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Sitting on the bar stool with my back to the bar I listen to the music while watching couples dancing. Relaxing evening for me tonight as I drain the last drop of beer from my mug. Tipping my hat to ssgt I wonder what on earth is a dentist chair doing here? Hmm I think to myself, maybe this needs further investigation. Ordering up another frosty mug of beer, I saunter over to what appears to be.. well I'll be damned, there *is* a dentist chair here. I've never been to fond of dentists, but what the hey, it's been awhile since my last checkup. I take a seat and wait to see if anything happens..
A strong smell of sweet jasmine tickle my nostrils as I gaze back at the dance floor as the music plays on. All of a sudden a cold rush overwhelms my body followed by an erie sense of pleasure tingles my senses. I think to myself.. what the….
Looking around the bar and grill at all the goblins and sexy vamps.. breathing heavily I pronounce…. the force is strong, my light saber is long…ladies, I'll be your daddy…
In all seriousness though, it's good to be back and catch up with good friends and acquaintances Looking forward to meeting new friends and having fun with all. Those that know me, know I'm quick witted yet a romantic at heart.. Next round of drinks are on the “Devilish Texan” Cheers!!!
Taz pulls up a chair at the bar and orders up a icey mug of cold beer and admires the scenery…
It's a start?? Too early to tell really… seems it's missing some actions that you'd encounter… Will keep an open mind about it and yes I did buy it…
On Patrol in the Alpha Quadrant
New rockets and… Look!! Yea!!! Donuts!!!
We did find a small trace of the ion signature, but our detector is not powerful enough to track it. We need a stronger probe. Nothing else to report.
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeA stronger probe *is* available.. Stop by my office this weekend for directions on it's use… I'm pretty sure you know the basics, but a refresher course is never a bad thing. Might of missed things in earlier training…
Bluedenim and I were talking about some outfits the other day so I thought I would share the ideas we had.
They were mainly rotating around the idea of schoolgirl and teacher outfits. You should recognise them they are from the movie St Trinian's
I'd definitely be hot for you, teacher… errrr or do I need to teach *you??
~ Love those as well…
Photoshop at it”s finest…
Wll Taz… guess with these requests for what it involves… you and I might have to investigate this pose with a little more control next time… I seriously meant to check the options out and write of it…
but…..I don't thinks she could of handled more of our *control” but I digress.. Yeah exploring it more is a must, to see what actions cancel out other's etc etc and which ones work well together. Definitely need a lady willing to give her input on *her* side of the controls too.. I'm willing to help out.. seems we just need a partner of the female persuasion now.. hit me up if ya find one.. that is, if I'm not busy.. *smirk…
Lol.. yeah… I think for a pair of old cowboys we handled that stick pony rodeo pretty well.
[/quoteRode hard and put up wet comes to mind.. *smirk
Well I finally got a chance to play with this…. I know the gals first time to… she would have given it a OMG…
very hot …. did not play with all the options… that research saved for another day…
I'm sure you know my vote on this pose… totally a must have for me…
Neat idea, just hope it doesn't pull participation from here.. probly won't.. they'd have to find out about it here I would imagine? Something to keep in mind when ya promote it..
Just my.02
HB, that is awesome! Great addition… please add that.
…and she is beautiful.
Taz, I would definitely have one of those outfits. I kind of like the loin cloth… maybe with a buckskin vest, buckskin boots and definitely the feather and headband.
Adasegogisdi! (Victory!)
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeOne word…”salivating”
Putting in a “reservation” most definitely. *wink*
Damn, Tight… Those ladies outfits are fricken HOT with a capitol H-O-T… All the designs you, Keiko and Jeanona are coming out with are awesome.. Keep em.. umm cumming??
I was chatting the other morning with a member and she was talking about a game she plays with her husband that they call “Indian Maiden”. That got me to thinking that it would be nice (and I think popular) to see some sort of American Indian outfits in the shop. These pictures are just an example, and I am sure all you talented people could work up something fabulous.
Just an idea:
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeOhh Fu….Hell yes, a Pocahontas would be fricken awesome.. *drool* Cowboy's do *play* with Indians too, dontchaknow..
Get out of my *head* Pafie.. on second thought… please *do me* errr.. I mean.. awww hell…
btw I could soooo see you in one of those outfits, Pafe…