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  • in reply to: I Am All Girl – by Sylque #140442

    She had just found her cap and picked it up from the ground when Whitney came up and grabbed her from behind, kissing the side of her neck.  “Hey Aggie, we did it!”

    Lyssa leaned her head to the side to make it easier for the kiss to touch her neck.  “It's about damned time too!”

    Spinning around in Whitney's arms much as she had when they first met, Lyssa wrapped her arms around her lover and hugged her very fiercely.  It was the hug of people who had just completed a long right of passage.  One stage of their life was ending, and the next was beginning.  Both of the girls were exceedingly happy, despite how they felt about their separation.  They had already decided not to let that dampen their graduation celebrations.

    “Miss Boxx.  Miss Ryvendale.  Would you two please join us over here for a picture of the championship team together.  We want a pic of you girls for the year book while you are wearing your caps and gowns.”  The girls looked up to see Coach Rendano waving them over and the majority of the team standing together.  Half the girls were seniors and so had their caps and gowns on.  The rest were juniors and sophomores that had showed up to assist with the ceremony.

    Over the next hour the two girls went from place to place and activity to activity taking various pictures for the year book and friends.  Just as they were about to leave things turned south.  A group of girls that were not very athletically inclined, rather more inclined to mischief even, crashed the graduation.  Six girls dressed in ragged clothes came through the crowd pushing and shoving people, throwing insults and jokes at other peoples expense as if it were their favorite past time.  In point of fact, it was.

    Lyssa and Whitney, being one of their favorite pair of people to pick on tried to make themselves inconspicuous and head away from the girls.  However, they had already been spotted by one of the group and found themselves quickly surrounded.  “Well, well, well.  If it isn't the dyke and her little boyfriend that is trying to be a girl.  Been fucking each others asses again?”

    The speaker was a heavy set girl who was the defacto leader of the group.  Her name was Andrea, and she was widely regarded as the meanest girl in the entire school.  Looking directly at Andrea, Whitney replied, “Leave us alone Andrea.  Go home to your box, or whatever rat hole you are living in now and let the rest of us civilized people enjoy our graduation.”

    Andrea stepped right up to Whitney, touching her nose to the much smaller girls, “Who's going to make us you little lesbo.  If my girls and I want to kick your ass right now, you two aren't going to stop us.  Or perhaps your little boyfriend here will finally man up and fight for the dyke he loves.”

    Lyssa had never been in a real fight in her life.  At a very young age her mother had enrolled her in martial arts.  She had been training for nearly 14 years now.  During her training she had studied a variety of styles including: Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido, Aikedo, Tang Su Do, Budo-kwon, and Jheet Kun Do.  No one except a select few people, and the folks who studied with her, knew about this.  She tried to keep it quiet because when people find out a person is a black belt, they tend to try to pick fights with them.  Between that fact of life, and her transitional status from male to female, she didn't fight but rather walked away from them.  Today however, that was going to change.  Andrea had pushed the wrong buttons at the wrong time.  All this culminated in Lyssa's fist crashing into the side of Andrea's head without anyone expecting it.

    Andrea crumpled to the floor in a flaccid heap.  Of all people witnessing or participating in the event, she was the very last who had expected an attack from that quarter.  Everyone had expected Whitney, who had a habit of defending Lyssa since the secret of sexual identity had been revealed to launch an attack.  Andrea stayed on the floor in a dazed heap as Lyssa stood over her, fists clenched tightly in a complete lack of self control.  The rest of Andrea's gang was too stunned to react.

    “You miserable rotten little cunt rag!” raged Lyssa.  “If you ever say anything to either of us again, I swear to all the gods there are that you'll die for it.”

    About the time she was completing the sentence a couple of the school officials, including Coach Rendano, had come over to find out what the ruckus was about.  Seeing the young girl Lyssa standing over the crumpled form of Andrea was a shocking site indeed.  Hearing those words pour out of the mouth a young girl that most everyone considered a very polite young lady was even more shocking.  The faculty was just as surprised to see the seemingly meekest girl in the school standing over the worst bully in the school in such a way.

    Without their leader to guide them, and the school faculty being there, Andrea's gang fled the scene leaving her to suffer whatever fate might befall.

    “Stand down Miss Ryvendale,” said Coach Rendano in a calm voice.  She never needed to yell.  The girls on the team all respected her enough to listen and follow directions without question.  However, she had to raise her voice a bit as she repeated, “Stand down Miss Ryvendale!”  This time Lyssa seemed to hear and took a quick step back letting her fists unclench.  “Now, what's going on here.”

    Lyssa not trusting her voice at the moment looked at Whitney.  Tears were welling up in her eyes from the hurt of the words that had been said, as well as the hurt of having struck another person.  Whitney seeing the anguish in her girlfriends face answered for her, “Andrea came in pushing people around and generally being herself Coach.  Lyssa and I tried to get away before they spotted us but unfortunately we were too late and her little gang surrounded us.  She then started calling Lyssa and myself very foul names.  I'm not sure what happened, but the next thing I knew Andrea was lying in a lump on the floor with Lyssa standing over her fists clenched.”

    “Lyssa, is this true.  Did you strike down this young lady?” asked the coach.

    Lyssa nodded as Andrea made her first sounds since being struck.  “That miserable little she-male hit me while I wasn't looking.”

    “That will be quite enough name calling Miss Kise.  If I hear one more slur of any kind come out of your mouth I will personally wash your mouth out with soap.”  The tone in Coach Rendano's voice let everyone know that she had every intention of carrying out the threat exactly as she had stated it. “Up you get,” said the coach as she grabbed Andrea by an arm and showing a surprising amount of strength for such a small woman, hefted her to her feet.  “All three of you follow me.”

    Lyssa's mother had made her way over to the spectacle just as the three girls were being led away.  “Lyssa honey, are you ok?” she called over the din of the crowd.

    Andrea seems to be the only person who didn't pick up on Coach Rendano's tone of voice because she snidely said, “Oh look, it's the dick chicks mother.”

    Several things happened at once.  Lyssa's mother covered her mouth in a shocked expression that someone would say such a thing out loud in public.  Lyssa slammed another fist against  Andrea's head, this time hitting the back of the girls head sending her sprawling onto the floor face first.  Coach Rendano reached over and grabbed Lyssa just as Whitney grabbed her from the other side to hold her back.

    Lyssa's face was turning a beautiful shade of purple as the anger and resentment washed over her while she struggled against the people holding onto her.  “Whitney, can you hold her,” asked the coach?  Whitney nodded affirmatively and wrapped both her arms around Lyssa.  Coach Rendano bent down and grasped Andrea by an arm and a fist full of hair, pulling her up to her feet.

    Coach Rendano ducked marched the young girl in front of her straight into the nearest ladies bathroom at the coliseum.  An interested crowd of spectators followed to see what was about to happen.  Included in the folks following the spectacle were Whitney, Lyssa, and her mother.

    When the procession reached the restroom, Coach Rendano used her hip to open the door then pulled Andrea in after her, still holding a fist full of hair.  Both of the women walked up to the soap dispensers.  Coach Rendano released the grip on the younger girls arm and reached out for the soap dispenser.

    Andrea tried to pull away realizing that she was about to literally have soap pushed into her mouth.  However, Coach Rendano had a vice grip on the lock of the girls hair and easily held her in place.  Andrea whimpered and began to plead and beg to avoid her fate.

    The pleas fell on deaf ears as the coach placed a large handful of soap into her palm.  After being satisfied she had enough to thoroughly cleanse the nastiness out of the little girls mouth, she brought her hand to the girls mouth.  Andrea clenched her jaw and folded her lips in between her teeth to avoid the soap.

    Coach Rendano, however, had already  had already worked out a solution to this problem.  She lifted up on the handful of hair she clutched in her fist.  This had the dual effect of causing Andrea to cry out in pain, as well as tilt her head forward bringing her mouth to the palm waiting with the soap in it.  The coach made quick work of placing all the soap she had collected in her palm into the mouth of the offending girl.  Her job now complete, she released her grip on Andrea's hair.

    Andrea spluttered and coughed with the nastiness of the soap in her mouth and bent over, doubling.  Her chest and abdomen began to heave, acting as if she might throw up.  Andrea spit as much as she could, whenever, and where ever she could.  After she had expectorated as much of the soap as possible, she turned on a faucet and began to rinse the offending substance from her mouth.  It took several long minutes and getting most of her front wet before Andrea had sufficiently washed her mouth out to stand upright and glare daggers at Coach Rendano.

    “I expect you have learned a valuable lesson just now, and that I won't have to repeat it anytime!”  There was a harshness in her voice that chilled even the blood of the volleyball girls who were used to the ire of the coach.  Andrea's only response was to nod her head.  “Speak up girl, I can't hear you nod your head.”

    “Yeah, I said,” snarled Andrea.

