wandered round the bar, taking note of the dark silence all around and wondered where everyone had gone. She saw the time on the clock strike 10pm. It should be brisling with life.
She clicked her fingers and some lights flicked on and then dimmed to a mellow hue.
She glided along the floor, leaving an icy chill and the wonderful scent of Jasmine in her wake. She trailed her hand lovingly along the bar. This was hers, no matter who owned it now or in the years ahead, it would always be hers. Hers and Stanley’s.She liked the friendly atmosphere of the AB&G. It still clung to the very timbers and heart of the building, soaked to the core with the humour and good nature of the patrons and staff. It was a good place to be, yet had an element of naughtiness that fed and uplifted her spirit. She giggled at some on the shenanigans she sensed in the air of past, present and future times.
She surveyed her territory. Soon it would be time to have their special night again – 31 October – Halloween. She smiled and called to Stanley in her mind and then instructed the phantom symphony to play.
The Danube Waltz began to play softly, echoing along the empty, dark rooms, filling the building with the sweet eerie music and Stanley appeared on the dance floor.
Both figures were dressed elegantly as usual. Doris had her favourite blue ball gown on and Stanley was dressed in his black and white dancing attire.
Stanley smiled at his wife , “ A dance Mrs Grill?” and bowed formally.
Doris curtsied to her husband and stepped into his arms. There was a misty glow around them and the ghostly figures of the couple were slightly transparent. They danced around the room perfectly in time to the music and it grew louder and louder till it reached the appropriate sound level.
They danced with exuberance, passing magically through tables and chairs and their happy laughter rang out and filled each room.
As Doris was swept majestically round by her husband, she saw their portrait above the stage and the plaque “ The Doris Bar Memorial Stage”
“ Oh Stanley” She cooed, “ Look, look what they have done in our memory”Stanley looked and they stopped dancing to enjoy the moment. An arm around each waist, their heads leaning on each other.
“We looked good then,” Stanley said as he admired their portrait.
“We surely did, Mr Grill” Doris agreed.They held hands and began to glide and inspect the room.
“There’s no dust or cobwebs,” Doris observed, “ I wonder where everyone is?”
Stanley saw a paper napkin on the table, it had scribbles on with directions to Lake Crystal.“It seems they may have gone there,” Stanley showed his wife. They knew the place well, having spent many a happy day picnicing and feeding Ellie and her family.
“ Shall we?” Doris asked her husband, suddenly excited by finding out why everyone was there.
“I think we must” Stanley agreed. “ I wonder if it has changed much?”
“We will soon find out,” Doris giggled, “But first, a few things to make our earth friends wonder” She swept her hand in various directions, whispering inaudible words under her icy breath.Papers on Jayc’s desk were disarranged in a very disorderly display.
Brandybee’s bee collar, appeared under her desk ornament – a beautiful glowing moon diamond, magically suspended a few inches above the surface of the desk, rotating slowly on its invisible axis, and cowboy hat moved from the hat stand to her chair.
Red Roses appeared in strange places around the bar and in the massage room.
The air became icy cold so wisps of smoke would appear when any living thing breathed and the beautiful scent of jasmine hung in the air.
Lastly, she set a sequence for the lights to flicker on and off, dimly illuminating each room in turn.
“Are you trying to scare people my Dear” Stanley chuckled.
“ Not at all Mr Grill” Doris laughed, “ Just a gentle reminder, they are not alone”Then in a beam of magic, they were gone….. ( on their way to “Lake Crystal” formally known as “Campfire at Lake Crystal” )
Stanley’s voice could be heard lingering , “ Are you going to try out that mind control, you have been practicing, my love?”
Doris could be heard giggling, “ I’m nearly as strong as you now Stanley dear. Do you want to see…?”
Then the bar was empty once again with the lights turning on and off in the dark of the night.
(Edited by Brandybee in consultation with Stone )
Kade sat in his kitchen drinking coffee, he was tired and cranky having been up half the night waiting for a response from Paladin. He decided to shower and go to the estate and wait for him there.
Kade knocked on Paladin’s door, Pet65 opened it a crack
“Master Kade,” she bowed her head and stood aside to let him into the room
“Good morning, is he here?” Kade looked around the room.
