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After Adera has finished her very bold and teasing lap dance, I make my way from the AB&G , using the secret pool room passageway, to the dungeon Tango had told me was mine for one night… I listen outside the door and can hear the Dwarfs teasing Jayc and his little yelps of protest and pleadings to let him be.
I smile to myself, given the chance, those dwarfs can be little terrors. I say a slight prayer of thanks that I chose Covems, as well as Jayc, for my stage performance at Tight’s party. It’s a good thing to stay in their Master’s good books , and he did seem pleased with my very attentive blow job :-*.
I open the door and see Jayc all bound up in the chair. He is naked except for his boxer shorts and the black hood still on, fixed round his neck with a collar and lead.
The dwarfs are around him. He has a vibrator on full blast placed in between his legs, vibrating on his balls and lower penis. He has nipple clamps on and every now and then, one of the dwarfs tickles him with a feather duster or flicks a soft whip at him. Another dwarf cracks a folded belt not far from him , just to worry him, not to use on him. And that is surely working as I see him flinch.
I grin as the dwarfs see me enter and I put my finger to my lips so as not to alert Jayc to my presence. They nod grinning back at me. I mouth my thanks to them and ask them to leave us. They troop out in a line , piling their toys in my hands as they exit.
At last, I am alone with him. I go to the chest and find the items I have requested.Tango is so thoughtful .
Jayc is listening intently “ Stone? Stone? Is that you? This isn’t funny you know… Stone?”
I don’t answer him, remembering the terror when I thought Scary Bear was going to Dominate me not all that long ago in the office of the AB&G … the terror, the thought of how big Bear was compared to me…, and the worry that Jayc didn’t know where I was, what Bear’s intentions were, the knowledge he was experienced with subs and slaves and he was a Master, tied helpless on that desk…
Oh Jayc deserves this.. and I am going to milk it to the end.
I begin to undress and place a black leather , studded basque on, that pushes my breasts up but leaves them naked & exposed. I pick up some wrist and forearm bracers , tying them in place and putting high healed shoes on. I put some black lacy panties on. I touch up my make up, elegant , confident, sexy.. I check the bathroom, smiling …
I return to the main room and look in the wall mirror behind the trussed up Jayc, hardly recognising myself but then I grin… this is different and this is going to be so much fun…..
As we sing by the bonfire and I look round at the friends I have made here, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of comradeship.
Covems comes up behind me and holds onto my waist in the pretence of kissing my neck and whispers, “ It’s all set “ I nod my head, letting him know I have heard him, before he moves away to join Pafe & Satoire.
We all begin to have our photos taken for the bar album and Grumpy and Dopey pull on my hands to have a picture taken sitting on Jayc’s lap on the Throne.
We pose happily , the picture is taken and then suddenly …. all hell breaks loose. The dwarfs expertly bushwack Jayc binding him sound in the chair and slipping a hood over his head. He can neither see nor move as he is tied like a prisoner.
I can’t help but giggle and clap my hands in glee. The dwarfs have got him trussed just like we planned.
They unlock the wheels of the throne and wheel him over to me
“ Well done fellows” I praise.
“We're ready to take him to your place in the Ice House, Miss Stone.” Doc says as they start to move the chair.
“Take him away.” I say with a wave of my hand.They wheel him off towards the secret passageway in the pool room.
I pass Tango “ Did you manage to sort me a spare dungeon” I ask him.
“ Of course Miss Stone “ and hands me a large iron key. “ It’s the dungeon in the corner , opposite Bear’s “
“ Thank you Tango” I kiss him on the cheek and walk to Sexilious who looks sad and is being consoled by mrsexlover, Marilyn & Lover . She has lost her beloved giraffe. I rub her back in comfort and hug her. “ So sorry for your loss” I say softly, She nods and takes comfort that she is with her friends.
I join Brandy in the bar to watch Adera doing a very sexy, pole dance, teasing and enticing Lover in her special way as she weaves and dances in the gathering crowd. She is an excellent dancer and I admire the moves, memorising them to tantalise my own man, one day when in the mood.