    “You didn't say anything young lady.  Yeah, is not an appropriate answer.  You will address me as Ms. Rendano or Coach Rendano when you answer.  I ask again, I trust I will not have to teach you this lesson again.”

    “Yes Ms. Rendano,” Andrea ground out.

    “Good, then I trust this is settled.”  Coach Rendano turned to the gathered crowd watching.  “What are you all gawking at.  Get out of here.”  Everyone did as she commanded.  “Lyssa, Whitney, I need you two to follow me still though.

    Coach Rendano led the girls to a small office of the coliseum and ushered them inside.  She closed and locked the door behind her, and closed the blinds, similar to what had happened at the beginning of the year when the three of them had first had sex together.  She walked up next to Lyssa and wrapped her arms around the younger woman, nestling her head on her own breasts.  “Are you ok honey?”

    “Yes Coach,” replied Lyssa.  Her voice quavered as she tried to keep herself from crying in front of her girlfriend and coach.  Whitney reached out and grabbed a hand, bringing it to her mouth and kissing it lightly in comfort.

    “Go ahead and let it out my dear.  Don't hold this inside.  Neither of us in this room is going to judge you Lyssa.”

    With those words Lyssa began to sob out her anger and frustration.  She twisted her hands up in the coach's blouse.  Pulling her close.  Coach Rendano held her tightly against her breasts as Whitney stood up from the other side and wrapped her arms around both Lyssa and the coach.

    Together the 3 women held each other, giving and receiving comfort, until Lyssa finished crying.  With a few last snuffles they parted enough to let Lyssa sit back up straight.  Coach Rendano smiled down at Lyssa and remarked, “Well now you've done it.”  Reaching a hand out to wipe some away, she said “All the crying has made your mascara run.”

    This brought a much needed chuckle to the impromptu gathering.  Whitney spoke then, “Could you believe it Coach.  One punch and that little tart was out cold.  I knew all those martial arts you studied would come in handy some day.”

    Lyssa only blushed as Coach Rendano spoke, “Girls, I know that you are going to different schools.  I also know that's going to be hard on your relationship.  It's going to be hard being away from you two for me as well.  I will certainly miss our after practice 'Strategy Sessions' that were oh so wonderful.  I was hoping we might get one final time to plan our strategy.  However, before we do, and now that you are graduated, I want you two to call me by my first name.  Sandra.  It's only proper for people who are sleeping together to call each other by their first name after all.”

    “What a beautiful name,” said Whitney in answer.

    “I've wanted to call you that for such a long time Sandra.”  It sounded a little awkward as Lyssa said her name.

    “It'll grow on you two.  So, tell me, do you have any plans for the evening?”

    “Our families are getting together for a little post graduation party, however, I think it'll be over by no later than 8,” replied Lyssa.

    “Great!  I want you two to join me at my house then after your party.  If you don't mind that is.  One final hurrah before I don't see you anymore.”

    “We'll be there,” said Whitney.


    in reply to: I Am All Girl – by Sylque #140441

    Chapter 5: Graduation

    “Hurry up Lyssa dear.  We are going to be late!”

    “I'm coming Mom.  Just one more minute ok.”  Lyssa looked in the mirror one final time to ensure her make-up wasn't smudged and her hair was properly in place.  She turned and grabbed the bag that held her graduation gown and cap in it and slung it over her left shoulder.  She was wearing a royal blue taffeta evening gown.  She had only worn it one time before, for the volleyball championship dinner.  The dress was strap less and had rhinestone decoration over the left breast.  The hem of the dress stopped at the level of her knees.  It clung to every curve of her body, accentuating the beauty of her athletic body.  A pair of royal blue strapped sandals with a 3 inch heel and royal blue nail polish finished off her ensemble.

    She hurried down the stairs and met her mother at the door.  “Ok, ready!”  Lyssa couldn't have been very much more excited.  Certainly this was as big an occasion as winning the state volleyball championship.  Jitters ran through her entire body, much as they had the first time her and Whitney had fucked each other.

    The plan was to pick Whitney up on the way to the graduation.  She couldn't wait to see her best friend and lover.  School had actually been out for a week and the two girls hadn't been able to see each other over that time.  Whitney had been out at North Texas Community College touring the campus and preparing for the following school year.  Lyssa had gone to the Texas A&M campus and looked around.  She too was getting ready for the following school year.

    Neither of the girls was happy that they wouldn't be going to the same schools.  However, Lyssa had always wanted to be an Aggie, for as long as she could remember.  When she received a full sports scholarship for volleyball, that dream became a reality for her.  Whitney wanted to get into the IT careers and felt that NTCC would be a good place to get her degree and move on from there.  Of course, they would still have summers together.  That much would make it all more bearable.  That and emails, letters, phone calls, and holidays.  Being apart was going to be hard, but not unbearable.

    Lyssa did a little pirouette on one foot as her mother looked her over.  “Oh honey, you look absolutely beautiful.  I am glad you went with the blue.  It really brings out your eyes.  It will also match your cap and gown.  Got it with you?”

    “Yes Mom,” she answered holding up the bag she had slung over her shoulder.  “I wouldn't forget it.”

    “Good, now let's go get Whitney.”

    “Thanks Mom,” said Lyssa as she kissed her mothers cheek on the way out the door.  The drive over to Whitney's house took about 5 minutes and was filled with idle chatter.  They talked a little about the past year, and little about the coming year.  They even talked about ceremony and what they thought would be in it today.

    Whitney was waiting in her doorway and walked out to the car as soon as they pulled into the driveway.  She waved at Lyssa's mother then walked around to Lyssa's side of the car.  Her black dress shown with sparkles from the inset silver threads glinting in the sun.  Whitney wore her hair tied into her customary pigtails.  Sheer black stockings came from under the hem of her dress that stopped about mid-thigh and went down to her black high heel pumps.

    Lyssa rolled down her window and and leaned out a little as Whitney leaned down.  Their lips met right above the door frame and a hand from each girl reached out to touch the others cheek.  Kissing each other was always a sure fire way to get their blood boiling, and this of course wasn't the time for that.

    “Alright you two, that is quite enough of that.  I am sure you will get plenty of whatever the two of you do together tonight at whatever party you are going to.”

    Parting their kiss with a giggle, Lyssa replied “Oh Mom.”  She didn't say anything else.  Whitney got into the car right behind Lyssa so that she could play with the long auburn hair.  She didn't disturb the do, but she did run her fingers up under the back of the hair to the nape of Lyssa's neck and gently rubbed her fingers there while they drove down the road.

    Luckily they where close to the coliseum where the graduation was being held.  Between the plethora of traffic heading towards the coliseum, and the regular traffic on the road, it took them 20 minutes to get there when normally it wouldn't have taken ten.  It was a good thing that Lyssa's mother had been so insistent about leaving as early as they did.  When they arrived they only had 10 minutes to find their seats and settle in.

    “I am so proud of you Lyssa.  You did real good you know.”  Lyssa's mother hugged her before she turned and went up to the stands where the families were sitting.

    Smiling and hugging her mother back she answered, “Thanks Mom.”  

    Taking Whitney's hand in hers the two girls made their way into the floor of the coliseum.  All the teachers and administrators for the school were ushering students around getting them all settled in and in their proper places.  Whitney's last name was Boxx, so she was near the front of the coliseum.  Lyssa however was a Ryvendale and was towards the rear of the floor seating.  As the teachers directed them away from each other and told them to get their robes on, the girls gave each other a quick but impassioned kiss before heading to their respective places.

    When Lyssa reached her place she set her bag on the seat and with much bustling and bumping of the students around her who were also preparing their last touches for the ceremony, she donned the blue graduation gown and cap.  Her gold tassel for graduating with honors hung from the side of her cap, ready to be moved once she had crossed the stage.  Finally she sat down and prepared for the ceremony to begin.


    in reply to: I Am All Girl – by Sylque #140439

    Chapter 4: Championship

    The Texas State High School Volleyball Championships were being held at the University of Austin campus this year.  As such, they were playing in the largest gym that most of the girls had ever seen in their life.

    It was the final round of the championships, and they only had one game left to play, provided they won tonight.  They had had a perfect season, sweeping all of their opponents in tournaments, and winning against all of their district schools.  The Dragon's were favored to win the State Championship.  They were however, playing game 6 of 7 tonight.  It was 3-2 in the tournament in favor of the Dragon's.  The team had lost only one other game in the championship tournament in the 3rd round.

    All of the girls on the team were tired, but the conditioning that Coach Rendano had insisted on was beginning to pay off.  In the finals, they had lost the first two games.  Rallying to win the next three, they were poised to win the whole championship in a few more hours.  They were playing the Wildcats.  The Wildcats were definitely showing signs of fatigue in their play, making some of the simplest mistakes.  All of this had worked in the Dragons' favor.  Tonight the Dragons hoped to capitalize on that fatigue for the schools first ever state championship.

