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  • in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #176552
      in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #172459

        …. I can change my mind if I wanna ….

        Hope is the thing with feathers
        That perches in the soul
        And sings the tunes without the words
        And never stops at all

        in reply to: New Forum is a Joke #172043

          It has become quite clear that the problem of the old forum was solved in a simple and cynical way. That is to “redesign” it so that it is made unusable and instantly does away with all the old problems which were without apparent solution and taking up resources so that now, with the new forum barely used, achat can get on with their main business of making money.

          It’s nothing new.

          (Oh and don’t accuse me of cynicism please,
          I am only saying how things appear .. I respect
          those with faith in seeing the old forum powers
          restored although I am of a more practical and
          pragmatic view and speak my mind accordingly)

          in reply to: Favourite Pomes #171494

            The People Upstairs
            by Ogden Nash

            The people upstairs all practise ballet
            Their living room is a bowling alley
            Their bedroom is full of conducted tours.
            Their radio is louder than yours,
            They celebrate week-ends all the week.
            When they take a shower, your ceilings leak.
            They try to get their parties to mix
            By supplying their guests with Pogo sticks,
            And when their fun at last abates,
            They go to the bathroom on roller skates.
            I might love the people upstairs more
            If only they lived on another floor.

            in reply to: New Forum is a Joke #171119

              Words are like leaves and where they most abound
              Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found

              in reply to: New Forum is a Joke #170813

                What I miss are the little things
                the mass of different colours and font sizes
                posting a photo with a black background so it
                blends in with the black background of the page

                Effortless posting of second photos

                If I made a space between lines of verse
                it did not close them up when posted

                I Miss the very simple flexibility of the forum
                which I took for granted
                Like messaging

                The number of views a thread had .. that always
                had my interest
                The ability to modify even after months
                My little profile picture
                The number of posts I had made … I recall once
                one member commenting on another’s apparent
                need to increase their tally .. so funny .. they soon
                mount up the numbers .. and soon mean less
                I MISS my banner not being automatic
                I Miss the little words under my photo
                which read flecti non frangi
                which means bent not broken in Latin
                The new forum is badly bent
                emasculated even
                Without warning
                And without advice of when it might be fixed
                to resemble the old forum in ease of use.
                So much effort and passion gone
                Just like that
                I am not averse to change so long as it is good
                I am prone to criticise those faults I see
                and shout “what is the point?”
                but know I shall be ignored which is why
                I have left this mourning of the forum til now
                since there is no indication that the forum
                will be any better than the feeble state it is now
                that I no longer want a part of it while
                it remains in it’s current state
                It was fun – even the fighting – while it lasted
                I write in columns as long lines of text are
                so hard on the eye … a foible of mine
                I assume there is an ulterior motive to this
                backward step .. the tyrant stops all dissention
                with one swift movement.
                And that’s that !

                in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #170687

                  This the last of the Pussyhound choonz
                  unless they decide to restore the powers
                  of the old forum … this, Eff, has it’s
                  own significance, not lost on you I know.
                  It’s been a helluva ride.

                  in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #170630
                    in reply to: Favourite Pomes #170617

                      by Billy Collins

                      You are so beautiful and I am a fool
                      to be in love with you
                      is a theme that keeps coming up
                      in songs and poems.
                      There seems to be no room for variation.
                      I have never heard anyone sing
                      I am so beautiful
                      and you are a fool to be in love with me,
                      even though this notion has surely
                      crossed the minds of women and men alike.
                      You are so beautiful, too bad you are a fool
                      is another one you don’t hear.
                      Or, you are a fool to consider me beautiful.
                      That one you will never hear, guaranteed.

                      For no particular reason this afternoon
                      I am listening to Johnny Hartman
                      whose dark voice can curl around
                      the concepts on love, beauty, and foolishness
                      like no one else’s can.
                      It feels like smoke curling up from a cigarette
                      someone left burning on a baby grand piano
                      around three o’clock in the morning;
                      smoke that billows up into the bright lights
                      while out there in the darkness
                      some of the beautiful fools have gathered
                      around little tables to listen,
                      some with their eyes closed,
                      others leaning forward into the music
                      as if it were holding them up,
                      or twirling the loose ice in a glass,
                      slipping by degrees into a rhythmic dream.

                      Yes, there is all this foolish beauty,
                      borne beyond midnight,
                      that has no desire to go home,
                      especially now when everyone in the room
                      is watching the large man with the tenor sax
                      that hangs from his neck like a golden fish.
                      He moves forward to the edge of the stage
                      and hands the instrument down to me
                      and nods that I should play.
                      So I put the mouthpiece to my lips
                      and blow into it with all my living breath.
                      We are all so foolish,
                      my long bebop solo begins by saying,
                      so damn foolish
                      we have become beautiful without even knowing it.

                      in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #170520


                        in reply to: Original Limericks #170433


                          Are people waiting to see
                          A critical limrick from me ?
                          About an awful mess
                          I have to confess
                          I don’t know what they mean

                          in reply to: Music. What I’m listening to… #170431
                            in reply to: New Forum is a Joke #170324

                              Has anyone heard from Achat when the new forum will be fixed ?

                              It seems like a bodge job of inept proportions when you
                              compare the workability of the old and new forums. It is
                              very much like having my old Classic iPod taken away and
                              being given a piece of wood to use instead.

                              Was anyone asked beforehand about the need to update the
                              forum in this way – I mean experienced users like J&V, Andrea,
                              Zuzannah, Kaitlyn, Bear & Jayc – any of you ?

                              Were any people who use the forum asked for their opinion ?

                              Of course I’m going to sound like a moaning minnie for saying
                              these things but, always a but, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

                              We all had our gripes about the old forum but at least it worked.
                              With all the advances of digital technology, with NASA being
                              able to collect dust off the tail of a comet, surely it is feasible
                              to have a new forum which has all the necessary buttons there
                              with which to continue the forum instead of chasing around for
                              ancient code to be able to change a font or make it bold never mind
                              posting more than one photograph.

                              Surely someone knows something about this. (I was going to say
                              fiasco but I would be accused of negativity so will desist.)

                              My last point is that with all the new revenue Achat will get
                              this week from Premium Subscriptions, surely we can have our
                              old forum back until the new one is fixed.

                              I would welcome any and all responses to my thoughts. I don’t
                              mean to be arsey towards achat but they have brought it on
                              themselves and questions should be asked.

                              Diatribe over.

                              in reply to: New Forum is a Joke #170151

                                [b][i][size=20pt]This is a test for fonts and colour[/b][/i][/size]

                                which doesn’t work but it was worth a try

                                Oh yes, can we have a button to specifically log out from the forum
                                and be able to back out of a subject without being ejected altogether ?

                                in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #167965

                                  Jolie Holland  The Littlest Birds



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