Forum Replies Created
John Mellencamp
Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)
Pieta Brown Bury Me
Simonetta Vespucci (1453 – 26 April 1476), nicknamed la bella Simonetta,
was an Italian noblewoman from Genoa, the wife of Marco Vespucci of Florence
and the cousin-in-law of Amerigo Vespucci (from whose name the term “America” is derived).
She was known as the greatest beauty of her age in Italy, and was allegedly the model for
many paintings by Sandro Botticelli, Piero di Cosimo, and other Florentine painters. (from Wiki)Portrait of a Woman by the workshop of Sandro Botticelli, early-mid 1480s
You're Gonna Miss Me
Bettye Lavette – Let Me Down Easy
Nina's Blues
By Cornelius EadyYour body, hard vowels
In a soft dress, is still.What you can't know
is that after you died
All the black poets
In New York City
Took a deep breath,
And breathed you out;
Dark corners of small clubs,
The silence you left twitchingOn the floors of the gigs
You turned your back on,
The balled-up fists of notes
Flung, angry from a keyboard.You won't be able to hear us
Try to etch what rose
Off your eyes, from your throat.Out you bleed, not as sweet, or sweaty,
Through our dark fingertips.
We drum rest
We drum thank you
We drum stay.[img][/img]
laid back pianner ..
Lye Lovett Black & Blue
Sonia was really quite happy
When she bought herself a new lappie
It worked very well
It being a Dell
But never as good as her strappieThe Weepies Hideaway[img][/img]
The fons et origo
Eliza Gilkyson Beauty Way
lil darlin'
Eliza Gilkyson Hard Times In Babylon
Boethius (480 – c.524)
Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, canonised St Severinus.
His most powerful contribution to the thought of Western Europe,
the De consolatione philosophiae, preserved in Latin, the subtle and precise
terminology of Plato and Aristotle and, after the Bible, was the most widely-read
book of the Middle Ages. King Aelfred translated it in the 9th century,
Chaucer in the 14th, Elizabeth I in the 16th and it can be traced in
English literature from Beowolf to Hamlet and Lycidias. The Bodleian library
preserves a manuscript copy given by Bishop Leofric c.1050
to the cathedral church of Exeter.Men know the secret caverns of the sea,
Where snow-white pearls are bred,
And where the ruby red,
And on what coast to find
The supple fish or bristling spine.
But where is hid the good their hearts desire,
They know not, groping blind.
That which they seek has climbed afar
Beyond the furthest star,
And lo, they dig a mine.What shall I pray for minds so dull as these?
This: that they go about
For fame and gold
And having with a mort of pain
Compassed things vain,
They turn from the false thing they hold
And look at last on truth.=====================================
This bird was happy once in the high trees,
You cage it in your cellar, bring it seed,
Honey to sip, all that its heart can need
Or human love can think of: till it sees,
Leaping too high in its narrow room
The old familiar shadow of the leaves,
And spurns the seed with tiny desparate claws.
Naught but the woods despairing pleads,
The woods, the woods again, it grieves, it grieves.(text Helen Waddell
translation from the Latin
R. Peiper Leipzig 1871)Dawn Landes I Don't Need No Man[img][/img]
A detail from the fresco of Original Sin by Michaelengelo on the ceiling
of the Sistine Chapel which looks suspiciously like the guy is about to have or
has just had a blow job. Someone commented it's quite a small cock for that
but just think that such an artwork was allowed to remain on the ceiling of the
chapel for so long without painting over or the ubiquitous fig leaf. The other
frescoes like the Creation of Adam get far more attention than this but it's good
to see the master's sense of humour remains in tact.[img][/img]