    Lyssa and Whitney sat in their hotel room watching video from the Wildcats' season.  They were looking for more weaknesses they might be able to exploit in tonight's game.  They had been at this for over an hour when Lyssa finally stood up and stretched out her aching muscles.  “I can't watch any more of these videos.  We have viewed them all at least 5 times it seems.  If we haven't learned what we need by now, we aren't going to learn anything else.”

    “So, what do you suggest we do then?” replied Whitney.

    “I don't know, lets go out and walk around the city.”


    Whitney wore a pair of jeans, a baby blue t-shirt, and her Dragon's team jacket as she walked out of the hotel room.  Lyssa was wearing a pair of black jeans and a red blouse.  She seemed to tolerate cooler temperatures much better than most people so she didn't wear a jacket or a sweater as she left.

    When they reached the lobby, Coach Rendano was just coming back into the hotel.  “Afternoon ladies.  Where are you two off to?”

    “Just going out Coach, trying to shake off the boredom,” said Whitney.

    “Going out to look around,” replied Lyssa.

    “Don't go too far, and don't get yourselves into trouble.  The bus leaves here at 5, make sure you are here.  Game time is 6.”

    They both replied, “Yes Coach.”


    VICTORY!  SWEET VICTORY!  The Dragons were this years Texas State High School Volleyball champions.  It was a very auspicious beginning to Coach Rendano's career at this school.  It was also a very welcome achievement for the large amounts of hard work and effort they had all put forth this season.

    The hotel owners were a little put out as the girls came back to hotel shouting, screaming, carrying on, and generally celebrating their major accomplishment in a boisterous manner.  The noise level on their floor was such that folks on the floors both above and below theirs were calling the front desk to complain.

    Finally, Coach Rendano, her assistants, and the other chaperones on the trip were able to corral the girls and get them all settled down.  It was a little after 10 PM by the time this had been achieved.  In an informal meeting held in the hallway of the hotel, Coach Rendano began to address the girls.  “Wow! What a magnificent season you ladies had this year.”  A hearty cheer greeted these quiet words delivered by the coach.  “However, you ladies need to rest.  Tomorrow is the banquet and awards presentation dinner.  I want you all to get a good night's sleep so that you may all be the beautiful well behaved young ladies that I know you can be.  So, without any further adieu, please retire to your rooms and get some sleep.”  Coach Rendano watched as all the girls retired to their respective rooms.  She retired to her own room for the night as well.

    Lyssa stripped down to a black thong that had a silver heart emblazoned on the front, readying herself for bed. 

    Whitney had also stripped down to a pair of pink and purple panties trimmed with black lace.  They had black bows on the sides and a pair of hands holding a heart on the butt.  She eyed Lyssa's nearly naked body over and smiled.  “You are so very beautiful my love.”

    Blushing, Lyssa replied, “Thank you.  You are gorgeous too you know.”

    “I know, but I like to hear you say it too.”  She smiled and wiggled a finger at Lyssa, beckoning her to come over.  Lyssa quite willingly obliged.  The only thing that she enjoyed more than volleyball was spending time with Whitney, especially if they were making love.  She found too, that she really enjoyed taking direction from Whitney, and Whitney seemed more than happy to give direction.  “I brought something with me in my bag.  Something we have talked about over the past couple weeks, and I thought that with us having won the championship, we should try it out.”

    Lyssa wasn't sure what she was referring to.  It certainly wasn't what she had thought Whitney was going to say.  “Ok, shall I get this item for you?”

    “Yes you shall, and you shall bring it to me and put it on me, my pretty little princess.” 

    Lyssa loved it when she was called by little pet names.  With an excited little giggle she went over to Whitney's bag and began to dig through it.  “What exactly am I…” her voice trailed off and she stood their with her mouth hanging open.  Before her in the bag was a purple strap-on dildo.  It wasn't huge.  It probably wasn't even as big as her own cock was.  However, the conversation that Whitney had alluded to earlier came flooding back to her.

    They had been having dinner at the local Chili's when Lyssa had revealed she wanted to have Whitney fuck her in the ass someday.  They had discussed getting a dildo and having Whitney wear it around all day dressed like a boy.  They would basically go on a date and Whitney would be the guy.  After the date, they would go back to Whitney's house and then use the dildo in Lyssa's ass.  Just thinking about it was causing her cock to get hard.

    “Oh my gosh!  I can't believe you actually got one!”

    “I know it isn't exactly how we had talked about doing this.  However, I thought that celebrating our victory tonight with it would be a great way to break it in.”

    Lyssa pulled the strap-on out of the bag and walked up to Whitney, kneeling before her.  “Oh, I think that it is going to be absolutely wonderful.”  She leaned forward and began to kiss Whitney's stomach.  Laying the strap-on on the ground next to Whitney's feet, she reached up and began to pull those pretty panties off of her lover.

    “Leave them,” said Whitney, “for now.”

    Lyssa did so, picking the strap-on back up off the floor.  One leg at a time, she fed the toy onto her lovers legs and slid the harness up the body.  Quickly she had the harness cinched down and properly seated around Whitney's pelvis.  “How does that feel,” asked Lyssa.

    “Mmmm, very nice.  Now, I want you to give me a blow job!”

    Lyssa stayed on her knees and grasped the rubber cock in her hand.  She brought her mouth to the tip of it and began to lightly kiss the tip, much as Whitney had done during their first sexual encounter together.  To enhance the visual aspect of the blow job, because obviously the cock couldn't feel anything,
    Lyssa began to run her tongue around the tip of the dildo before she plunged a portion of it into her mouth.  She began to bob her head up and down the rubber cock, looking up into the eyes of her lover.

    “Good girl,” cooed Whitney.  As Lyssa was taking the cock into her mouth, she reached a hand out and began to run her fingers through Lyssa's hair.  “Such a pretty mouth you have there.  It looks so good wrapped around my purple cock!  That is right, keep sucking it.  Mm, just like that.”

    As she continued to perform oral sex on the dildo, Lyssa wrapped her hands around to the back of Whitney's legs and began to stroke her finger tips up and down the back of her thighs.  As she came up to the buttocks, she began to massage the taught round ass cheeks.

    “Oh that feels so very nice Lyssa my pretty!.  I want you to take your panties off now.”

    Lyssa complied, stripping the black thong off using one of her hands.  She managed to keep the rubber cock in her mouth the entire time as she went awkwardly from one knee to the other while removing the article of clothing.  She was really getting into sucking the cock now and was beginning to take the whole length into her mouth, making slurping noises each time she drew the shaft out.

    “Mm, such a beautiful girl you are Princess.  You can stop now.  I want you to go lay down on the bed there, and spread your legs wide open for me.”

    Without taking a moment for thought or hesitation Lyssa went over to the bed in their room.  She laid down on her back and spread her legs open into the splits.  The pucker of her anus sat just below her scrotum hanging from the base of her large cock.  She had one hand on her breasts, stroking and massaging them and the other grasping her cock firmly, squeezing and kneading the thick shaft.

    Whitney had returned to her bag and from a side pocket pulled out a large tube of lubrication.  “Wouldn't want your first time getting fucked in the ass to be unpleasant now would we?”  Smiling she brought the lube over to Lyssa.  “Both hands on your breasts please.  I will take care of the gorgeous piece of meat myself.”

    Again Lyssa complied, now using both her hands to play with her own breasts.  Whitney squeezed out a large dollop of lubrication into her left hand.  Snapping the top back onto the tube of lube, she tossed it to the edge of the bed.  It remained close enough that she could easily grab it again if needed, but it was far enough away that it shouldn't get in the way.  Lightly she rubbed her hands together to gently warm the lube up before she began to slather it on Lyssa's asshole.  “How does that feel?”

    With a gentle pleasure filled moan Lyssa replied, “Mm, so very nice.”

    “I am going to start with just a finger,” which Whitney matched with the action of sliding a finger into the waiting anus.  The finger easily slid into the sphincter, eliciting a deeper moan from Lyssa who instinctively clenched the muscles of her ass at the intrusion.  “Relax my dear.”  She stroked the inner thigh of Lyssa's left leg with her free hand.  “There you go, relax and let it glide in and out.”

    It was only a couple minutes before the finger was sliding in and out of the ass so easily that Lyssa was moaning quite joyfully.  “Ok, I am going to add a second finger now.”  Again Whitney matched her words with action bringing another pleasured moan from Lyssa, this one almost a gasp.  “Good girl, don't tense up, just stay relaxed.

    Another couple of minutes passed and finally Whitney withdrew her fingers from the ass.  “Mm, did you like that Princess?”

    “Oh yes my love, very much so!”

    “Good,” said Whitney, standing up fully next to the bed.  “Now let's try the strap-on.”  Sidling up to the side of the bed, she took the dildo and gently placed the tip against Lyssa's anal sphincter.  Applying gentle pressure she began to slide the head of the rubber cock on.