“ What has Jayc done to deserve such a dramatic kidnapping? “ Brandy asks amused
I grin at her, “ You don’t remember? “ I tease “ The Panda Lap Dance to tease Bear … his idea … Bears payback to return the charm… the two of them ONLY conspired and terrorised ME .. remember? My OWN SPOUSE in cahoots with a Dom.. Can you even believe he would even do that to me? You & Jayc were the guilty ones … yet.. Scary Bear punished me… little old innocent me .. “Brandy blushed , “ Arhh, yes The Capturing of Bear Caper … I did sort of volunteer you for that.. well you did get me back with the public spanking in Our Wrestling Match “
We both giggle at that. “ Yes, but it was fun “ I sayBrandy nods, still chuckling. “ So what you going to do with him?”
“ Let him stew for a bit… right now, he will be wheeled into my temporary dungeon, Tango let me borrow. The dwarfs will be plaguing and poking him and undressing him to his boxers and making sure he stays bind to the throne with his hood still on..”
I pick up a bottle and clink it to Brandy’s
“ The dwarfs can terrorise him a bit , Then I will go down and teach my spouse, never to be treacherous again”“ Of course” Brandy agrees with respect in her eyes at my cunning plan and drinks to me……. We then turn to watch Adera’s fabulous dance moves……
Servicing and having the attention of two men is so sexually exciting and stimulating. I suck and tease Tight’s cock as Jayc fucks me. I want to give them as much pleasure as they are giving me.
I feel Jayc dribble lubricating oil onto my ass and then to play with my little rosette, first one and then two fingers, circling & pushing into me.
Tight’s cock in my mouth, Jayc’s cock in my pussy and Jayc’s fingers deeply stretching & exploring my anus.
When Jayc told me I was to please the men in the harem this night, at this moment, never were his words more true. I was indeed the men’s pleasurable toy, my body theirs to do with as they willed.
Jayc pulls out of my hot , wet pussy. My natural lubricant glistening on his shaft in the soft light of the harem. He directs his erection to my anus, teasing the little puckered star with his crown and then pushes in to the hilt. I release whimpering feminine grunts at his size and entry. Then he begins a slow and steady ass fuck.
I shut my eyes enjoying him and continue to lick, suck and nuzzle Tights hard rod.
I feel Jayc lean on to me, deepening his penetration, his chest warm on my back, and his whispering words tease the hair by my ear , “ Enjoying this baby ?” “ Ready for both of us baby?” I push back on his cock, mouth full of Tight's cock, moaning consent, rocking with him, “ I will take that as a yes “ He concludes.
Jayc breaks the Spit Roast and lays down, instructing me to continue the ass fuck in the reverse cow girl position. As I guide Jayc’c cock back into my anus, Tight shuffles forward to continue fucking my head. He pushes his cock deep into my mouth and starts to thrust & circle his hips.
Jayc pulls me back and takes hold of my legs, spreading them for Tight to see his cock buried in my ass and my wet pussy and pink lips surrounded by black trimmed pubic hair. Ready and waiting for him with Jayc‘s full consent.
I hear Jayc tell Brandy who is lying by the side of us being pleasured by the double ended vibrating dildo,
“ Enjoy the view Brandy, because you are next” !!!Tight straddles Jayc’s legs and I watch him rub his helmet in my folds. My labia kisses his crown, and he gently strokes and circles his knob to my entrance, My lips fold over him as he pushes in to claim me. The feel of his cock slowly entering and Jayc already deeply inside my body stretches me like never before. They are both so big and massive and I am filled to the brim and almost bursting.
Both men still and I get used to the double penetration, breathing steady as my body gets accustomed to accommodating them.
Tight holds my legs open holding them wide so he can see both my cavities filled. The view excites him and he begins to fuck, slow at first and then Jayc joins in with an alternate thrust. As Tight fills me, Jayc withdraws, As Jayc pushes into my body, Tight pulls out .
I lay back on Jayc to enjoy this new sensation and he kisses my neck showing his approval and pleasure. He gropes and squeezes my breasts with his hands as Tight watches, thrusting that little bit faster, enjoying the sight before him.
Tight leans forward and kisses and sucks my breasts that Jayc bunches for him and I stroke and gently rake his back with my nails. My body responds at the attentions of both men and I groan in pleasure as my desire builds and turns to female animalistic lust.
I am vaguely aware of Brandy watching our double joining and her moaning close by as she pleasures herself with her given toy, but my greed and lust cares for nothing but my own satisfaction crying for release.
Tight taps my thigh and withdraws from my vagina, silently indicating with his eyes, he wants my ass now too. I smile at him and rise from Jayc’s cock. I turn my body around, taking Jayc’s cock to my vaginal entrance and lower onto him. I bend over him offering my breasts to him to play with as Tight directs his cock to my ass and thrusts in.
