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  • in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68954

    Miss Adrea closes her door as she dose i turn and head back to the tunnel putting just my jeans and cowboy boots out I head back to the Bar.

    I ask Stone for a fine bottle of Red wine
    she asks “Which one would you like”
    I give Stone a blank look “not being a wine drinker i wouldn't know a fine red wine you chows one for me please”
    Stone “asks how is it for “
    I answer  “Miss Adera “
    Stone smiles and say's “this one then”
    She opens the bottle for me and hands it to me she turns and hands me 2 large wine glasses.
    I thank her and head back to the pool room back in the tunnel  getting to the ice house i strip off and walk calming back to Miss Adrea's door . Placing the bottle and glasses on the floor out side I knock on the door again but this time i walk away leaving the wine and glasses for Miss Adera to find at her door.

    Heading back to the Bar i get dressed  and get back to the table with the guys just to have Mona walk in fresh from her vacation.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68949

    I clear up any mess I'v made doing my work for Miss Brandy pick all my tools up and put them by the door turning to Miss Brandy “Is there anything else you need me for” Miss Brandy says “No that will be all” “I hope you enjoy your chambers Miss Brandy” picking up my tools i open the door and and walk into the hallway closing the door behind me.

    Looking down the hallway I see a dim light coming from under on of the doors. That was an empty room last I know I turn put my tool back in the cupboard.Then and slowly walk down the hallway towards the light. Stopping at  the door looking closely at the door I see the name plate Adera.

    Standing out side naked seeing her shadow moving under the door i take a deep breath calm my self right down and then KNOCK i tape the door step back with my head bowed waiting for the door to open.

    It opens

    “Miss Adera I'm Tango the house sub is there any thing I can help you with to get your chambers to how you would like them”

    Stands died still and wait for Miss Adera's answer


    in reply to: Az TeK Creations (ATC) #69513

    Love them Boss lets hope they make then up for us to have

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66413

    After coming of the stage I jump under the shower and hear the start of a great song singing along “WHO ARE YOU”as the water washed the oil from my body coming out of the shower l hear a loud cheer as Martin finish's his set and runs out the back of the stage.Drying my self off l hear Bear curse turning to see him throw his angel wings on the floor and start to look for a new out fit the last l see of him is him holding a pink cowgirl hat heading for the stage.
    I finish pulling my cowboy boots on and head back to the bar leaning on the bar Jayc slides a beer down the bar to resting my elbows on the bar my black leather waist coat fulls open showing off my bear chest and bow tie l get ready to watch the rest of the nights fun and wait for martin to join me

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66406

    Walking onto the stage with it in darkness dressed as a construction worker (big boots ripped blue jeans held up with a belt and brasses skin tight white T shirt and a hard hat) carrying a bucket of water and babyoil placing the bucket right at the front of the stage. I walk to the back of the stage stand with my back to the ladies. Placing my feet shoulder width apart and holding my arms out start at shoulder level palms up. My right Foot starts to tap to the beat of

    Turning around still with my arms out up to the bucket twisting my hips in time with the music bring my right hand in and sliding it under the right brass and letting it full to my hipThen doing the same with my left hand now with both brasses down around my hips .

    walking up to the bucket I standing with my legs 2 shoulders width apart bending from the waist and putting both hands on each side of the bucket i stand holding the bucket over my head and letting it pour down over me. The oily water makes my white T shirt go see throw. Giving the ladies the first look at my body putting the bucket down I grad my shirt and rip it open and throw it out into the crowd.

    Running my hands down over my chest down to my belt undoing it I pull it off in one swift move and drop it off the stage.

    Jumping down off the stage I walk over to the ladies first to my lovely Jane taking her hands and place them my chest she rubs the watery oil into my skin then to Blue she do’s the same with no help from me taking Janes hand I put it in my waist band at the back and took Blues at the front and with one swift pull from them both my jeans rip in two leaving me just in a black leather thong.

    Taking the bucket and pouring the rest of the oily water over my body I bend over right in front of Miss Christy wiggles my ass CRACK her hand lands on my cheek turning to her I wiggle again this time she grabs my THONG and one hard pull she has them in her hand.

    Making my way back to the stage as the song finishes and the lights go out

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66399

    Having done all that was asked of me in the Ice House i went back to the B & G have got changed out of what as now a dirty Mustard shirt and black pants now wearing blue jeans cowboy boots and a black waist coat and still with my bow tie on. Sat talking to Jane i hear Miss Brandy call me to the bar handing me an envelope a bottle of whiskey and a box of scones and tells me to “Deliver them to Miss Chirsty immediately” I head to the pool room and back into the Ice House walking up to Miss Christy Door a catch a look at myself in one of the mirrors
    STOPPING died I hear the voice of Miss Christy “Dress Code” going back to the Tunnal  and stirp now naked all but my bow tie i walk up to Miss Christy door  holding the box with the envelope on top of it in onehand and the whiskey bottle at it base in the other taking 2 deep breath to calm myself i knock on Miss Chirsty door take a step back bow my head focus on the floor and hold my hands out.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68937

    Doing as I was told I go back to my chores . Putting all the rubbish by the back door I start to sweep the floors starting at the far end working my way down the long hallway I hear a door open behind me I turn stand to attention with my back to the wall eyes down .Even with my eye down i see the naked figure of Miss Janine glide down the hallway. Seeing this Goddess for the first time i feels my cock twitch i take a deep breath with Miss Christy words “You have to learn to control that” i clear my mind and my cock calms down. Out of the corner of my eye i can see Miss Christy and Miss Janine talk still standing to attention Miss Janine walks back past with out a glance she pauses at her door of a second and the steps inside and closes her door.