    Lyssa grunted in a pained manner and her face didn't look to pleasured at the moment.  Easily deducing what was wrong, Whitney withdrew the head of the dildo and reached over to grab the bottle of lube again.  “Sorry my dear, must have used it up with my fingering your ass.”

    Lyssa giggled as she watched more of the lube getting squirted into Whitney's hand.  She cooed in pleasure as it was applied to her asshole again.  Whitney also applied a generous amount to the shaft of the strap-on to ensure a completely easy glide into the anal orifice this time.

    “Let's try this again shall we.”  Again she brought the head of the strap on to the sphincter and began to push it in gently.  A mighty gasp escaped Lyssa's lips as the dildo penetrated into her asshole.  Slowly, the cock slid into the opening, right up to the hilt.  Whitney bent down over her lover, holding the shaft buried deep in Lyssa's ass and kissed her gently on the lips.  “There you go Princess.  I will just leave it there for a moment so you can get used to it being there.”

    Nodding with a mixture of profound relief and sexual bliss on her face, Lyssa returned the kiss she had just received.  She took her hands from her own breasts and wrapped her arms around Whitney, drawing her in closer.  A pair of tongues darted past two pair of lips to meet between their mouths.  Softly and gently they played against each other, soft moans escaping from each of the girls.

    Taking advantage of the distraction brought on by the kissing, Whitney began to pull the strap-on back out of Lyssa's ass.  A slight tensing of the body was the only indication Lyssa gave that she had felt it pulling back out.  Once it was pulled almost completely out, Whitney began to push the rubber cock back into her lovers ass.

    Receiving the rubber dildo in her ass was getting easier with each stroke, and soon she was panting and moaning with each thrust.  Lyssa continued kissing her girlfriend, sliding her tongue against the others lips.  Each thrust was coming a little faster and harder. 

    Whitney bent back up to an erect position, grasping Lyssa's thighs and pulling her into the thrusts now.  She released one of the thighs and took a hold of Lyssa's thick meaty cock.  How good the real one felt to her over a rubber one.  Vigorously she began stroking the shaft.  Enough lubrication was still on her hand to make it glide easily up and down.  Her hand was going from the base all the way to the tip of the real cock at almost the same rhythm and pace the strap-on slid in and out of Lyssa's ass.

    It didn't take long for Lyssa's moans to become cries of painful ecstasy as her ass was being pounded.  Neither girl gave much thought to the noise they were making together though, since they were both so deeply involved in the sex.  With the dildo sliding in and out of her ass and a lubricated hand gliding up and down her cock, Lyssa began to shoot her cum all over herself and the bed.

    As the first jet of cum erupted from the end of the cock, Whitney pulled the strap-on completely out of her lovers ass and bent down quickly to suck on the head of the cock.  She wanted to taste her lovers cum, because it was always so good.  The third and fourth throb of the cock brought forth jets of cum directly into Whitney's mouth.  The first and second had fallen onto Lyssa's stomach and the bed.

    Once the orgasm was past, Whitney playfully licked the head of Lyssa's cock a couple times before climbing up onto the bed and laying next to her.  She traced her fingers through the cum on the stomach, “Was it good for you?”

    Panting out her reply, Lyssa said, “Absotively!”

    “Posilutely,” replied Whitney.

    The girls lay there together, cuddling and making pillow talk until they both fell asleep, neither one having cleaned themselves up.

    in reply to: I Am All Girl – by Sylque #140438

    Chapter 3: It's All About Sex

    It was the end of the third week of Volleyball practice.  Well, not quite the third week.  Tomorrow was the first game of the season.  Most of their games would be on Friday's, except for tournaments.  Coach Rendano gave her usual end pf practice speech to the 15 girls who had made the cut.  She followed that up with a rousing pep talk that had left all 15 girls cheering.  After the cheers died down she had told them to hit the showers, except for Whitney and Lyssa, whom she called into the coaches office.

    Both of the girls were sitting in the chairs on the opposite side of the desk wondering what they could have done to get called in to the office.  “You girls ready for the game tomorrow night?”

    “Yes,” they replied in unison.

    “Good.  I've been watching you two, and I'm very impressed.  Your teamwork is unmatched.  The other girls all seem to look up to you for leadership as well.”  She paused a little for dramatic effect.  “As such, I'm going to make you two the captains.  Lyssa, you'll be the captain, and Whitney, the assistant captain.”  Both of the girls smiled widely at that.  “When you played for me before Lyssa, you were a great player already.  Now you are an exceptional player.  I was quite surprised to see you here.  However, I am very proud to have you playing for me again.”

    “Thanks Coach, I didn't realize you remembered me, so I didn't say anything.”

    “Quite alright, I wouldn't want anyone to think I was giving favoritism anyway.  I don't do things that way.  Now, on to the reason I have called you two in here tonight.”  Again she paused for the dramatic effect.  “We need to keep our hands to ourselves during practice and especially in the locker room.  I can tell you are trying to keep it toned down, but I cannot have you two loving on each other at school.  Unfortunately, such acts are frowned upon.”

    Lyssa and Whitney looked at each other and smiled the, they were in trouble but it was an excited kind of smile.  “I don't disapprove of your relationship, after all, it's the 90's and more and more same sex couples are out there all the time.  We just need to make sure it stays at an appropriate level of affection while on school grounds.”

    “Yes ma'am,” they said in unison again.

    “Do you have any questions then?”

    “No ma'am.”

    “You may go then.”  As she watched the two girls leave the room, Coach Rendano couldn't help but stair at their asses in those tight shorts.  She was a lesbian too, but of course she didn't advertise that, because most parents wouldn't want their children to be coached by a lesbian.  Such were the effects of living her life the way it made her happy.  The fact that the school was an all girls school wouldn't help her in any wrongful termination suit.  She knew they would use that fact against her.  However, those two did have very nice bodies, and maybe, she would just have to make a trip into the showers and get herself a peek.  They were both 18 after all, and so it would be all legal.

    Making up her mind, she went into the locker room and found the team in the shower.  Most of them didn't interest her, being as they weren't 18 yet, and she certainly wasn't going to get into that can of worms.  However, the objects of her most recent desires were there.  Whitney was heading into the shower, her soap and shampoo in hand. However, Lyssa was sitting on the bench, and already had her skirt back on.  Above the skirt though, was only the bra she wore to support her breasts.

    Coach Rendano watched Whitney's nude form disappear into the shower before she approached Lyssa.  “Not going to shower?”

    “No Coach.  I always wait til I get home to shower.  Afraid of foot fungus and things like that.”

    “Ah ok.  I can understand that.  Carry on then.”  With a final glance over her player's body, she returned to her office.  She locked the door behind herself and made sure all the blinds were closed.  Unlocking the top drawer to her desk she pulled out the vibrator she kept on hand for just such an occasion and set it on the desk.  She quickly unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall to the ground at her feet.  Unhooking her bra was little more than a flick of the wrist and it joined the blouse on the ground.  A quick pull on the zipper and she was standing in front of her desk in nothing but her white cotton panties which she began to rub.

    Oh how she enjoyed the feeling of her pussy being touched.  Even if it was through the fabric of her panties.  They wouldn't be on much longer anyway.  She was extremely horny and wanted to get right down to business anyway.

    Coach Rendano had just sat in her high backed leather chair spreading her legs open when she heard the door to the office open and Lyssa's voice as the girl walked in.  “Coach, I was just…Oh my god!”

    “How did you…well close the door quickly.”  Lyssa started to back out of the office and close the door behind her.  “Come inside and shut the door, we are going to have to discuss this.”  Coach Rendano closed her legs together and gathered up her blouse to drape across her naked breasts.

    “Yes Coach,” Lyssa said as she came into the office closing the door behind her.

    “How did you get in?”

    “I grabbed the handle and the door opened.”

    “In my haste I must not have gotten the door closed all the way,” mumbled the coach.  “Never mind that.  Come and sit down.”  Lyssa did as she was instructed.  It seemed like she was doing a lot of that lately.  That was a thought for a later time though.  “Do you understand what you have just walked into here?”

    “Yes coach.”  She didn't elaborate on the answer.

    “You are 18 aren't you?”  Lyssa nodded affirmative.  “Good, then I won't stop myself from telling you that I think you are a very beautiful young lady.  Your friend Whitney too.  She is 18 also isn't she?”  Again Lyssa nodded.  “Well, seeing the two of you in the locker room got me all hot and bothered, so I was coming in here to please myself.  You wouldn't want to help me out, would you?”

    Lyssa had a complete look of shock on her face.  “H…help you out?”

    “Well, you did walk in on me while I was about to get myself off.  I also saw that your eyes went straight to my pussy.  I thought maybe you would be interested in helping me get off then!”

