Forum Replies Created
first of all I would like to say big thanks to Jeanona, Keiko and Tight for the nice designs.
As I already mentioned we would like to continue to publish user designs in the shop, so if you can choose the next designs we will add them to the shop constantly.
I have updated the initial post with the picture of heightmap effects just to show how it should look with a decent video card. I encourage all designers to get one, because the bump map can give really nice details to the designs.
Regarding the paid share I have to say sorry, we cannot credit it daily, as it was mentioned in an earlier post. We don't have the required automation for that yet, so the payment will be done weekly (in the first 1-2 weeks), and then monthly. I hope it is not a big problem.
Please keep doing the nice work
Outstanding!!! All the designs I've seen from all contributors have been fabulous and thank YOU tom, for listening to our suggestions and ideas. Truly amazing the support we get from the Achat team. Keep up the outstanding job!!
Hi kitten, good to see you here and see another active person in the forums. I'm fairly knew here but already pretty well hooked coming here. Look forward to reading your posts and possibly chat sometime..
Take care..
HB, took a lot of courage and trust in us to post your feeling for this man. Something that I admire very much about you. I have read your posts in the past and feel I know you in some way. Yes, do take your time and make sure it's the right thing for YOU first and foremost. If the man truly cares for you and wants to be with you he will wait.
Love or even just passion for one another is a beautiful and wonderful thing and should be cherished when it is experienced. Online relationships can be difficult, but him moving to your country for work makes anything possible. Go easy my friend and don't let him push you into anything you don't want to do. If it's right for you, you will know it and I'm sure all of us will agree in wishing you find happiness whether it be with this man or someone else.
We're here for you my friend….
I have had blue screens while in room before. And dangit if it weren't one of my favorite poses too. I found that you need to logout and reload the interface to fix it. So I've gotten in the habit of logging out and restarting client after a room session… More info on your issue would help the programmers I'm sure… The above is my experience, it sometimes happens when my partner and I chose poses at the same time or soon after each other..
I try to keep my friends list as current as possible. Usually only friend someone that I've interacted with at some point. If I have lost contact with that person and have no reason why they are MIA. I'll usually wait before cancelling but not necessarily msg before cancel. If they are friends I've really gotten to know well. Will msg them to look for me once they come back or let them know what times I can be found here in hopes it's just a schedule mismatch (Timezone differences can suck). Hopefully they will come back.
Lovers I keep to the more intense/compatible partners I've had sessions with and are not as easily canceled. We can't all be online on a regular basis for what ever reason that may be or even available to our lovers at all times. (Spouse would be used for that). A lover is a keeper and unless you've totally moved on from the virtual world of Achat, and I see no hope on your return or you have told me you're not coming back… you'll remain listed on my profile. I even have friends I regard in this way.
Bottom line if we're good for each other, you'll remain and not easily cancelled…
One thing I do like though is people that are in achat for the fun not for the “oh I can get gifts” thing … its something i find just a little … fun killing asking for $A to play. Which is why I never do so.
Yeah, the gift seekers are a definite no go for me. I don't mind gifting friends or lovers I've been with before and help them out to stay premium or buy a new outfit they want. But to pay to play? No way! Damn, I'm a poet and didn't know it!!
Definitely want to get to know someone before going to room. General chit-chat to break the ice so to speak and see if we are compatible. Generally I pick something from their profile to start a conversation. Hopefully they've put something I find interesting or something I can initiate a conversation from. Otherwise I usually don't bother.
My better experiences in room have been with ladies that I enjoy chatting with and have gotten to know somewhat. A room session with at least some interaction otherthan the “Mmmm, Yess, Ahhh” stuff is way more enjoyable. I'd rather be with Robot Girl if that's all they are gonna do..
I had posted in another area my wishes to watch two women together that are really into each other and not participate with them. Even to the point of them not even being aware that I'm there watching, though it is better they invite a voyeur rather than someone be able to eves drop on someone anonymously. Yes this can be done with existing mff poses but would be nice and even more enjoyable if the pose didn't show the voyeur to the other members of the group.
I can see where an anonymous voyeur option could be very problematic for all those who prefer to keep their activities private from other friends/lovers/spouses. This could absolutely be detrimental to the site's growth in membership no doubt.
Just my .02
And today…….some clothes directly from deep space for us! thanks for your hard work Tight on those beatyful trekkie outfit!
Yes!! Just saw the release of TightFit's “Space” designs. Bought all three offerings for the men. Can you say Captain Picard Look???? I can now.
Oh wow, just reloaded the client from here and see that tightfit's space uniforms (star trek inspired designs) have been launched now. Awesome!!!!!!
I purchased all three of the men's offerings!!! Any lady out there fantasizing about Capt. Picard tonight?? *wink*
Probly a bad place to post this but would like ladies opinion on the subject. I know there are ladies (lesbians if you will) that don't want a man even near them. But watching two women pleasure each other is a very pleasurable desire I would would love to participate in. What I would like to know is how you ladies feel about that and what would be the best way in your opinion to approach a lesbian couple to invite you to only watch.
Yes I know it might seem like an intrusion, but if there were possibly a voyeur pose where the two ladies would be unaware of the man's presence, would be a pose worth requesting. Of course several masturbation actions would be needed for my pleasure in viewing, but nothing that would be view able by the ladies unless they fantasied about this scenario and allow it.
If there's an existing thread about this, please point me in the right direction.
Lookin good Keiko!!!!! Oh.. and the western shirts are awesome too *wink*…. Now excuse me while I slip out of my wranglers for “Bare Ass Fridays for Cowboy Boots”!! Get them pens ready ladies!!!!
May 18, 2012 at 12:58 pm in reply to: Communication Ideas for Forum. Introduce Yourself & Group / Family Sections #64610taz, we staretd this topic for more members in general,1540.0.html
and this,1342.0.html for promoting the forum.
Perhaps you have more ideas and add them there?I'll be sure and check em out and add my thoughts and suggestions there as well…
I'd like to seprate maturity from age. Age is but a number, a representation of the number of years you have been romaning the earth. but it says nothing about conduct, experience, wisdom or maturity. I have met teens with more wisdom and a more interesting look on life as women with enough years and experiences in life, to write a couple of books.
Sooo true Tight, I've met some very mature teens here also. So refreshing when you do. I have also met some ladies more my age that are very immature. Drama queens or ladies that love to pay games with your emotions. A huge turn off for me.. Recently IRL I dated such a lady. Our relationship didn't last long, not very long at all…
Yes having more options to body size would be nice and if not already mentioned, a lady in different stages of poignancy would be HOT HOT HOT!! *drool* I've met a lot of ppl who strive to make their avi close to what they are irl. I for one tried my best to make mine look as close to me irl. All that's missing is a little bit more of a belly.. The kind of middle aged gut the ladies love to rub.
Programming in more body types would be a chore no doubt as all poses and clothes would need to be done to include new maps. Maybe in time this will come to fruition. I'm sticking around to find out.. *wink*
What do I look for ? mmm why Jayc of course
My perfect partner has to hold a conversation, be imaginative, a sense of humour and suggestive without being crude. A Gentleman in public but a stud in the bedroom… oh and a Stetson & Cowboy boots helps … .. roll on Friday
Got my boudoir shoes and pens at the ready
We very well may be persuaded to turn around on bare ass Fridays for cowboy boots for guys and galls. If the lady were to bend over in front of us while picking up the pens so conveniently dropped, who knows what they will find once they look up in such a provocative pose. After all the day has been set “in Stone” remember? *wink*