Tight begins to fuck me, holding my shoulders to ensure I am pulled back deeply onto him. I move lower , lifting my ass & offering Tight full access to my bottom and snog Jayc passionately underneath me. Tight smacks my ass, 1, 2 & 3 times, medium hard and I feel the sting and vibrations. The pleasure is intense.
I am lust crazed as both men fuck me hard. I move to pleasure my clit, screaming for attention, rubbing, circling, leaking. Jayc tries to interrupt my rhythm to take over, but I cant stop, I need my release. Its building, its wonderful, And then, I crash into oblivion. My body erupts into waves of pleasure and spasms and gasping breaths. Right here, right now.. I don’t care what the men do.. My release and pleasure is all I care about ………I scream in sexual ecstasy … arhhhhhhh……………….
I knock the door nervously pulling to straighten my red dress and Santa hat, this is it … the moment for me to deliver my Santa Gift to Concerto.
Nervous wasn’t the word.. this was not my usual rooming, well Jayc is my spouse of 1 year &, actually it was our anniversary, this very night. ..
I had never spoken to Concerto before.. our interests , want for a better word, did not lie in the same circles, I am a heterosexual female .. Concerto is a trans sexual who likes girls..My mind buzzed .. Would she like me? Would she fancy me? No, that would be too arrogant .. but still the thought played on my mind a little , especially after Covems had made me feel like Queen of the Blow Jobs from my recent performance at a special party & I had received a few private notes of congratulations following it …. I blush remembering my boldness there ..
The door opens , my heart rate rockets & I desperately need the toilet .. nerves , just nerves..
Concerto stands there looking beautiful in a tight fitting purple dress and sunglasses. I needn’t have worried. She welcomed me in as Santa and her patio is stunning. She had made such efforts to make me welcome. The tree has been lovingly decorated and rose petals sprinkled on the floor..
I hand her the two bottles of wine, I had bought for dutch courage and a bouquet of red roses as part of my Santa gift. She chuckles as she was on her second glass from her own bottle .. she was as nervous as me..
I gladly gulp half the glass down she pours for me and we dance slowly to get to know each other better … She is the perfect host…then craftily tells me, she has friends in the other room, who would gladly watch my performance !!!… that and the wine makes me chuckle… if she only knew, the pole dance she had selected as her gift … was not exactly my strong point…
I hope she isn’t too critical of a clumsy elephant dancing around her pole !!!
And the dance begins… Concerto strips naked and I dance…. with… the most sex clothes on ever … It’s a UK, “ I can’t possibly parade around naked “ thing … a disease quite a few of us have here..
Maybe one day, it could be eradicated, but it’s a constant battle to find the right antibiotics..Of course, the hot words to make the pole dance exciting, erotic and compelling begins and she answers back in the true spirit of Christmas …
“Do you like what you see baby? “ “ Do you like my sexy curves ?” “Are you peaking at my panties under my little red skirt?” “ Do you like me stretching , thrusting out my breasts in my red half cupped bra?”
“ Oh yes baby, you are hot” “ I really like what I see “ “ I am , very nice panties “ “ Nice body” “ Woo hoo” “ Wolf whistles “ She even kindly displays an erection & erect dark nipples.
We are both giggling as the wine slips into our blood stream and my feeble efforts to be a hot, sexy pole dancer. Concerto can’t help but be impressed of my acrobatic skills as I whiz round her pole like a pro..
“Don’t spurt now “ I tease, actually meaning her wine .. and blushing , realising she thinks I mean something different … “ Wine, I mean wine “ chuckling, appalled at my goof…
Concerto applause my efforts and is very kind as my pole dance concludes. We hug at the end and kiss, and as I am about to leave…
she says ….. “ I took photos you know… “
Hi We have a slang word for it … “Sally Sandbagged” for a girl ” Sammy Sandbagged” for a boy … basically you are so knackered you cant move off the bed or floor or wherever your sexploits were carried out … just like a heavy weight Sandbag
So apt & describes it so well
And yes to both and yesssssssssss to liking it
I find Brandy checking the food stocks in the back and giving last minute instructions to the Chefs about the Christmas menu.