“No, he sent me a text last night saying he would be back this morning”
“I got the same message,” Kade said with a hint of anger.
Pet65 was wearing sweat pants and a tight t-shirt and flip flops.
“I was just about to go have some breakfast but you can wait here if you like.” Pet65 offered, sensing his anger or was it worry, she was not sure.
“No. Mind if I join you?” Kade said with a smile.
Pet65's heart skipped a beat. “I’d like that Master Kade,” she blushed. Kade made her feel nervous. She was very aware of him with his good looks and his fit experienced body. She was very attracted to him, yet she sensed a danger about him. She felt he could look inside her and snap her in two if he wished.
She had heard other submissives at the Order speak of him in awe. He had advised their Masters of discipline techniques and punishments to assert their authority over them and make them understand that they had given up their control and were there to serve. There was no question or debate as to their status.
But what had amused and intrigued her, in their quiet, girly, chuckley moments together was his abilities as a lover. His stamina, self control and authority in the bedroom and the submissives who had experienced him, would swoon and bask in their memories. Be amazed at the boundaries, they had so willingly crossed and in the aftermath of their sexual antics, he had held them afterwards, tenderly congratulating them and instilling their self worth as a submissive.
They walked to the dining room. Pet65 wondered if she should try to engage Kade in small talk but his mind seemed to be elsewhere and his answers though polite were short and strained. She had only met him a few times but on those instances he was all smiles and friendly and she wondered what Paladin had done.
They reached the main foyer and they both spotted Paladin walking in to the main entrance.
“Give me a moment my dear,” Kade marched with purpose towards Paladin.
He had purposefully left her out of earshot. She watched covertly as Kade spoke with his recruit. From his body language she could only assume it was not a pleasant conversation. Paladin looked as if he was trying to explain but Kade was having none of it. After a minute or so, Kade led Paladin to the staff entrance to the kitchen. They both disappeared for a few moments. A short time later, Kade returned to her side. He smiled at her and the fluttery feeling deep in her belly returned.
“So sorry for that but my wayward recruit needed a reminder of the rules,” Kade told her but stopped short, omitting to tell her that a morning of scrubbing pots, pans and peeling potatoes should put him on the right path again.
She could tell, however, Kade was clearly relieved that Paladin had returned safely.They entered the busy dining room, the couple made their way to the buffet. They were stopped by several people Kade obviously knew. He was gracious and spoke briefly to each of them and always introduced Pet65. She felt giddy being with this man, it seemed everybody knew him and everybody liked him.
They filled their plates and found an open table on the deck. Kade pulled out Pet65's chair and he let her sit before he sat down. She was stunned by his chivalry and sat murmuring her thanks. She was actually in need to sit down, feeling quite light headed being the center of his attention. It was not going unnoticed by the people surrounding them either.
Pet65 looked down at her plate and picked some single items on her fork, eating tentatively.
“I make you nervous,” Kade observed aloud. She nodded and he chuckled.
“Look at me” he commanded softly.
She looked up slowly, seeing his shirt, the buttons, his neck, the cleft in his chin, his mouth and nose till she eventually stared into his strong brown, thoughtful eyes.“I should make you nervous.” Kade locked onto her eyes, “I am most definitely an Alpha male and I will bed you, but know this Azure, nothing will happen that you don’t choose to happen or allow to happen”
The strength of his words and the unexpected use of her true name, caused her breath to catch and her heart beat to rocket. At that moment, right there, right now, she knew she trusted him like no other and knew that he would take her to heights of carnal pleasure, no other man would ever be capable of. She was excited and scared at the same time.
Kade smiled, knowing of his effect on her. “Eat. Our time will come.” Then he began tucking into his own hearty breakfast.
Kade was head of security at the Tudor Rose Order and well respected for his knowledge and wisdom. He had a natural authority about him and that coupled with his handsome features and fit body ensured he was noticed by both sexes. He was a Dominant male and liked being in control. He liked taking the lead in his line of work as well as in the bedroom and was fully capable of doing so.
He liked to push his sexual partners to their extreme pleasure, to test their limits and desires and to leave them sexually exhausted in his bed or any other room for that matter.
