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I need more info to make a guess. Is this your first?
LOLZ… It's a baby, not a used car… do you need to look under my skirt? ROFLMAO
Car?!?!? Lemme check your oil level with my dipstick.. Hmmmm seems your overdue for a lube and oil change, I'll be happy to perform.. *wink*
and what sweet kisses they must be… 😉
@ Taz I worked a little on boxers and briefs. But that was at the start, so the quality is not great:
Nice, I especially like the arrows one.. LOL.. that's the pervert in me though.. Yes I like all and hope you continue with designing more or refining these..
Looking good Tightfit, the ladies dresses look awesome and I like the more diverse men's offerings too. I would however like to see more darker men's colors. I'm more a man in black and darker colors are more suitable for me and I'd imagine several others too. I do like the designs you've come up with.. I'd also like to see more underwear choices. Boxers and boxer briefs in particular.. the current available underwear, though diverse, are still lacking colors and pasterns for the boxer/boxer briefs guy such as myself..
Very often we think that our problems are the most important in the world, but at all they are just small flashes and absurd in compare with those who are injured or lost anything.
We claim if the A-Team doesn't give us our most needed poses… it's ok and it's allowed. But sometimes we should take a coffee, sit down and think about the things we are able to do, we are allowed to do and we own (and I don't talk just about material things, also bout friends, health, possibilities we just do have because we live in freedom….) If there is one little chance to learn something then this:Be happy because you are able to be happy.
Very well put, Lover. I highly agree with you there….
Glad it worked for ya. Always willing to help out, and glad you were able to upload. Will have to keep an eye out on what you uploaded too.. Hope to chat with you soon, my very good friend.. ***Hugs n Kisses***
Weird, seems to work fine for me. I just tried after reading your post. The link went to the normal area where you accept the agreement and the link to upload the pic. Clicked on upload and it opened the window to choose a file. Are you logged in to the Homepage which is a separate log in that the forum log in? Maybe clear your browser history and tempfile folder.. is worth a try…
I'll have to check out the new digs when I venture to outer space next time. Will pick out my office space while there and place my name upon the door. I've been called a space cowboy before, but please don't call me “Maurice” (Wolf Whistle) You *may* call me a gangsta of love though.. But shhh that's my undercover persona as the Lieutenant in the Spermicide Detective division of NSPD. Back to my surveillance duties and “in depth” investigations of spermicidal incidences..
<==== Oh look, I've got a "Full Member" now.. how did they know??? Guess I should of waited before stepping away from the desk. *sheepish grin
Had a good friend I met on Achat from Napoli I haven't seen for awhile. But she went MIA before the earthquake though. My heart goes out for all of Italy and their time of sorrow and grief. I've been deployed there way back in the 90's during the Bosnia conflict. Loved it there and got to do some site seeing while there. Rome, the Vatican and Venice as well. Beautiful women and friendly, happy people.. Want to go back there some day and spend more site seeing time..
08 August 2012
Orgy poses would be awesome, but probly not possible without a lot of work for the dev team and a bit crowded in the current interface.. Would like to see it though..
OoOoOoOo the gangster look.. I like those… Nice choices, Urban!
With all the new futuristic space style uniforns and backgrounds, I wouldn't be surprised if a space ship room will be far off. This space cowboy would thoroughly enjoy it,but no need to call me Maurice.. (wolf whisle)..
~ Maybe the gangsta of love?? *wink* Let's hope a new room of some sorts is near completion and am hopeful an outdoor one won't be far behind…
Got all of the backgrounds.. Nice work!! *muahs!!!
Taz here, the newly appointed Spermicide Detective of NSPD!! With my cowboy hat, boots, dress jacket and white collared shirt. With a 45 caliber specially made 1911A1 semi-auto hidden behind my right hip in a shark skin inside-the-pants holster, I flip out my black leather badge holder with an encircled silver lone star on the flap. Investigating all suspicious spermicidal events, no cold cases on my agenda.. Only smoking hot ones.. Here to serve and investigate and explore. Surveillance on request…
Thanks for having me.. and special thanks to Azrielle for appointing me to this very important job. I'll wear the credentials with honor and pride.. Off to investigate and perform intimate surveillance..