“ Hey Brandy have you seen the bargain sweaters at the Christmas Market? They are fabulous- and of fine quality”Brandy finishes her instructions and grabs her jacket. “ I need to get stamps, come on you can show me”
I return to Jayc but he is busy in the boiler room. “ Joe, Will you let Jayc know, I’m popping out with Brandy, we need to run some errands”
Old Joe, nods. I grab my handbag and we head out and are soon in the Market place. Brandy pops to the post office to buy her stamps and then we amble over to the busy market place.Some of the Christmas jumpers are hanging up on coat hangers around the edges of the stall. There are are all colours, red, green & blue, with bright and cheerful Christmas snowflakes, reindeers, snowmen, penguins & polar bears.
We both study the various designs. Brandy smiles, “ These are great.” I see the design I bought Jayc earlier and point it out. “ Jayc loves it” I tell her, “ you should have seen the look on his face when he saw it, he thought my gift so thoughtful . I could tell straight away . When I saw it, I just knew it was him and had to get it”
Brandy looks at a navy blue, crew neck sweater with a bar of snowflakes across the chest and biceps. Very similar to one Jayc proudly owns.
“This is the one, its gorgeous. I think he will look wonderful in it” she muses.I grin at her, “ He who? “
As she answers me, a big truck rumbles in to park & deliver more jumpers to the stall and her words are lost.
The sweaters are very popular around the village & seem to be selling like hot cakes.
Brandy makes her purchase & the stall owner kindly wraps it up and places in a metallic coloured holly green gift box, with red holly berries on. He ties the box in a silver ribbon and completes the look with a curly bow.
We return to the bar, and decide to go in the back way , passing the dumpster bins. We both hear the noise at the same time and can’t help but stare as Covems rises up out of the dumpster, like a God, holding a box I immediately recognise with a bit of blue sleeve showing.
“ Oh Covems, Don’t , that’s not rubbish. “ I take the box off him, relieved. “ Phew, that was close, Jayc would have been devastated if that had got accidentally thrown away. Good job I was passing then” I smile at him.
Covems looks a little confused , “ But … “
“ I love Christmas, Don’t you? “ I continue without a breath.
“ Well yes… “ He answers trying to explain but I interrupt him again, nattering on “ I think you have done a great job with the lights in the bar.. the Christmas spirit is alive and kicking there now..” I kiss his cheek.
I join Brandy again, who is waiting patiently nearby and we both walk back into the bar leaving Covems to stamp down the rubbish to get more in.
Presumably the dumpsters cost a lot of money to collect, and he likes to make sure they are as full as possible. It’s lovely to see someone so conscientious about their work. I must mention that to Jayc.We enter the bar and see Santa and two elves by the tree. He has a beautiful throne to sit on with a big sack by his side.
We wave at him as he raises a cup of chocolate & peppermint schnapps in our direction & join up with Jayc & Old Joe at the bar.
Tango walks in shortly afterwards in a jovial mood. He chats briefly about the up and coming Xmas party and some sheet music he has for the country boys.
As he goes to speak to The Country Boys, I turn to Jayc and hand him the box with the jumper in. “ You best put this somewhere safe baby, you won’t believe where I just found it” I kiss him on the cheek, “ You really do look so handsome in it “ …
As I walk through the Achat village , I walk down the high street and mooch around the Christmas stalls laid out with all their wares. It’s bustling with people doing their Christmas shopping and buying gifts for family & friends. Earlier in the week, I had seen and bought the beautiful hand crafted ballroom couple for placing on the top of the AB&G Christmas tree.
The stalls are all decorated for the Christmas festive season. As I pass one of the stalls I see a couple of sweaters that catch my eye. I stop and unfold one, Its sky blue with a band of white snow flakes across the chest. It truly represents the spirit of Christmas.
I hold it up against the light to assess it’s size and imagine Jayc in it, drinking his whiskey by the fireplace in the cabin , wearing it outside clearing the snow from the path to the car, grinning at me on the porch as I bring a hot steaming cup of hot chocolate for him to warm up and , wearing in the AB&G seated at the bar with our friends.
I know it’s just perfect for him and he will look extremely sexy in it, showing off his broad , muscular chest and trim waist with either his jeans or trousers.
I pick the other one up off the stall, slightly over sized for me , matching exactly in design & colour. I could wear it round the cabin in place of a robe, naked underneath after my handsome spouse has relished my body and when getting us hot drinks to bask in the intimacy afterwards. It would look great in my jeans too .