In his past he had robustly performed for pain sluts but he never really enjoyed that extreme himself. He preferred the gentler teasing whips and paddles although he had a firm hand for spanking that he did enjoy and often indulged in.
He preferred more the pleasures of carnal desires, sometimes playing on the uncertainty of his partner, causing nervous sexual tension between them. But he was never sadistic and although the odd bruise or bite mark was inevitable, he did not like his partner to bleed or scar from wounds he had inflicted.
Kade was at an age, he knew what he liked and his instinct was rarely wrong when it came to women he found to be of interest.
Kade did have a dark past as he was training and learning the craft of being a Dominant male. He had tried many practices to push his own limits, some he was not particularly proud of, but it had made him the man he was today.
Kade could be callous, he could be hurtful and he could disassociate himself when required from his encounters allowing his primal lust full reign. He referred to this as his inner beast that was always lurking and simmering under the surface but Kade was Master of this wild beast within.
He had taken part in rituals and punishments in the Order to reassert a submissive’s place or to ensure they knew they were in a secondary disposition and never a primary, and even surprisingly, as a reward for a submissive who wished for such a used fantasy.
Other Masters often sought his advice and services which established him as a highly respected member of the Order.
He watched Pet65 eat her breakfast, his Azure. He wanted her and would have her. He lusted after her and wanted to feel her tender body under his. He wanted to feel her shudder time and time again as wave after wave of orgasms racked her slender body as he impaled and possessed her.
He was curious how far he could push her and he smiled at the thought that soon she would be released from Paladin’s care and he had every intention of becoming the man she wanted.
He remembered some words, his late Mentor once told him years ago, “Respect the woman, Devour the slut, and Cherish the little girl inside, Then you have the mind, body and soul, and the heart will surely follow.”
Advice he would use with Azure.
Onyxx liked gadgets and had done some work for Incubus before. It was usually fixing security cameras, testing out securities in firms to see if the codes could be broken, see where their weaknesses lay, and completing a report of his findings.
Incubus was his best customer. Not only was he paid well for his hobby but he was usually given a woman or two to have fun with. Not that that he was ever short of sex, he chuckled at that, but he liked these lazy afternoons of stranger sex and fulfilling his own fantasies.
He watched her arrive on the hidden cameras in the cottage. It belonged to the Black Sun Order and he was situated in a hidden room that contained the monitors to view all the rooms.
She was an attractive woman and he watched her undress and dress in the clothes he had put for her. He wondered what her story was, he zoomed in, he couldn’t see a tattoo of the Order, so could only presume she was one of Incubus’s whores.He pressed record. Another disc for his private collection. He checked his watch, he had made her wait 40 minutes now. She would be wondering of her fate, full of anticipation.
Time now, to make his move.
He walked downstairs and into the living room. She was sitting still, listening for any new sound. He picked up a belt.
He was naked except for a ski mask and approached her silently. Quick as lightening he belted her forearms behind her back so she was bound soundly. Her breasts jutted out for his pleasure. Cheryl yelped out in surprise and shock at the sudden violent movement and nearly toppled off the stool.
“Quiet” Onyxx growled. He was big compared to her. He gripped her chin, squashing her lips together “I like it rough. I think you will too.” His elbow purposely brushed at her breasts.
Then he grabbed her blouse, tearing it open to expose her tits. The magnificent orbs were bared to his eyes. Her nipples pebbled and she gasped with fear, not knowing what to expect.
He massaged her tits, squeezing and kneading them as he whispered, “Your tits are nice, You like this don’t you? I can tell. I bet your pussy is all nice and wet for me.” He pushed her tits together and sucked hard on her nipples.
Cheryl was scared but strangely found the rough treatment appealing. Her pussy was wet and throbbed with interest. Although rough and firm, the tit massage and suckling was pleasantly therapeutic. She found herself arching her torso into him.
He felt her respond and grabbed her chin again, “Well, well, well. I think the lady desires me”
Cheryl blushed and then suddenly she was pulled roughly from the stool. Her back and arms slammed into a wall and he pinned her there with his body. He was pressed between her legs and he plundered her mouth, kissing her and forcing his tongue inside. He kissed and nibbled her face and neck, all the time roughly groping her chest.