    “But I've got a girlfriend, Whitney.  She is just in the shower.”  Lyssa wasn't sure what to do in this situation.  On the one hand, she had a girlfriend whom she liked very much.  There was also the fact that teachers and students weren't supposed to be having sex with each other.  Plus, if she did, Coach Rendano would most certainly figure out that Lyssa didn't have a pussy.  On the other hand, Coach Rendano was a very attractive lady, and Lyssa could feel her cock growing between her legs at the thought of having sex with her.  She was 18 also, so it wasn't like it would technically be illegal to sleep with her teacher.

    “I tell you what, why don't you see if she wants to join us then.  We could have a little threesome.  Something special between the coach and her captains.”

    Not sure how to respond, Lyssa stood and made her way to the door.  She had to unlock it to leave.  She closed the door without locking it again behind her.  Coach Rendano remained seated in the chair, waiting and hoping that the two girls would soon return together.  Just the thought of having sex with the girls made her panties moisten with excitement.

    Lyssa walked into the locker room and found Whitney just starting to get dressed.  “Oh there you are Lyssa.  Where were you?”

    “I had a question to ask Coach, but I found, well, I never asked my question.”

    “Why not?  Could you not find her or something?”

    “No, I found her.”  Lyssa didn't elaborate.

    “Ok.  So what happened then?”

    Lyssa leaned in close enough to whisper in Whitney's ear before answering.  “She was in her chair with her legs spread over the armrests wearing nothing but a pair of panties.  She had a huge vibrator on the desk and was rubbing herself.”  Lyssa paused for a heartbeat then continued, “She wants us to come in and help her.

    “Wow!  Really!  That is so fucking hot!  You want to?”

    That was not how she thought Whitney would react to that disclosure.  It was about as far different from the reaction she had expected as possible.  “You mean you want us to go have sex with her?”

    “Oh yeah, don't you think she is smoking hot?”

    “Well yeah but,”

    “So do I.  So three smoking hot girls together should be really exciting!”

    “Yeah but,”

    “Are you afraid I will think less of you if we go and have sex with Coach?”

    “No, it's just,”

    “Ah, you are afraid she will find out about,” she left the last part unsaid not wanting anyone to accidentally overhear.  It was bad enough they were talking so openly about sleeping with the coach in the middle of the locker room.  For answer, Lyssa nodded her head.  “Don't worry about it.  We will deal with that when the time comes.  Something tells me a woman like Coach, who asks her students to fuck her isn't going to have a problem because you have a cock.”  Whitney slapped a hand to her mouth and said she was sorry with her eyes.

    A smile began to spread along Lyssa's lips and she lightly kissed Whitney on the cheek.  “Ok, let's go then.”

    Together the two girls went to the coaches office which they found to still be unlocked and walked in.  The dildo was no longer in site, but Coach Rendano was still sitting in her chair wearing nothing but the white cotton panties.  She had decided if anyone had walked in while she was waiting on the two friends to return she would claim to just be changing her clothes.  Smiling at the two girls as they came in she said, “Lock the door and make sure it is securely shut.”

    Coach Rendano openly looked over Whitney's body.  She only had on her skirt and a black and gray bra.  “Wow, you are both so very sexy,” she remarked as her gaze slid over to Lyssa.  “Would you both like to take your clothes off and join me over here?”  She reached into the top drawer as she asked the question and pulled the vibrator back out of the drawer.

    Lyssa looked at Whitney who smiled encouragingly as she reached behind herself and began to unhook her bra.  Lyssa slid her blazer off her shoulders and tossed it into the corner of the office.  Whitney tossed the bra on top of Lyssa's blazer before unzipping her skirt and removing it.  As was customary after practice, Whitney had not put any panties on, and now stood nude in the coaches office.  Lyssa was just finishing removing her blouse when Coach Rendano approached her and offered to help with the red bra.

    Lyssa nodded her assent as Coach Rendano began to unhook the bra.  She slid it off the young girls shoulders and forward.  Her arms wrapped around Lyssa and underneath the bra to cup each of Lyssa's breasts.  “So firm,” she remarked, “almost like,” she trailed off and didn't finish her statement.

    To help divert attention, Whitney stepped up to Lyssa and offered to help with the skirt, which she then unzipped and slid it to the floor to pile at Lyssa's feet.  The coach and Lyssa were both standing there in just their panties now.  Coach Rendano's hands were busy massaging massaging Lyssa's breasts so she pressed her mons against Lyssa's ass.  The white cotton sliding against the red satin of Lyssa's panties.

    Meanwhile, Whitney was busy caressing Lyssa's thighs and kissing her stomach moving up towards the breasts.  When she reached a breast, Coach Rendano moved one of her hands away so that Whitney could lavish some attention on the breast.  The hand being moved stroked Whitney's cheek one time before moving down to stroke the firm buttocks clothed only in red satin.

    No one had ever lavished such attention on Lyssa before.  She was in a heaven of ecstasy.  Her body was sending her sensations she had never known before.  So many places being touched so sensually at the same time.

    As she was having these thoughts, Whitney's lips had moved from the breast and was heading back down Lyssa's body again.  Coach Rendano was also making a move and her hand was sliding from the satin bottom to the satin front where she began to run her hands down towards the V of Lyssa's legs.  Lyssa was feeling so good that she didn't give any thought to the hand heading towards the hiding place of her cock.  She didn't give any thought to whose hand it was until it reached between the legs.

    Coach Rendano gasped, “What is that there?  It doesn't feel like a hot wet pussy.  It feels like something else entirely.”  Her tone of voice wasn't even close to disgusted.

    Lyssa gave a sharp intake of breath expecting things to get really bad really quick.  It was Whitney that answered, “No, it is her hot, hard, thick cock.  I have been training her for the last three weeks on its proper use.”  Lyssa blushed, another thing she seemed to be doing a lot of lately.

    “I want to see it,” smiled Coach Rendano when she heard this.  With the hand she had been rubbing the panties with, Coach Rendano pulled the red satin to the side, allowing the cock to spring free of its imprisonment.  Peering around Lyssa's shoulder she remarked, “Oh my, it is nice, and thick, and long.”  Softly her hand touched the top of the cock, stroking from the front to the back lightly, only on the top though.

    A sigh of relief escaped Lyssa, and Whitney looked up at her and winked.  “I don't normally like real cock though.  I do consider myself strictly lesbian.  However, I have known you for 5 years Lyssa.  I have never thought of you as anything but a girl.  I guess I can like this.”  Now her hand wrapped around the shaft of the cock and continued stroking.

    Whitney stood up and went around behind Coach Rendano.  “Here, let me help you out of these Coach,” she said as she took the white cotton into her hands and began to pull them down.  As she dipped lower she placed kisses down the coach's back until her lips were caressing the coach's taught ass.  “It is such a beautiful ass Coach.”  She released the panties on the floor and ran her fingers back up the inside of the coach's legs.  Reaching the apex her hands began to stroke the soft and wet lips of her coach.

    Coach Rendano moaned softly into Lyssa's ears.  She matched the rhythm of the strokes on Lyssa's cocks to the strokes on her own pussy.  All three girls were moaning at this point.  Things were beginning to heat up quickly.  Whitney was busy stroking the coach's pussy.  Coach Rendano was busy stroking Lyssa's cock.  Lyssa was enjoying herself greatly.  Coach Rendano let go of the young girls cock and said, “Lyssa, go sit on my desk so that I can suck on your thick cock.  Whitney, why don't you slide a couple fingers in my cunt while I suck that impressive cock!”

    Lyssa followed the instructions of her coach, moving over to sit on the desk.  She spread her legs wide open to allow the coach easy access to her cock.  As Coach Rendano bent down to suck on the cock, Whitney came up from behind and slid two fingers into the coach's pussy.  As the fingers pumped in and out, Coach Rendano bobbed her head up and down on Lyssa's 9 inch cock.

    She reached out her hand to stroke Coach Rendano's hair as she moaned with the pleasure of having her cock sucked.  “Oh God Coach, that feels so good!”

    Whitney began to speed up the fingers pumping in and out of the coach's pussy.  Coach Rendano kept pace on Lyssa's cock with the fingers pumping in and out of her pussy.  She had to stop sucking the cock though as the fingers brought her to an orgasm.  Coach Rendano was panting very hard as her body went into spasms.

    Once the orgasm had passed she looked up at Lyssa.  “I want to see you fuck Whitney now.”  Giving directions was easy for the coach.  After years of having people follow her directions it just came naturally.  “Whitney, lie down on my desk now.  Lyssa, stand here and fuck her pretty pink pussy for me.”

    The girls switched position.  Coach Rendano grabbed the vibrator from the top of the desk and sat down in her chair again, spreading her legs open over the arm rests.  Lyssa came right up to the edge of the desk, placing the tip of her cock against Whitney's wetness.  Gently she began to slide the tip up and down along the labia.  Whitney brought her legs up and placed them over Lyssa's shoulders to allow for a deeper penetration.  Lyssa was all too happy to oblige as she softly slid her cock into the depths before her.  Both girls moaned in such great pleasure.