My mind made up, I buy both the jumpers and ask the stall owner to wrap the one for Jayc in brown paper and pretty red and green ribbons and bow & place them both, neatly folded in a box.
I know he will just love such a thoughtful, pre Christmas gift.I make my way to Tight Fits boutique. I need to buy a Tuxedo for Jayc and a dress for myself for the up and coming Christmas Party at the AB&G.
I find the black Tuxedo , matching waist coat & trousers, white dress shirt, black neck tie & black shoes. Jayc will look so handsome and breath taking in it. I take the clothes to the counter while I take a look at the dresses.I spot one, I just have to have and not yet open for release. I speak with the management and they let me hire it for the night. Luckily I can take it away with me now as it’s the perfect fit for me.
It’s part of the Tightfit label, a beautiful plum coloured dress, with white trim around the neck line and cuffs and matching white around the upper thighs. It has matching deep purple plum velvet bows. I know it will knock Jayc out, he will love it … just like his Christmas jumper. I already have my under wear and the dress will go perfectly with it.
Heart singing , I make my way back to the AB&G and place the dress clothes in the office for changing into when the the time is right.
I take the wrapped sweaters and ask Old Joe to place them behind the bar. Everyone is busy doing the finishes to the bar.
Covems and the dwarfs have done a wonderful job of fixing up the lights. The bar is truly transformed into a beautiful place of Christmas cheer.
I see Jayc admiring the lights too and join him. I put my arms round his waist from behind. He knows it’s me without looking .
“ One last thing to do” I whisper spotting the mistletoe, I pull him under it and we have our first, slow sensual Christmas kiss. My legs turn to jelly as his lips claim mine and I lose myself in the moment. The man is a walking menace to the opposite sex, too damned attractive for his own good.
I hold him in my arms trying to catch my breath as he finishes the kiss and while my senses return to normality.Smiling at me, he knows the effect he has on me. He takes my hand and leads me to the bar for a refreshing cup of tea.
I tell Old Joe to pass my gift to him from behind the bar. I can see straight away Jayc loves it as he pulls it on. He looks wonderful in his new Christmas jumper.. I will just have to get Brandy to check it out. She might want to get one for her man too. I kiss Jayc’s cheek and go search for her .
Have the questions been decided on this yet? Or the persons to be interviewed ? and Is it ok with Norwich, our Forum Village Reporter for the Achat Tattler?
I personally would like to have Norwich to still be lead reporter with the Achat Tattler, and this perhaps to be more of a back seat Dentist Magazine or suppliment…
Just my views, the Achat Tattler is top in my book.
Actually, used in the right context and role play, the masturbation poses, can be very very hot. Remember, the only thing that stops you is your imagination. ;D
I masturbate for my man using them, much in the same way as the lap dance pose, to tease & tantalise, and we usually end up having smokin hot sex … yeah baby 😉
A Peeping Tom pose or voyeur room would be interesting perhaps for some.. I doubt I would use it, some things are just for me and my man. But I think some people would like this and would support such a pose .
I agree, when I dance for my man, I want to drive him wild, I want him to touch himself as I tease him with my slow seductive dance moves. I want him hot and flustered and driven to distraction to all else in the room except me and the private dance I am giving him and at the end, when I finally sit on his lap to give him that deep and meaningful kiss … it would be nice for him to be able to finger me and… for me to do a seductively slow wank .
Now that would be a fabulous upgrade to the lap dance pose … and the pole dance too, and come to think of it .. I would like a Belly Dance pose too with similar moves…
After all girls, these poses are our foreplay moves .. to show the guys we can strut our stuff.. and to see them wank over us, is what we want too..
Sorry , Seeing close up pics of Dongers don’t do it for me. I do like a nice pair of shoulders and trim waist though or if someone posts something different to stand out from the crowd.
Covems beautiful cute kitten stole my heart for instance 😉
Welcome to Forum Phunker. Hope you post your ideas.
Well we are having fun in the Ice House, so I agree with Brandy .. Vanilla is good.
Phunker, Post your ideas. I am sure the Achat Gods will check them out. But .. I also think they should concentrate on more of the Lesbian, Bisexual , Transgender and Gay poses first.
I would like to see their poses upgraded and also for the MF poses altered for their use too. It seems the fair thing to do, to me anyway.
Dec 20 3.37am 8lb 4oz
Hope everything is going well. Good Luck to you both
This is a brilliant idea Covems. I think my man & I would use this a lot
I keep no secrets either. I am besotted