Then he pulled her skirt to her waist and felt her thatch and buttocks over her nylon tights. He rubbed and kneaded roughly, taking and exploring what he wanted.
Cheryl had never been the object of such intense desire and had never been so turned on in her life. She found herself wanting more. She was more than wet, she was on fire!He moved her again, causing her to stumble on those heels, and bent her over the back of the settee. He immediately grabbed her sex, pinching her as he ripped the nylon covering. It tore and laddered down her legs, exposing her pussy. He did it again and exposed her buttocks. The torn clothes hung from her body.
Then his fingers were pumping inside her and she flooded all over his hand. She felt two or three digits inside her, jamming in as far as he could. He was feeding her need as well as his own.
Onyxx liked the power he had of using her for his lustful fantasy. He liked disassociated raw lust and this woman liked it too if her groans were anything to go by. It spurned him on to manhandle her more. He pulled her hair to lift her head to his, arching her back and jutting her tits out.
“I’m going to fuck you. You want my cock in you, don’t you?”
She groaned as her throat was stretched back.
“Say it, say you want my cock pumping into you” he demanded.Cheryl was frenzied, “Fuck me, fuck me, I want your cock pumping in me,” She gasped.
“You naughty little slut” Onyxx chided. He ground his rock hard cock against her pussy, coating him lavishly with her juices.
“Tell me, tell me what you are?” He demanded.Cheryl was willing to say anything at this point. She was impatient with her sexual need.
“ Your naughty slut” Cheryl gasped and when Onyxx remained silent, in desperation “ I want your big cock in me, I want you to fuck my slutty pussy. I want you to feel my tits, my ass, all my body.. please take me, I’m yours, your whore, your sex toy”Onyxx chuckled. And he obliged, he ravaged her pussy. He fucked her deep, rough and like the slut she wanted. The coupling was fast and torrid, both lost in the raw lust of the situation. He took and bruised her over and over. Until they both reached that shattering orgasm, sweating and breathing hard.
He rested a moment on her back and then disengaged from her.
“Stay there” he ordered and fetched his wine and sandwich to eat. He pushed his mask up to his forehead and sat behind her. He watched his cum start to trickle down her legs. He liked the contrast of those red heels thrusting up her white ass and torn black tights. A lovely vision of a ravished woman.
His thoughts turned to the rest of the afternoon, his selection of toys, paddles, anal beads, dildos, & vibrating toys. He was looking forward to playing with his little slut some more.
She would be sore for a few days afterwards. That thought pleased his male pride.Cheryl arrived as the cottage outside of town. It was picturesque and stood alone. Her heart was beating fast not really knowing what to expect.
She knocked on the door and waited. She saw an envelope tucked into the frame. It said, “2 o’clock appointment – open me “She tugged it free and opened it. In printed word, it said, “The key is under the Gnome by the door. Enter and put on the clothes on the dining table inside. I want you to make two sandwiches from the food in the fridge, pour two glasses of wine. Set the table for two and wait for me in the blind fold provided. You will be watched. Any diversion from these simple instructions will be punished. Sir Onyxx.
She followed the instructions and went inside and saw the clothing on the table. It wasn’t so bad, a woman’s business suit in black, a white blouse, and black tights with red 6” high heels.
She undressed and folded her clothes neatly and dressed in the clothes provided. There was no underwear. The clothes fit her body snuggly, maybe a size too small but as she looked in a mirror in the dining room, she had to admit, it showed off her figure to perfection.She wobbled a little on the shoes as she walked into the kitchen and made a chicken and salad sandwich as directed from the only contents found there. She set the table and poured the wine as instructed.
She sat and fidgeted a moment and found in the pocket of the suit jacket, another instruction – It read –
“You are mine for the afternoon. This is my sexual fantasy. I want you to enjoy it too. I will not hurt you unless I need to for compliance, but I will push you to your limits. Sit on the stool in the centre of the living room and wait for me blind fold. You may eat first”Cheryl’s heart beat faster and her eyes scanned the room, – was he here now, was he watching her, who the hell was Master Onyxx.
