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  • in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109127

    Eurythmics – Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)

    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109126
    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109125

    Lou Bega – Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of…)

    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109124

    Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here

    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109123
    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109122
    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #109121

    Andrew Gold – “Thank You For Being A Friend”

    in reply to: 2017 Formula One Sweep #160304

    Minni91  Martinus  and  Tangoracer  are all paid up for after the summer break

    in reply to: 2017 Formula One Sweep #160285

    Minni91    Martinus    and  Tangoracer    are in for the next one  all paid

    in reply to: Erotic Story Contest 13. OT #159097



    On coming first and second in the contest with two great well written stories I well have to up my game a little for the next one

    And  big well done to all the other authors that entered hope to see you all again in the next one

    With  special thanks to Brandybee for running it and to Martinus for doing the posters

    in reply to: Race wars – Jazz Vs Zak- #161393
    Race Wars – Zak's story
    Friday started off slow in the garage which was fine with me as I had a big weekend planed although my friend had pulled out at just last night. As I made myself my third coffee of the morning the phone rang for a recovery job of a car with a family of five, all the details of where the car was started to print. Pouring my coffee into my travel mug I grab the print out and head out to recover them.

    With a hectic Friday afternoon, recovering a family with three young kids, screaming and playing around in the wagon. I take their minivan to a local garage and them back to the safety of their home.  I finally return to the garage at 4.50pm. The garage is due to shut in 10minutes, so I sneak in a cup of coffee and put my feet up, just as I’m starting to relax my mobile starts to ring. Picking it up, the caller ID shows Tommy, not somebody I want to be speaking to this late on a Friday, he always wants something.

    Reluctantly I answer “Hey mate, what’s up? Haven’t spoken in a little while, anything new happening?”

    “Actually, my little cousin’s Audi TT has broken down and by the sounds of it; she’s going to need recovering”

    “But I shut up shop in 5minutes, why doesn’t she phone green flag or whoever her car insurance is with?”

    “You owe me a favour and I trust you more than I would any of them, I know you will look after her and fix her car properly without trying to rip her off”

    I let out a loud sigh “OK, where is she?”

    “Ermmmmm, I’ll find out and text you exactly where”

    “Bloody women! We’re square now after this”

    With a short laugh Tommy put the phone down. Drinking the last of my coffee and a quick toilet break, I make my way back to the recovery wagon and wait for the text.

    Receiving the text from Tommy to say she was on the B3400 near Overton, I smiled to myself knowing the road well as it was a frequent cruising route that I often found myself on. Heading out in the wagon, knowing I should be with her in about 25minutes, and in about 90minutes I would be free to enjoy my first weekend away of the race wars season. Rounding the corner, seeing the small white Audi on the side of the road, I turn on the orange recovery lights and pull up behind her. The young lady climbs out of her car and I think to myself it’s a typical blonde ditzy rich girl who has no clue about the car and more than likely will be a quick fix here at the road side, meaning I could be on my way sooner. Climbing out of my cab I notice her shapely legs in her 4inch heels, taking my breath away, gulping hard to regulate myself. She’s the cousin of a friend of mine and at least 10years younger than me! I can’t think of her that way, but as I walk closer I notice her perk breasts poking through her top. I should not be looking, I walk past her briskly and raise the bonnet and stick my head in, looking for something wrong and trying to distract my thoughts from the young lady beside me. Looking up and shaking my head, I can’t see this being a quick fix or even fixable.

    “Sorry love, but your car is terminal, we need to get it back to the garage and you home safely on your cousins orders”

    “I knew it wouldn’t be a quick fix, but why do you say its terminal, I haven’t had it that many years” she says in a soft but annoyed tone.