    Returning to my chores I walk over to the big side doors looking them up and down seeing there are some big bolts holding two large metal straps looking the doors closed walking to the cleaning cupboard and get same tolls and a small ladder taking them back to the great doors taking my smart shirt off I start to undo the bolts. Taking them all down i stand back and look to see if there are any more bolts seeing that there wasn't I give one of the doors a push and with a loud sqeeeeel of metal on metal at the hinges the door opens and lets the bright sun light into the Ice House for the first time in years . Looking out side making shore there where no cars parked in the way I push the great door wide open
    turning to the second door i pull it open to getting some grease I squeeze some on each hinge and work the doors opening and closing them they start to swing freely. Looking over the doors seeing there is NO lock on them I close them from the out side i walk to my car knowing there is a large padlock in the trunk. Returning to the doors I go back in side and putting the bar across the two doors i slide the padlock throw the lop and lock it shut. Turning and walking to the great I place the Key on the table smiling to my self . clean the mess I have made and put the tolls and ladder way getting some paper i write a note

      Miss Chirsty This is the key for the NEW padlock on the side doors They both work and i have greased them both
    placing the key on the note i get back to my chores and wait for the delivers to to arrive

    in reply to: Tight’s Fits #64919

    Jane  and I loving the shirts for the Bar & Grill with the gold writing great job    but what about one for the guys

         Keep up the great designs

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68928

    Waking up mid morning after my sweet Jane brought me home.Reaching out my hand and feeling an empty bed next to me i sit up and see a note Morning sleepy head
                                               Gone to work you have an easy day
                                                 Will catch up with you later
                                                   KISS    KISS   KISS    KISS

    Getting up out of bed i walk naked to the shower and let the warm water wake me up after 10 minutes in the shower what to do for the day. picks up the TV remote and turn on the Olympics as i walk over to my wardrobe what to wear then same thing springs to mind smart slacks button down shirt and dress shoes . MMMMM a smile comes across my face.  Black slacks   smart Mustard shirt and polished shoes  and to finish the look black bow tie. Get dressed and looks my self over in the mirror. Grabs a cup of coffee and heads to my car as i pull off  i see to of my fellow traffic cops i beep at them and wave  they look up seeing it was me they wave back. I drive down to the B & G park my car round the back so not to be seen from the road I slip into the B&G nice and quietly I slip into the pool room not being seen by any one slipping throw the secret door i walk down the tunnel and push the book shelf open into The ICE HOUSE not a sound can be hear. i go to the cleaning cupboard get the polish and a cloth walk into the mean hall leaving the cleaning cupboard door open and start to clean and polish the long table in the middle of the great hall just as i finish i hear foot steps coming down the tunnel running to the cupboard putting the polish and cloth away closing the the door quietly and move quickly to the door Hearing the foot steps reach the door i stand to attention with my head bow eyes fixed on the grown.

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66363

    After dancing with Jane for a few songs i look over at Martin and do a drink sign with my hand he nodds his head and we both leave the girls dancing as the song came to an end we clap  as we leave the dance floor. Just as we get to the edge of the floor one of the dwarfs runs passed
    we get to the bar where the rest of them are with Stone standing over them telling them to stay here. But with not one of them taking any notice of her. Martin calls over to Stone “Stone we can take them all out the back and have us a good old dwarf throwing contest” .we all lough but the thought had been put into Stones head. We turn back to the bar and get the drinks and return back to our table as i walk back to the table i notice the Miss Christy had come back to the bar as i walk passed i bow my head to her and a small smile is my reward. I get back to the table and join Martin watching the girls dance

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66355

    Coming back into the bar from the pool room i see that the table is empty where i left Jane scanning the room i see Sexi fliing off the bull and land at Tights feet. looking round the Bar and see Jane ,Karen and Martin all up at the bar Jane has here back to me putting my finger to my lips telling Karen not to stay anything I walk up behind Jane put my arms around her rub the little Bump and kiss her on the neck “Sorry about that my love” i whisper she holds my hand turns and kisses me “that ok my love “she replies Jayc slide an Ice water down the bar with a lough “that on the house Tango”I catch it and smile “Thanks Jayc”
    i turn to watch the a guy take on the bull “looks like he can handle that beast” i say to them
    Jane turns and says that's “Kyo his a soldier back from Iraq”
    ” have to get him a drink when he comes back”i say with a smile.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68925

    Staying on my knee Miss Christy raises from her chair and glides past and behind her partition
    with out making a sound not to disturb Miss Christy i grab my cloths and leave Ma'am's Dungeon
    Looking up the long hall way i see a dim light from under a door at the far end smile to myself and put my uniform back on and head back to the bar
    hoping Jane will still be there not knowing how long i had been in The Ice House.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68922

    As instructed with out a sound i take my place on my knees in the middle of the floor and find a spot on the floor to fix my eyes on holding my lead up in one hand for Miss Christy.
    hearing Miss Christy close the door behind her i breath slowly and calmly and await her first touch.

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68919

    Feeling Miss Christy hand pat my head
    NOT moving a muscle or making a sound keeping my eyes fixed on one spot on the floor
    I know Miss Christy is pleased with me

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68915

    On hearing Miss Chirsty dismay on seeing my hard cock as i kneel at her side i hide it under my legs and concentrate on calming myself down taking deep breaths and keeping me eyes fixed on the floor it start work as i relax and my heart beat starts to drop. with Miss Christy word running around my head i feel the leather around my neck and know i will do a good job for miss christy

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