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  • in reply to: Music Association Game #193815

      Fontella Bass – I Want Everyone to Know

      in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #193429

        i’m not going to throw superlatives around
        just listen to this

        in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #193308

          The Wild Reeds – Only Songs

          in reply to: Favourite Pomes #193305

            Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 84 BCE – 54BCE)

            Catallus lived intensely, he lived the high life, becoming a member
            of the neoteric, or “new,” poets. Aesthetically radical (though politically
            conservative), they followed an aesthetic programme explicitly opposed
            to the heroic grandeur of epic, favouring instead the small-scale, exquisite
            technique of the Alexandrian poet-scholar Callimachus.

            And he didn’t hold back on delicacy or anything really …
            Written by Catullus
            Translated from the Latin by Michael G. Donkin
            (notes courtesy Brooklynrail)

            Aurelius and Furius: little cocksuckers
            I’ll fuck you up the ass
            and stuff your mouths!
            You who think
            since my poems are delicate I’m less than chaste.
            It’s well known that a poet who is devoted need not
            be upstanding in his verses.
            It’s clear that my lines are charming, witty.
            Then what of it if they’re a tad soft
            a bit shameless at times
            so long as my readers get turned on?
            Mind you I’m not talking about healthy boys, but hairy
            old geezers who can’t get it up
            by standard methods.
            Yet you still think because
            I’ve spoken of a good many kisses
            I’m somehow less than a man?
            Yeah, I’ll fuck you up the ass
            and stuff it in your mouths.

            Catullus referred to his lover, Clodia Metelli as Lesbia
            (not the Sapphic meaning)

            Lesbia, I am mad:
            my brain is entirely warped

            by this project of adoring
            and having you

            and now it flies into fits
            of hatred at the mere thought of your

            doing well, and at the same time
            it can’t help but seek what

            is unimaginable–
            your affection. This it will go on

            hunting for, even if it
            means my total and utter annihilation.

            poor boy

            in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #193232

              the only redeeming feature of this lil song is it’s hook

              in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #193112

                This one’s also for Kaitlyn, I hope it’s acceptable – and
                a cat story from 19th c. Sligo courtesy of Willie Yeats
                then 22 who was told “why cats were people in themselves.
                In the beginning of the world every cat had ninepence.
                He gave threepence to be able to see in the dark,
                threepence to have nine lives, and the last threepence to
                have a plate of milk everyday. Hence no gratitude might be
                expected from a cat. They were merely carrying out a contract.”

                No worries about writing Kait, it was good to hear from you
                via Cori from the dark side … and if you have a choon to play
                do so, as you used to on Pussyhound or Slutpuppy – and
                Sonia sends her bestest regards and everyfink .. she is up
                to her floppy ears in real life workin’ and lovin’ – a heady mixture
                tho’ she will write when she surfaces again. Promise.

                Anna Tivel – Dust and Magic

                in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #192899

                  This just came out after years at the bottom of a playlist
                  needs to be aired, just has to …/

                  in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #188936

                    Sit down, shurrup and let this play

                    Laura Marling – Saved These Words

                    in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #188223

                      She’s got a touch of the Lily Allen’s about her

                      Ruby the RabbitFoot – Do Me Right

                      in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #187616

                        Tanya Davis – Art

                        in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #187479

                          bin dithering about putting this on but then I listened a few more times
                          and conscience delicately roared, ah, fuck it … so here it is

                          Molly Burch – Wild
                          (says it all)

                          in reply to: Favourite Pomes #187478

                            A Youth in Haste
                            by: Callimachus (c. 310-240 B.C.)
                            translated by H. W. Tytler

                            A Youth, in haste, to Mitylene came,
                            And anxious, thus reveal’d his am’rous flame
                            To Pittacus the wife; O sacred Sire,
                            For two fair nymphs I burn with equal fire,
                            One lovely maid in rank and wealth like me,
                            But one superior, and of high degree.
                            Since both return my love, and each invites
                            To celebrate with her the nuptial rites,
                            Perplex’d with doubts, for sage advice I come:
                            Whom shall I wed? ‘Tis you must fix my doom.
                            So spake th’ impatient youth; th’ attentive sage
                            Rais’d the support of his declining age,
                            An ancient staff; and pointing to the ground
                            Where sportive striplings lash’d their tops around
                            With eager strokes; let yonder boys, he cry’d,
                            Solve the dispute, and your long doubts decide.
                            The youth drew nigh, and listen’d with surprize,
                            Whilst from the laughing crowd these words arise,
                            “Let equal tops with equal tops contend.”
                            The boys prevail’d, and soon the contest end.
                            The youth departing shun’d the wealthy dame,
                            And chose th’ inferior maid to quench his flame.

                            Go thou, my friend, obey the sage, and lead
                            An equal beauty to thy nuptial bed.

                            in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #187453

                              have always loved this so it’s hard to how what another would think …/

                              Sinead Lohan – Clearly Undefined

                              in reply to: Music. Sliding Into The Covers #187434

                                Like this better than the original Shania Twain song
                                Your Still The One

                                in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #187409

                                  This lil rekkid just jumps out
                                  couldn’t resist thrusting it your way

                                Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 1,050 total)