    Meanwhile, Coach Rendano was stroking her own labia with the vibrator.  She flicked it on to a low setting and stroked the tip up and down.  As Lyssa's cock rubbed up and down Whitney's labia, she flicked the setting to medium and focused it on her clit.  Once, that thick cock plunged into the wet pussy, Coach Rendano plunged the vibrator into her own, flicking the switch a final time to high.

    A cock in one pussy and a vibrator in another had all three women moaning quite loudly.  It was a good thing that the coaches office was mostly sound proofed due to the noise volumes expected during sporting events.  Both the real cock and the artificial cock pumped in and out of a pussy.  Both of them were building up speed.  The natural lubrication provided by female biology allowed them to slide in and out effortlessly.

    Whitney was the first one to reach an orgasm.  She came so hard that her juices squirted out the sides of her pussy around Lyssa's cock.  It splashed loudly on the floor at Lyssa's feet.  Her scream of pleasure was high and piercing.

    Soon, Lyssa's scream joined Whitney's as an orgasm tore through her body.  Hot cum throbbed inside of Whitney's pussy.  Each throb of the cock brought another warble to the screams of the two girls.

    Coach Rendano brought herself to orgasm with the vibrator only moments later.  She wasn't a squirter, but her orgasm was no less powerful.  After the wave of powerful feeling finished coursing through her body, she lay exhausted on her chair.

    It took several moments for the three women to recover themselves enough to move again.  “Thank you very much girls.  I see I picked great captains this year.  I look forward to working with you girls some more in the future.”

    The two girls smiled and kissed each other before moving back to their clothes to dress and head out for the day. “Thanks Coach,” they said in unison.

    As the doors closed behind them, Coach Rendano thought to herself how that was probably one of the best and most erotic things she had ever done in her life.  She couldn't wait to do it again.  Maybe next time, she would try out Lyssa's cock in her own cunt!

    in reply to: I Am All Girl – by Sylque #140437

    Lyssa grabbed a fresh pair of underwear, t-shirt, and shorts before she headed out of the room and to her bathroom.  After turning the water on, she stripped herself down and stared at herself in the mirror.  With thoughts of Whitney in her head, she began to run her hands along her body and across her breasts.  Her nipples immediately responded by getting hard as did her penny.

    She was apparently moaning more loudly than she thought while pleasuring herself, because after only a couple minutes she heard a knock on the door.  “You ok in there?”

    “Yes, fine, why?”  She was mortified.  Whitney was standing outside the bathroom door and had heard her.  Lyssa hadn't realized how into touching herself she had gotten.  Her penny stood at full attention gripped in one hand.  Color suffused her cheeks right then.

    “Well you were making some awfully nice noises in there!”

    “I was just…wait what?”

    “I said it sounded like you were getting yourself off in there!”

    Walking to the door, her erection leading the way, Lyssa opened the door a crack and peered out to see Whitney standing outside the door.  She was naked as a jay bird except for a smile that seemed to go from one ear to the other.  “What are you…”

    “I thought maybe you'd like someone to wash your back for you!”  Whitney winked at Lyssa and posed herself in a very inviting way.

    “I, uh, I'm not so sure that's a good idea.”  Lyssa couldn't help to keep her eyes from taking in every inch of her friends beautiful body.  Her erection plainly told the story of how much she wished Whitney would come in though.

    She turned a little bit and started back down towards the bedroom.  “Well, if you don't want a beautiful girl to wash your back then…” she let her voice trail off in a seductive manner.

    “It isn't that, I just have, body issues.”

    “Why, you're perfect.  I've seen almost all of your body, and I can say, you're gorgeous.  I would love to place my hands all over your body, my lips too!”  She smiled and winked with her last sentence.

    Lyssa sputtered a little not sure what to say.  Her friend wanted to get sexual, and Lyssa did too, very much so.  She just didn't know what would happen when Whitney found out about her penny.  “I'd like that.  I'd like very much to have you wash my back.  Your hands look like they are so soft.  Oh how I've thought about them caressing my skin, I just…”

    “What, there isn't anything you could say, do, or show me that I would have a problem with.”

    “I wouldn't be so sure about that.”

    “Well, why don't you just let me in then, and I'm sure I can make whatever it is, feel so good you will never worry about it again!”

    So Lyssa opened the door to the bathroom and stood there, naked.  Her erection was pointing up at Whitney's face, and her round breasts had hard nipples pointed at Whitney too.  Whitney gasped, but not in disgust, it was very plainly excitement.  “Oh, My, Gods!  You have a cock!”

    She missed the inflection in the tone and assumed that Whitney was offended.  She tried to cover herself, placing one hand across her breasts and the other trying to hide her 9 inch cock, unsuccessfully.  “I'm sorry, I'm sure you won't ever talk to me again, but please don't go…”

    Whitney interrupted the sentence by placing her lips onto Lyssa's and wrapping her arms around her friend.  Their bodies pressed tightly against each other.  Lyssa's arms were pinned between the two bodies, but that would soon be remedied.  After she parted their lips, Whitney said, “That's so friggin cool.  I have never had a girlfriend with a built in cock before!”

    Lyssa blushed.  She couldn't believe this was happening.  Other than her mother, no one who knew about her penny had ever liked it before.  “You really like it?”

    “Oh hells yeah.  Talk about the best of both worlds!”  Whitney leaned in and kissed her friend again.  As she kissed Lyssa, her hands began to run softly up and down her friends back.  Lyssa began to relax and loosen up.  She pulled her body back enough to free her hands and wrapped her arms around Whitney.  Pressing their bodies tightly together.

    Whitney parted the kiss and stepped back a little, reaching down, she took Lyssa's cock into her hand.  “So, what do you call it?”

    “Well, Mom always called it a penny, so that is what I called it.  I guess she thought penis would be too obvious to me when I got older.  As it was, I didn't really figure it out until I was in 7th grade.”

    Slowly she stroked her hand up and down the shaft of the cock as Whitney replied, “Well, I like that, but I hope you don't mind, I am a bit of a dirty girl, and I like the word cock.  For me, I want you to call it a cock from now on.”


    Whitney bent down and kissed the tip of Lyssa's cock as her hand continued stroking the shaft.  Then she began to flick her tongue against the tip of it.  Lyssa moaned and reached a hand out to run through Whitney's hair.  Whitney then took the head of the cock into her mouth and slowly circled her tongue around it.  Sliding more of the cock into her mouth she soon had the whole length in her throat before pulling back off and lightly kissing the tip again.  “How was that?”

    “Oh my that felt good, I have never…”

    “It's ok honey, I don't mind that you're a virgin.  Because after today, you won't be.”  Whitney smiled as she took the cock into her mouth again and began to slide it into her throat again.  Her head began to bob up and down on the thick cock, occasionally taking it deep throat.

    Lyssa's moans got louder and louder and it was all she could do to stay standing upright while her cock was being sucked on.  Her hands drifted through her friends hair.  She wasn't guiding, just enjoying.  Her knees began to feel week as she could feel an orgasm building.  However, that was when Whitney pulled the cock out of her mouth and stood up.  “Um, so nice.  I'd never have thought you had a cock, let alone such a long and thick one.  We don't want you to cum yet though.  I want to feel your cock in my pussy!”

    “Really?  Oh wow this is so amazing.”  She felt so stupid after she made that comment, just like someone who hadn't had sex before, which she hadn't.

    Seeing her friend blushing again, Whitney said, “Don't worry hon, every one is a bit off their first time.  I'm not worried about it.”  She smiled and leaned in to kiss her friend again.  “But first, I want want you to eat my pussy.”  When she saw the look of hesitation on her Lyssa's face she said, “Don't worry hon, I'll guide you through it.  I promise you'll like it!”  

    With that she climbed onto the counter and spread her legs open.  She placed her hands on the insides of her thighs and stroked up and down them.  “This is a pussy.  I don't mean like they teach us in sex ed though.”

     She moved one hand up to point at her pubic hair, “I have my hair trimmed into what is called a landing strip.  Some say it is to guide some one here.” she says moving her finger down to her pussy.  “The labia are so sensual, and sensitive.  When you eat my pussy, start by just running your tongue up and down my labia.”

     Using two fingers she spread the labia open revealing her clitoris.  “Here's my clit.  Very, very sensitive.  Sucking on this'll make a girl cum fast.  However, you want to be gentle and work your way to it slowly.  It is easy to overstimulate the clit and turn the pleasure into pain.”

     Next she slid a finger into her hole, “And here's where your cock'll go.”  She took her finger out and stuck it in her mouth, sucking on it like a lollipop.

    Lyssa bent down and slowly took her tongue down the left thigh until it glided across the labia.  Whitney gasped in pleasure and reached up a hand to grasp Lyssa's auburn hair.  Gently she guided Lyssa's head and tongue between her legs so that soft slow gentle strokes of the tongue coated her labia.  Whitney's pussy was getting very wet, both from her friends tongue and her growing excitement.