    “The bottom crank pulley wheel has snapped off, and basically you’re going to need a new engine, or if you’re lucky maybe a rebuild on the engine”

    Walking back to the wagon, realising that my weekend just got that little bit further away, it’s already 5.30pm I should be home getting ready for this weekend’s race wars, getting to see the guys that I haven’t raced with in a while, not carting Lady Rich around. Climbing back into the wagon I manoeuvre the wagon to be just in front of her car, climbing back out of the cab, I get the control, walking to the back of the wagon I push the lever for the bed to roll to a stop in front of the Audi. Taking the hook, I walk down the side of the wagon with the winch wire and connect it to the Audi. Sitting in the driver’s seat of the Audi I turn the winch on and it pulls me onto the bed of the truck. Climbing back out of the Audi, I pressed the button for the roof to be put back up, moving to the front driver’s wheel strapping it down. As I move to the back wheel, I turn and say

    “Do you want to get your stuff out of the car?” As I kneel at the back wheel.

    “Huh? Oh yes”

    She catches my eye as she leans in through the driver’s door, propping her left knee on the driver’s seat and stretching her right leg out behind her, I’m assuming she is leaning into the passenger foot well to retrieve her belongings.

    As she walks away to make a phone call, I finish up strapping the car in, just as I’m about to put the bed back up on the truck I hear a shy voice

    “Err Zak, my cousin Tommy would like a quick word”

    Wondering to myself, why does he want to talk to me now? Hasn’t he already ruined my plans for the weekend? Receiving the phone from her, I nod towards the cab “go climb in, I’ll be there in a minute”

    “What do you want now?”

    “No need for that attitude mate, can you just take the car back to your garage and keep it safe, I’ll sort out the work for it next week. Then can you drop little cuz off at her house?”

    Sarcastically replying “Not a problem, mate. Got nothing else planned for the evening”

    Turning back around I notice she’s still stood at the side of the cab, realising she’s too short to reach the door handle.

    “Any chance you can help?” I chuckle to myself.

    Walking over I notice her nervous tick start, as she twists her shoulder length blonde hair around her finger almost into knots. Reaching up I open the door and push it open, moving out of her way so she can climb up. I can see the realisation on her face as the cogs start to tick as she tries to figure out how she will climb up into the cab, especially in her tight skirt and high heels, she won’t be able to do it herself.

    “Take hold of the hand rail, and my hand” She grabs hold of the hand rail and with her free hand hitches up her skirt showing more leg and then grabs my offering hand. Climbing onto the first step, and letting go of my hand she now is able to reach the handle within the cab. But misses the second step and nearly falls out, except for my quick thinking and grab hold of her ass and push her back up. Hearing her little yelp, I grab her ass cheeks firmer and hoist her up the two extra steps into the cab. Shutting the door on her surprised face, I start to walk around to the driver’s door, snickering to myself while rubbing my hands together, remember how her ass felt in them. Climbing into the cab I notice her face has changed into an angry snarl.

    “How dare you grope my arse like that?”

    “You should be thanking me, I just saved your arse from being on the floor”, before putting my seat belt on, I realise I still have her phone in my pocket and not being in the mood to be nice, I throw her phone at her. “Oh and here is your phone, your royal highness”. Maybe I shouldn’t have said the part about your royal highness, but damn she is so annoying and her mood changes so fast, it’s going to give me whip lash.

    I can’t even think what to try and talk to her about in the wagon on the way back to the garage; I just want to get on the road down to the race wars this weekend. But I can’t help out of the corner of my eye staring at her lengthy legs, her skirt is still hitched above her knees, that smooth skin is just so tempting to reach out and stroke, to feel up under her skirt and have a feel at what I assume to be a very enticing pussy, and would probably be very wet from my touches. My cock is twitching in my trousers, I need to get my thoughts under control, thankfully the garage is just around the corner and I can jump out and away from her close proximity.

    Jumping down from the cab I jog into the office to open the shutter to bring the wagon in, and to get some fresh clean air, letting her figure out how to get out of the cab herself, I can’t be too close to her right now, this boner needs to disappear and quick before I face her again. I can see from my office as the shutter opens, she has worked out how to get down from the cab, and I can get back in the cab and move the wagon, before disappearing for the weekend and getting away from her, hoping to never see her again.

    Not having the time or patience to unload her car from the wagon- I can sort that out on Monday when I speak to Tommy and decide what we are going to do with the car- Making sure everything is locked up, I set the alarm and close the shutter. Heading towards the back of the building, where my beauty of a car sits and waits for me.