She ate the sandwich as directed and drank 2 glasses of wine to settle her nerves. The alcohol had a slightly warming and loosening effect on her body.
Then she did as the note asked. She positioned herself on the stool and placed the blindfold on and waited in her now darkened world.She was pleasantly surprised that she found the anticipation, exciting and that she was quite turned on. She had often fantasised herself in the throes of passion or a self induced orgasm of being taken and desired by an unknown stranger. She thought that most middle aged married women probably did and the thought comforted her somewhat.
Cheryl felt disgusted with herself for her body’s reaction. She was turned on, not by the horrid situation she found herself in but by the expert and intimate stimulation bestowed on her by Isaac, however unwanted. She wanted her body to stop reacting but knew it was futile. She was doing exactly what nature intended.
Her husband’s voice droned on over the phone’s loud speaker, in the background, reading the report that Issac had instructed him to fetch. Issac was thrusting into her, enjoying the situation he had created.
Baxter’s wife spread eagled on his desk as he fucked her, in deep, determined strokes. Unrelenting fingers circling her clitoris. They were meant to dominate and show his power over her and her unsuspecting husband and he was succeeding.
She acted out her orgasm, knowing that Issac would not be satisfied in his perverted little world until she did so. She arched her back and gave muffled little sounds in to her panties that Issac had stuffed into her mouth.
She hoped her acting abilities would fool him. She did not want to orgasm for real. She wanted that small victory. But Issac was experienced and knew how to please a woman to orgasm and she worried. She needed to stop those fingers circling her clitoris, needed to stop his cock pushing in and out of her.
In her desperate state, she could only think that bringing her orgasm forward, he might be fooled into stopping before she truly shamed herself.
So she did, she writhed, and moaned and arched. Acting as though her life depended on it. Issac was fooled, he liked what he saw. He fucked her harder, and then pulled out, shooting his semen all over her tits.
His hand scooped it all up and he callously rubbed it in her face, forcing some in her mouth, as his fingers probed her tongue.
Cheryl wanted to wretch, but accepted his demeaning behaviour.It was Isaac’s turn to speak on the phone. He sneered at Cheryl as he spoke. “Everything seems to be going well your end, Baxter. Good work. I am, pleased with how everything is turning out here too” He groped Cheryl’s tits and pussy as he spoke, meaning her to pick up on the double meaning in his words.
“Keep up the good work,” Issac said, then after a pause ended the call with, “Yes, and thank your wife for her support in this. You are a lucky man to have such a flexible wife.”
Baxter agreed saying he was going to send her flowers. The call ended.Issac smiled at her. “Suck my cock clean, you dirty little slut.” Cheryl sank to her knees. He pushed his cock into her mouth. “That’s a good whore. Did you enjoy that? Did you like fucking your husband’s boss, while your man was on the phone.” He didn’t really expect an answer, he was just extending his wicked fantasy and her humiliation.
She shook her head, her mouth full of his cock and Isaac chuckled.He pulled her up to her feet once she had completed her task. She was red with shame.
“Be at this address at 2pm. You will be meeting an associate of mine. You will fuck him and be a good slut for him. He will report back to me, so you best make him happy, very happy.”With that he picked up her panties and pushed them in his pocket. “You can go now, I will be in touch. Oh and Cheryl – You will call me Master Incubus from now on”
He settled at his desk and ignored her as she dressed quickly. She left his office, pantiless and humiliated. She hated him!
Then looked at the address in her hand. She had enough time to shower and keep her appointment.
How about a sad story that ends happy …
What becomes of the broken hearted … :
Good Luck. But I hope you change your mind too.
Take care and I hope all works out for you.
Welcome to our wonderful Forum Village.
Enjoy your time here.
Welcome to our wonderful Forum Village.
Enjoy your time here.
Welcome to our wonderful Forum Village.
Enjoy your time here.
September 25, 2013 at 5:49 pm in reply to: Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases. #101695I'm in too. More poses for our Gay , Bi & Tran friends. Fairness for all.
“Is there anyone here present today who may know reason why these two people should not be spoused.”
Fishing in my. Bag,and my pockets getting a little flustered and whisper to Jayc … ” Damn, have you got Cove 's house keys or have I? “