    Each moment the tongue closed in on the clit.  Removing a hand from Lyssa's hair, Whitney spread her labia open, exposing her clit.  “Flick your tongue against it dear.”  Lyssa happily complied.  With each flick on the tongue a moan escaped Whitney's lips.  “Suck it Lyssa.  Suck on my clit.”

    She did, and soon, Whitney was moaning loudly as her clit was being suckled.  “Put a finger in my pussy,” she prompted.  Again Lyssa quickly obeyed.  The finger plunged in and out of the pussy as the lips suckled on the clit.  

    Whitney cried out as her first orgasm coursed through her body.  A gush of vaginal fluids poured from her pussy coating Lyssa's face.  Lyssa pulled back quickly, not realizing what had happened.  “What was that?”

    “That was my orgasm dear.  I'm a squirter.  That one wasn't very powerful, but I'm sure you'll get better at it.”

    “A squirter?”

    “Yes, some women have such powerful orgasms that they literally squirt with them.  Squirting is the holy grail of female orgasms.  For your first attempt, that wasn't bad.  I wasn't even sure I'd get that much of an orgasm.”

    Blushing seemed to be becoming a habit for Lyssa, but she didn't really mind.  Whitney slid off the counter and stood before Lyssa and stroked her cheek.  “Now, I want to feel your cock inside my pussy!”


    Whitney turned around and bent over onto the counter.  She was also 5'8″ tall, so everything was just at the right height for Lyssa.  Inexpertly Lyssa came up behind Whitney and placed the tip of her cock against Whitney's pussy and started to push it in.  Whitney's pussy was so wet from the recent orgasm that Lyssa's thick cock slid in quite easily.  Both of the girls moaned as the thick cock slid inside.  “Wow that feels good Whitney,” said Lyssa.

    “Glad you like it!  Now, slowly at first, start pulling it out and pushing it back in!”  Lyssa did as she was told, and slowly the cock slid in and out of the dripping wet pussy.  “A little faster now.  That's it, more, faster, harder…” Whitney kept up her verbal coaxing as Lyssa's cock slid in and out of her pussy.  

    However, this being her first time, it wasn't meant to last long and Lyssa's orgasm raced through her body.  Hot cum began to pump out of the end of her cock and deep inside of Whitney's pussy.  Lyssa held her throbbing cock inside of the wet pussy while her orgasm continued to rock her body.  Once the wave of ecstasy passed however, she quickly pulled her cock out.  “Oh no!  Oh my god!”

    “Don't worry about it hon, I'm on the pill,” said Whitney as she stood up and turned around to face Lyssa.  “You're no longer a virgin either.  Happy Birthday!”

    “Happy…Oh, I had totally forgot it was my birthday.”  Both girls giggled as the leaned in to kiss each other.  “Happy Birthday to you too!”

    in reply to: I Am All Girl – by Sylque #140436

    As she drifted back from her memory, Lyssa realized her hands were running across her 34C breasts.  She hadn't been seeing them of course, but she was also staring right at Whitney's perky breasts.  “Like anything you see there Lyssa?”

    With a start, Lyssa came fully back into her surroundings.  “Well, you do have very pretty breasts,” she replied.

    “Yours don't look too bad either,” replied Whitney.  “I certainly wouldn't mind seeing them.”

    “Oh you're terrible,” retorted Lyssa.  “Girls aren't supposed to look at each others breasts.”  Of course, the idea of Whitney looking at her breasts was very exciting to Lyssa.  She could feel her penny growing between her legs where it was safely hidden away.  This made sitting a little uncomfortable so Lyssa stood up off the bench.

    Whitney winked, “Well, they may not 'supposed' to look at them, but how can a person not admire such beautifully crafted sculptures of flesh.”

    Lyssa's only reply was to blush and reach back to unhook her purple bra.  Lyssa's breasts fell free of the bra after it was unhooked, and her nipples were erect, but from being sexually aroused rather than being cold.  She pulled out her black sports bra and slid it on, followed by a plain green practice t-shirt.

    While she did this, Whitney pulled on a gray sports bra and the green practice shirt with the black dragon stenciled on the back.  The number 8 was screen printed on the front of the shirt.  She had been wearing the same practice shirt for the past two years since she made varsity at her old school.  She had had the dragon stenciled on the back since she was coming to this school.

    The thing Lyssa liked most about wearing skirts for school uniforms is she could slide her athletic shorts on underneath the skirt without actually taking the skirt off first.  This made it very convenient to change her skirt for shorts without anyone possibly finding out about what was between her legs.  The teams plain black athletic shorts came to about mid-thigh once they were pulled on, and fit rather snugly.  Her 28 inch waist and 36 hips filled out the shorts very nicely for her.  At 124 pounds, Lyssa was slightly smaller than the ideal body weights for a girl with a small frame of 5'8″ height.  However, this suited her just fine, as it made her body more feminine in appearance.  At size 4/6 in dress size, she was the envy of many of the genetic girls in her age group, and certainly admired by the men.  Too bad she just wasn't interested in the men.

    Now fully dressed for practice, both of the friends made their way out onto the gym floor.  The other 20 girls were out there too.  Standing in front of the group of girls was a familiar face to Lyssa, but a new face for all the returning girls.  “My name,” cried out the new coach, “is Rendano.  You may call me Coach Rendano, or just Coach.  I've been coaching girls volleyball at various levels for 12 years.  The last 4 years I've been coaching at the Junior High/Middle School level.  Coach Johnson was offered a position as an assistant coach at Texas A&M, so she couldn't pass it up.  Principle Schultz and I have been friends for the last 10 years, and asked me to take over this position.  So I agreed.  Are there any questions before we get started?”

    A couple of the girls who had been playing for Coach Johnson asked about their standings on the team that were “already established.”  Coach Rendano made no qualms about the fact that no one had any standing on the team at this point.  The first week would be try outs.  Grueling 3 hours of practice each day at the end of school.  The one hour of 7th period, and two hours afterward.  Each practice would start with a two mile warm up run, and end with a mile cool down run.  There would be a lot of conditioning practice as well.  She also let anyone know, that if they didn't think this was the kind of team for them, they could walk right now, and no one would say anything.

    No one left the floor.  Especially not Lyssa.  She had played for Rendano for two years in Junior High.  Then Texas had come out with the stupid “middle” school program and the 9th graders were moved up into the high schools.  Lyssa was well aware of the rigors of playing for Coach Rendano, but she was also confident she could get her position of middle attacker again this year, on this team.

    A brief warm up of stretching proceeded the two mile run, then the girls were off.  Most of the girls struggled to complete the two mile run, as they weren't used to it.  A handful, including Lyssa and Whitney were well conditioned and completed the run in under 16 minutes.  The following practice was grueling, and Coach Rendano kept the girls going for the entire practice right up until the end run.  A few water breaks were all the rest they had received during the practice, however just before the final run, Coach Rendano addressed them as a team again.  “Good workout girls.  Very impressive given that this was the first day.  Tomorrow will be even tougher.  So, if you think you are up for it, you can begin your mile cool down run.  If you don't, hit the showers and report to the PE class tomorrow.  Oh, and girls, take it easy on this run.  It is to cool down, a 10 minute-mile pace is more than fast enough for this run.”  Coach Rendano turned then and went into the coaches office.

    After the run was over, Lyssa slumped against her locker panting.  Whitney fell down next to her.  “Oh my god that was brutal,” exclaimed Whitney.

    “She wasn't kidding when she said tomorrow would be tougher,” replied Lyssa.

    Whitney looked askance at Lyssa.  “You know her?


    “You played for her at one of your schools before huh.”

    “Uh huh.”

    “Wow.  You certainly couldn't tell, she certainly didn't act like she knew you.”

    “She may not have recognized me from before, I've…developed more.”

    Whitney didn't seem to think that statement was odd at all and stood up to get into her locker, grabbing out her shampoo, some soap, and her shower shoes.  She placed the items on the bench and began to strip.  Those perfectly shaped breasts were the first thing to become free to the air.  After that, in one motion she pulled her shorts and pink thong off, tossing all the clothes into the bottom of her locker.  Whitney's brunette pubic hair exactly matched the hair on her head, and was very neatly trimmed into a landing strip.

    Lyssa found herself staring at the beautifully manicured strip of hair when Whitney asked, “See anything you like there?”  Her voice had a certain seductive quality to it this time.

    Without thinking Lyssa replied, “Very much so.”  Then she seemed to realize the question she had been asked and what her answer had been and began to stammer out, “I, well, that is, um…”

    Giggling, “Don't worry hon, I don't mind.”  Whitney bent down and whispered in Lyssa's ear, “I like girls too!”  She brushed a finger against Lyssa's cheek as she stood up and turned to head into the showers.  “See ya in the shower.”

    As she sat there blushing fiercely, Lyssa began to change back into her school uniform.  Naturally, she never took her showers at school.  She was just pulling her blazer back on when Whitney returned a towel wrapped around her body and a second one wrapped around her head.  “Not going to shower Lys?”