    “Hey! What about me? How am I going to get home now? You promised my cousin you would get me home safely”. Crap I had forgotten I had promised Tommy to take her royal highness home

    “My car is around the back, if you want a lift, you better catch up” I can’t look at her; I need to keep walking, keep my head on straight and focussed for the racing this weekend. I need to go home and have a shower and then can head out to the hotel at the mid-way point, get a few hours kip and then head to the ferry for France.

    Unlocking the door and opening the door, lady muck skids to a holt as she comes around the corner, I can’t not stare at her, her eyes seem fixed on something in front of me, my car?

    “That’s the Porsche 911 GT3, RS model with 500BHP and goes from 0-60 is 3.2seconds”.

    Looking shocked at her but quite impressed. “That’s if it’s from the production line. How do you know so much about this car?”

    “I am related to Tommy and my dad is Elliott Walker. Did that slip your pretty little brain?” I had forgotten that, she acts differently from her cousin, and what Tommy has told me about her dad, she definitely doesn’t seem to be the sort of person who would spend her free time with him down at the garage. Smirking to myself at her last comment, I climb into the car and turn the engine over; she purrs to life, oh how I love that sound.

    Watching her through the windscreen, she bounds over and opens the passenger door; all I can do was try to stop myself from laughing. She is wearing that tight skirt and high heels and the car has been modified to be ready for racing.

    “How do you expect me to get in there?”

    “Sit on the cross member and swing your legs in” Smiling that big wide smile knowing what she will have to do if she wants to get a lift home.

    Hitching her skirt up even higher, I can see the outline of her orange lace panties, my cock starts to stir again in my trousers, I need to get my mind off her and quickly. Doesn’t help when she actually lifts her leg up and over the cross member and I get a full view of her peachy ass, remembering how it felt in my hands only an hour ago.

    Realising before her peachy ass touches the seat, the two tickets I bought for this weekend’s race wars are on the seat, removing them without touching her I fling them on the dashboard. Can’t believe that Jesse pulled out of coming this weekend only at dinner last night, I should be able to sell the spare ticket but means I’ll be going alone and having to drive the whole way myself.

    “You need to buckle up”, I watch as she reaches over her left shoulder looking for the standardised seat belt, then she looks at me with a confused look, reaching over I pull the two strap harnesses out from around her shoulders and then the two straps from around her waist. The grin on my face becomes wider when I decide she needs help to be strapped in, pointing to the buckle that is in between her legs, watching her reach for it and adjusting her skirt accordingly she lets me carry on fastening her in, making sure she is safely and securely buckled into the seat, her mouth performs an ‘O’ shape as she watches my hands work around her and then tightening the belts.

    Getting a closer feel of her curvy body, my cock is twitching and straining to be released and to be in her hand, her mouth, deep within her juicy walls. STOP! I can’t think like that, she’s Tommy’s cousin, it can’t ever happen. Removing my hands from being anywhere near her, I rev the car and speed away to join the evening traffic, knowing the back roads will be quieter than the main road I head for them and realise I have to drop her off first

    “What is your name? What’s the address I’m taking you to?”

    “The Estate by the Audi garage” she stammers

    “And your name?” Oh the posh end of town, not too far from where I live so not out of my way at least, gives me enough time to shower and get on the road by 9pm

    “Jasmine, my dad used to call me Jazz and now Tommy does.”

    “Nice name, I’m Zak, everyone calls me Zak”

    “I know who you are; Tommy mentioned your name earlier”

    Coming up to the roundabout that leads to the country roads I love, I put my foot down to apex the corner properly and maybe scare Jasmine a little or see if she has any fun in her.

    “What are these?” I look over and see the tickets from the dashboard have fallen into her lap and she has hold of them, looking at them inquisitively.

