Forum Replies Created
Anders Osborne – Had My Reasons
I'm With Her
Send My Love (To Your New Lover)
Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
(1906 – 8 feet x 7.5 feet)I loved this the first time I saw it, I still do, but cannot say why.
It was conceived in a small studio in a wooden building
known as Le Bateau-Lavoir in Montparnasse in 1906.The Demoiselles was first shown publicly at an exhibition
in Paris in 1916 It was here that the painting, which was
originally known as Le Bordel Philosophique, was given it's name;
Picasso had named it Le Bordel d'Avignon (the Brothel of Avignon)
in 1912 and he did not like the name given by the exhibition organiser.
He preferred Las chicas de Avignon (The Girls of Avignon).It was sold in 1916 cheaply for 25,000 francs which annoyed Picasso greatly.
It was sold on in 1931 for 150,000 and then on to the
Museum of Modern Art in NY in 1939 who still have it.(notes from John Goodman 1988 and Wiki)
and to give an idea of it's actual size …..
I've always loved Katherine Mansfield's short stories.
if you only read her Prelude you will know what I mean;
Virginia Woolf confessed in her diary that KM was the only
other writer she was jealous of. I am new to KM's poetry
and was happily surprised …Fairy Tale
by Katherine MansfieldNow this is the story of Olaf
Who ages and ages ago
Lived right on the top of a mountain,
A mountain all covered with snow.And he was quite pretty and tiny
With beautiful curling fair hair
And small hands like delicate flowers–
Cheeks kissed by the cold mountain air.He lived in a hut made of pinewood
Just one little room and a door
A table, a chair, and a bedstead
And animal skins on the floor.Now Olaf was partly fairy
And so never wanted to eat;
He thought dewdrops and raindrops were plenty
And snowflakes and all perfumes sweet.In the daytime when sweeping and dusting
And cleaning were quite at an end,
He would sit very still on the doorstep
And dream–O, that he had a friend!Somebody to come when he called them,
Somebody to catch by the hand,
Somebody to sleep with at night time,
Somebody who'd quite understand.One night in the middle of Winter
He lay wide awake on his bed,
Outside there was fury of tempest
And calling of wolves to be fed–Thin wolves, grey and silent as shadows;
And Olaf was frightened to death.
He had peeped through a crack in the doorpost,
He had seen the white smoke of their breath.But suddenly over the storm wind
He heard a small voice pleadingly
Cry, “I am a snow fairy, Olaf,
Unfasten the window for me.”So he did, and there flew through the opening
The daintiest, prettiest sprite
Her face and her dress and her stockings,
Her hands and her curls were all white.And she said, “O you poor little stranger
Before I am melted, you know,
I have brought you a valuable present,
A little brown fiddle and bow.So now you can never be lonely,
With a fiddle, you see, for a friend,
But all through the Summer and Winter
Play beautiful songs without end.”And then,–O she melted like water,
But Olaf was happy at last;
The fiddle he tucked in his shoulder,
He held his small bow very fast.So perhaps on the quietest of evenings
If you listen, you may hear him soon,
The child who is playing the fiddle
Away up in the cold, lonely moon.Aoife O'Donovan The King Of All Birds
Jesca Hoop Pegasi
Mia Borders Magnolia Blue
Caroline Rose Blood on Your Bootheels
by Stevie SmithNobody knows what I feel about Freddy
I cannot make anyone understand
I love him sub specie aet ernitaties
I love him out of hand.
I don't love him so much in the restaurants that's a fact
To get him hobnob with my old pub chums needs too much tact
He don't love them and they don't love him
In the pub lub lights they say Freddy very dim.
But get him alone on the open saltings
Where the sea licks up to the fen
He is his and my own heart's best
World without end ahem.
People who say we ought to get married ought to get smacked:
Why should we do it when we can't afford it and have
ourselves whacked?
Thank you kind friends and relations thank you,
We do very well as we do.
Oh what do I care for the pub lub lights
And the friends I love so well-
There's more in the way I feel about Freddy
Than a friend can tell.
But all the same I don't care much for his meelyoo I mean
I don't anheimate mich in the ha-ha well-off suburban scene
Where men are few and hearts go tumptytum
In the tennis club lub lights poet very dumb.
But there never was a boy like Freddy
For a haystack's ivory tower of bliss
Where speaking sub specie humanitatis
Freddy and me can kiss.
Exhiled from his meelyoo
Exhiled from mine
There's all Tom Tiddler's time pocket
For his love and mine.Joe Walsh Funk #49 (1970)
(The James Gang)
The Waifs Highway One[img][/img]
Tenuous And Precarious
by Stevie SmithTenuous and Precarious
Were my guardians,
Precarious and Tenuous,
Two Romans.My father was Hazardous,
Dear old man,
Three Romans.There was my brother Spurious,
Spurious Posthumous,
Spurious was Spurious,
Was four Romans.My husband was Perfidious,
He was Perfidious
Five Romans.
Surreptitious, our son,
Was Surreptitious,
He was six Romans.Our cat Tedious
Still lives,
Count not Tedious
Yet.My name is Finis,
Finis, Finis,
I am Finis,
Six, five, four, three, two,
One Roman,
Anne McCue Hellfire Raiser
for a rude nasty Irish girl … play it loud
Loomer Caramel Heart
The Best Thing In The World
by Elizabeth BarrettWhat's the best thing in the world?
June-rose, by May-dew impearled;
Sweet south-wind, that means no rain;
Truth, not cruel to a friend;
Pleasure, not in haste to end;
Beauty, not self-decked and curled
Till its pride is over-plain;
Light, that never makes you wink;
Memory, that gives no pain;
Love, when, so, you're loved again.
What's the best thing in the world?
—Something out of it, I think. -