    “No, I think I'll wait til I get home.  I have a thing against foot fungus, so I only shower at my house.”  It was a convenient and believable cover she had worked out a couple years ago and seemed to satisfy most people without too many questions.

    “I'd love to see where you live.  We've been practicing and getting along together so long.  I think it is high time we start hanging out outside of school and volleyball.”

    “Sure, that'd be great.”  Lyssa hung up her work out shorts and shirt then shouldered her backpack.  She tried not to stare overly much as Whitney got herself dressed again in the school uniform.  It was hard not to admire those perky breasts, and she has such a nice firm heart shaped butt too.  It didn't help that Whitney seemed to be trying to make a show out of her body as she was getting dressed.

    Whitney hung her workout clothes up on the hooks on her locker once she was finished dressing.  She hadn't put her thong back on though, and stuffed that into her backpack before throwing it onto her shoulders.  “Ready?”


    “Posilutely!”  The girls giggled and chattered all the way out to their cars.  Lyssa led the way to her home with Whitney following close behind.
    They pulled into the drive way of the 5 bedroom house.  The three car garage had a driveway to match and there was plenty of room for the two cars to park next to each other.  Lyssa's mother's car wasn't in the driveway right now.  As Whitney stepped out of her car she said in an awe-struck voice, “What a beautiful home!”

    “It's pretty nice.  Mom does some free-lance computer geek work stuff.  We live pretty comfortably.”

    “Comfortably, this place is a mansion.  She makes enough money doing contract work to afford this place?”

    “No.  That is just to keep herself busy.”  Lyssa spoke a little lower now when she made the next statement.  “Dad was a doctor, and dabbled in real estate on the side.  He had a 5 million dollar life insurance policy when he died.  Mom hired an accountant who, as he phrases it, diversified our portfolio to maximize our income potential.  Basically, we make almost half a million dollars a year in interest.  So, yeah, we live comfortably.”

    Whitney whistled softly.  She walked up and hugged Lyssa.  “I'm sorry about your dad dieing.  I had no idea.”

    Lyssa slid one arm around her friend, “Most of the time it isn't a big deal.  I was only a month old when he died, so it wasn't like I knew him.”

    “Still, it must've been rough growing up without a father.”

    Waving her hand at the house, Lyssa replied, “We get by, and manage to take care of ourselves.”  

    They spent the next several minutes taking a tour of the house.  Lyssa showed Whitney all the bedrooms, the living room, kitchen, den, bathrooms, game room, and even the swimming pool out back.  Once they were back in her own room she said, “Wait right here, I need to shower and change ok?”

    Whitney grabbed one of the magazines from Lyssa's night table and stretched out on the bed.  “Sure thing.”

    in reply to: I Am All Girl – by Sylque #140435

    Chapter 2: Sharing Secrets

    Her metallic purple grand am pulled into the parking lot at the high school.  As she shifted into park, Lyssa looked in her rear view mirror to check her makeup one final time before opening her door.  Grabbing her backpack, she began to walk up to the front of the school.  Her eyes scanned the crowd of kids also making their way into the school looking for her friend Whitney.

    Whitney had already spotted Lyssa and was making her way up behind her newest friend.  She too was wearing the school uniform, though hers seemed to be cut just a little more tightly than was prudent.  Whitney's brunette hair was tied into pig tails that bounced as she walked along.  Coming up behind Lyssa, she placed her hands over Lyssa's eyes and said, “Guess who!”

    Lyssa spun around on the balls of her feet with a gasp.  Then, seeing that it was her only friend in the new place, she hugged Whitney and replied, “Whitney, I'm so glad to see you.  I was afraid I was going to have to find my way around this place all on my own.”

    “Nah, I wouldn't let you do that.  Besides, I like to be seen entering the school with a beautiful girl by my side.”

    Lyssa didn't have time to ponder this statement as the 10 minute bell was just beginning to ring.  Together the two girls made their way into the sea of students rushing into the building for the first classes of the year.  By a happy coincidence, the two friends shared the first class of the day, English 4.  Neither girl particularly cared for the subject, but it was required after all.

    Upon entering the classroom, Lyssa began to make her way towards the front of the class, but Whitney grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the back.  “You don't want to be a goody two-shoes and sit up there do ya?  Come sit in the back with me.”

    Lyssa thought back to the time she had found out she wasn't really a girl, and how she had made sure she was always in the back of wherever and whatever was going on.  She couldn't quite remember when she had decided to start sitting at the front of the classes again, probably in eighth grade when she had begun to get used to the fact she was different.  However, she didn't think it would hurt to start sitting in the back of class again.  “Ok,” she replied and followed Whitney to the seats in the back of the class.

    Class was rather boring, as most of them were for Lyssa.  School just wasn't much of a challenge for her.  She spent most of her time drawing in her notebook.  She enjoyed drawing dragons, fairies, unicorns, and other mythical creatures.  She had numerous notebooks full of them.  Whitney also spent most of the class doodling in her notebook.  However, her pictures were of a much more erotic nature.  At one point, Lyssa looked over and saw what her friend was drawing and gasped a little more loudly than she should have.  This brought a scowl from the teacher, and a sly wink from Whitney.

    For the rest of the day, they walked together between classes.  Their schedules weren't identical, but they did have a lot of the same classes, so Whitney was able to help Lyssa find her way around fairly easily.  They even had lunch together.  Lyssa had a wonderful grilled chicken salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette, and Whitney had a Caesar salad.  Finally 7th period rolled around, athletics.

    Both girls were going to try out for the volleyball team.  Whitney figured she was a sure-in because she had been playing varsity for the Dragon's since her sophomore year.  Lyssa knew she would have a fairly good chance herself as she too had been playing Varsity for two years.  However, she was new at the school and would have to really show her stuff out there.

    The girls went into the locker room to change, along with 20 other girls.  There were only 15 spots on the team.  That meant that 7 of these girls weren't going to make the team.  Lyssa shyly began to strip off her clothes to change into their practice uniforms.  Whitney however wasn't the least bit shy and was already standing there in nothing but a pair of pink thong panties.  Her C breasts were beautiful rounded as only youth could make them.  The nipples on her breasts stood fully erect from the slightly chilly air of the air conditioned locker room.  Lyssa couldn't help but stare at them.  They seemed so wonderful to her.


    “Mom, I want to get the implants.  The doctors all say I'm old enough, and the psych doc even says I'm ready for such a big step in my transition.”  Lyssa put on the petulant face of a 12 year old, which she had perfected in the 4 years since she had turned 12.

    “You realize that if we do that, it'll mean moving to a new school again, and having to do it over the summer so that it won't be so obvious and you'll have time to recover from the surgery.”  Her mother looked about ready give in and agree.

    “I know.  It isn't anything really.  I don't really like this school anyways.  Other than the volleyball team, I don't have any friends here.  I think they know anyways.  I am always having penis jokes made behind my back, and finding other things in my seat or by my lockers.  I think a new place would be a good idea.”  Lyssa switched from her petulant face to a very endearing smile.  “Please Mom?”

    Her mother didn't instantly give in yet, so she pressed on.  “Besides, school is out in a week, I am already 18, and the Doctor said he could get me in the first week after school was out.”

    “Ok,” replied her mother, “I'll call him and set up the appointment.”  She reached out and stroked Lyssa's cheek.  “I couldn't have asked for a better or more beautiful daughter Lyssa.  One step closer.  My, you are getting to be so very grown up.”

    Lyssa burst forward and reached her arms around her mother, smothering her in a giant hug.  “Thanks so very much Mom!”


    in reply to: Favourite dances #135828


    Thank you Sylque for this one  :D



    Good times.  I am glad you liked it!

    in reply to: Gifts. #133504

    I agree that gifts should be able to be items.  If they are worried about men abusing the system, then only make items giftable, rather than A$.

    in reply to: Sylque. Introducing Lyssa aka sylque #140429

    Thank you all so much for all the warm welcomes. 

    in reply to: Sylque. Introducing Lyssa aka sylque #140428

    :) :) wow welcome at foru :-*m. Hope you will enyoj here as much at achat world. :) and off course you owe me litlle cat you promise to me. Mwwaahh ;)

    Anytime Sonya.  Add me on Achat – sylque

    in reply to: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 8 – O.T. #140307

    Cheating while at work?¿?¿?¿  Now that could be interesting and fun.

    As for expansion of my ideas, I would like to see stories about atypical gender roles.  Sissies, transsexuals, shemales, transvestites, that kind of thing.  Break out of the gender norms.

    in reply to: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 8 – O.T. #140304

    I like the idea of just doing free form, rather than having everyone follow a theme.

    However, for themes, I would like to suggest something dealing with Non-gender norms (IE, Transsexuals, shemales, gender dysphoria, agendered, etc.).

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