    “That’s my ticket for this weekend’s race wars in France, the other was for my friend but he pulled out last night, so going to try and sell it when I get there, make some money back on it”

    “So tell me about your dad. Tommy speaks often about him and how good he was in his garage, why didn’t you carry on the business or at least have it handed over to Tommy to continue”

    I can see her hands clenching together in her lap, maybe not the best way to start up a conversation, but I needed to talk about something to keep my mind off thinking about running my hand up her leg and to feel that sweet little pussy and feel how wet I can make it. I hear a little sigh come her way and her head turned staring out the window of the car at the night sky, as I cruise down the country lanes.

    “My dad was the glue of the family, he worked long hours from first thing in a morning to last thing at night and even on the weekends he would go in. Dad loved working in the garage, maybe he spent too much time there, but it wasn’t just a job to him, it was a hobby, his muse, his life revolved around those cars he did up.”

    “So what happened?” I asked, curious to find out more about her and listen to her soothing voice, even if it did sound like she was about to start crying. 

    “What does it matter what happened? My dad is dead because of that garage, why would I want anything to do with it or have it still running within the family”

    “Why are you so angry?”

    “Just shut up and let me out, I don’t want to talk about it or even be here with you. I should have phoned my mum to come and get me. Pull up on the corner and let me out, you can then get back to your stupid hobby”

    How dare she say it’s just a hobby? Pulling over a bit more vigorously than needed, nearly hitting the kerb. Coming to a complete stop I just stare out of the window not even wanting to look at her after that comment. I hear her climb out over the cross member, and I can’t help but take a quick peek at her peachy ass as she goes. Slamming the door behind herself, she sorts her skirt out and walks off in the opposite direction. I couldn’t care where she is going, I’m getting out of here, quick shower and then I can head for Dover.

    Pulling up at my apartment, I don’t waste no time in heading up to the shower and jumping in, glad that the day is nearly over and I can start to enjoy my weekend. Turning the heat up in the shower, I can’t get the imagine of Jasmine’s peachy ass and those long silky legs, and being able to freely run my hands all over her. No, can’t think that way, I need to get a move on. Jumping out of the shower and chucking a few bits into my travel bag, I chuck on some comfy clothes for the two and a half hour drive. As I’m about to reach for my phone and keys I see the phone lighting up, a local number is flashing on the screen. Not sure whether it’s a safe idea to answer the call, knowing it is after closing hours but something draws me to answering the phone call.


    “Ermm Zak?”

    “Yes, the garage is closed and I’m away all weekend, you will have to ring another garage or wait until I’m back on Monday”

    “Ermm it’s Jazz, I mean Jasmine”

    “What do you want? How did you get my mobile number? Want to rant some more at me? I was just being friendly and you tried to bite my head off”

    “No actually I want to apologise for my behaviour, speaking about my dad is a touchy subject that I don’t like to talk about, especially with a stranger. I found your garage website and it had your mobile number on it”

    “Ok, apology accepted. If you don’t mind I’m just about to head out. Have a good weekend.”

    “Actually, I was wondering whether I could tag along for the weekend. I’ll pay you for the ticket and any other expenses”

    “But you aren’t into cars, are you?”

    “Remember who my dad is? I spent every weekend down at the garage with him, helping to build and modify the cars”

    “WOW! Sure, if you really want to come, then be ready with a weekend bag in about 15minutes”

    “OK, I know I won’t need much. I’ll meet you on the corner where you dropped me off at in 15minutes”

    “Sure, see you soon”


    in reply to: City Meeting place Date game 2017 #161127

    Right now that the Mods are definatly doing the drew,
    You can add me into the list. The date games are always good fun with the right people.

    Minni91 Has said she will do it too so add her please.

    thank you Tango 

    in reply to: 2017. Eurovision Song Contest 2017 Sweep. #161308

    The Eurovision is always a good lough so please add  Minni91 and myself in for the draw

    Pythia all paid 

    Thanks Tango

    in reply to: Erotic Story Contest 14. O.T. #161174

    – Being caught in the act I.E by partner, boss, stranger, friend, police, parents/siblings/children (over aged 18). Turning into a 3sum, or a teaching lesson, or ganging up on the one who is cheating etc

    in reply to: 2017 Formula One Sweep #160171

    Count me, Minni91 and Martinus is for the next race in SPAIN!

    $150AS paid

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