Forum Replies Created
Brandybee – TeachHer
First of all, my apologies for taking so long to share with all of you here my time with a lovely and fascinating lady.
After some problems in finding a mutually acceptable date, I was more than happy to invite Brandybee, on a whim, to my yacht, which I'd just made fast at the local harbour. She was so prompt in arriving that I had barely time to stow away the trash from a long cruise and to shower, shave and dress for the occasion, when I heard her calling up to me from the pier. I welcomed her aboard, and my, what a gorgeous woman I clapped my eyes on! Her bunny ears and tail were frivolously in keeping with the Easter theme, as was the chocolate Easter egg she presented me with. The bottle of wine, however, was in a league of its own, as was she. While I let her get her bearings, I opened the wine to allow it to breathe, and put on some soft tunes to go with the lapping of the waves against the hull and the doleful cry of the mews over our heads.
Chatting amiably over the wine, I asked her for a slow dance, so we could get better acquainted, and also to breathe in the smell of her skin (after several weeks of salt air, a true balm to my nostrils!). Since I knew that she was a long-time resident in town, I asked her where the locals usually hang out for a quiet chat, and she promptly invited me to their little hide-out (which I still have to visit, I know…). Having complimented her on her choice of wine, and settled on my type of dance, I did the same on the sofa, and enjoyed her show. For her dance tune, she'd chosen a song I actually knew quite well, as it had been used on the soundtrack of one of my favourite movies. A word of from the worldly-wise to the boys out there: this is a real lady, so if she offers you a dance, you keep your hands to yourself! Following her every teasing move with my eyes and egging her on, I was soon in for the show of a lifetime, her slender, yet womanly body swaying seductively in front of me, yet tantalisingly out of reach…
When she was done, I helped her gather her clothes, thanked her profusely for her offering, walked her down the pier to her car, and bade her a good night, in the (maybe foolish) hope of seeing her again some day.
TeachHer – Misdevious
As fate would have it, one of my Secret Easter surprises turned out to be an old friend whom I hadn't seen for a while, since we live on different continents, so I was more than happy to hook up with Misdevious again, especially since I knew that she'd not been too well recently. I was therefore more than happy visit her in the States to pamper her a bit. Both our lives being somewhat hectic, we decided to meet at an upmarket hotel near the airport, where I had booked a suite for a couple of days…
After an initial rendezvous had failed due to other important commitments overrunning, she managed to come and see me on a Thursday morning – I had my towels and massage oils heated and ready in the bedroom and was waiting for her knock on the door. When I went to let her in, she nearly knocked me down by her appearance: hip-hugging blue jeans, an assorted crop top revealing her new tattoo, and silky, long black hair, flowing over her shoulders onto her back… Quickly regaining my composure, and trying not to stare too long, I invited her in and, given the relatively early time of day, offered her a cup of coffee and a seat. Having just come from a physiotherapy session, I also noticed that she was favouring her right foot because her left foot was still bandaged, so I assisted her to the chair before I went to get the drinks, switching on the sound system in passing – I'd put in a compilation of relaxing old classics, ranging from Otis Redding to Louis Armstrong, to Nina Simone and Ella Fitzgerald.
Over coffee, we talked for a minute about one of our favourite authors, who recently passed away, and also about our and our friends' health, before I helped her to the sofa. While I went to get my massage paraphernalia from the bedroom, she excused herself to the bathroom. We clearly must have been thinking along the same lines, for, while I removed most of my garments except for a pair of boxers and an under-shirt, when I returned to the sitting room, she had stripped to her birthday suit.
Upon seeing my attire, she arched an eyebrow and waved a hand across her body to call attention to her nakedness – as if that had really been necessary: her ample breasts clearly shouted volumes – so that I could only grin and remove whatever threads I had left on me. Balancing towels and oils, I approached her without taking my eyes off her, seeing something smouldering in her eyes – lust? I couldn't be sure, but I knew that I would be massaging more than her feet today.
Kneeling in front of her, I slowly removed the bandage from her left ankle and, seeing that it was still swollen, asked her if she would like some ice on it. Acquiescing, I went to get some from the freezer in the mini-bar, wrapped it in a towel, and wound it around the injured appendage. After rubbing my hands together to get some heat into them again, I devoted my attention to her right foot, pouring some warm eucalyptus massage oil on it and easing out the kinks and tensions that had built up over a the course of a hectic week. Feeling her relax under my fingers, I followed the path of the tension and moved on to knead the muscles of her right calf and thigh. Fully enjoying the sensation of ease and abandonment, she leaned her head back, eyes closed, and moaned softly.
Judging that leg fully served, I tenderly removed her left foot from its icy prison, to check on the swelling: it had, indeed, gone down substantially. However, before even thinking of touching it, I give it 5 minutes to give the circulation some time to reinstate itself and heat up the tissue again – after all, nobody likes bruises on their feet, right? Once the toes are nicely pink again, I oh so gently apply myself to massage out any tension that physio might have created or left, liberally applying both oil and my lips, trying to kiss it better. At the touch of my lips on her calf, her skin gets goosebumps, which I find cute, so I offer to move the massage elsewhere, holding out my hand for hers and leading her to the bed.
Sitting her on its edge, I kneel behind her and run my fingers over her neck and shoulders, finding the muscles and tendons there just as tense as the ones in her legs and feet – must be her luscious boobs causing her some backache. I try, with enough oil, to ease out as many knots as I can, but the more I play my fingers over her naked skin and breathe in her scent, the less I can resist the urge to kiss the nape of her neck. I brush her hair to one side and lean forward, gently putting my lips to the curve of her neck – she shivers, but doesn't pull away. Guessing at her enjoyment, I caress her shoulders and continue kissing her neck for a minute. However, I don't want to press ahead, so I grab a half-melted ice-cube from the towel that had been wrapped around her ankle and run it teasingly up and down her spine.
She chuckles, arches forward and wiggles at the contrast of my warm lips and the chilly water. Just as I let go of the ice-cube, she looks over her shoulder at me and teases me by asking: 'I thought I was the mischievous one.' To which I reply: 'Guess there's two of us here,' winking at her, which earns me a 'Cheeky!' from her.
She puts herself prone onto her belly on the bed, and I proceed to lick off the cold water from her back, putting my hands either side of her. She turns her head to smile at me, wide-eyed, and I catch her mouth with my lips…
Here ends the public performance
Given that I'll be abroad until Friday, I won't be able to fulfill my obligations until next weekend, so the eggstra waiting time should help build anticipation, too
Noted TeachHer. PM me and your other date when you get back and are available
I'm looking forward to meeting you again. Brandybee
Will do!
I agree: having to use the word 'egg' in every message in this thread could lead to some eggstremely contrived puns, such as this one…
I'm in too