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Viewing 15 posts - 736 through 750 (of 1,050 total)
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  • in reply to: Favourite Pomes #168681

      The Ragged Wood
      By William Butler Yeats

      O, hurry, where by water, among the trees,
      The delicate-stepping stag and his lady sigh,
      When they have looked upon their images
      Would none had ever loved but you and I!

      Or have you heard that sliding silver-shoed
      Pale silver-proud queen-woman of the sky,
      When the sun looked out of his golden hood?
      O, that none ever loved but you and I!

      O hurry to the ragged wood, for there
      I will drive all those lovers out and cry
      O, my share of the world, O, yellow hair!
      No one has ever loved but you and I

      in reply to: Forum Game: 3 words game #127089

        blue will do


        in reply to: Forum Game: 3 words game #127086

                      with icecream too



            Dear Elio,

            do not let the prejudices of a couple of the stupid people get you down or drive you away from achat so easily.  There are a lot of them about but the overwhelming majority of people on here are decent people

            You must draw strength from ignoring the minority of prejudiced morons and be proud of who you are.  I have been called nigger, paki and chocco all because I have a darker skin colour.  It is hurtful but it shows, like the homophobes, how small-minded, pathetic and ignorant those people are.  They are everywhere just do not let the idiots grind you down, be yourself and stay where you are.

            with a hug from Tift

            in reply to: Forum Game: 3 words game #127079


                  and a flash


              in reply to: Forum Game: 3 words game #127076

                              tremors of impropriety


                in reply to: Forum Game: 3 words game #127073

                  his chauffeur too


                  in reply to: Favourite Pomes #168680

                    The Cross of Snow
                    By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

                    In the long, sleepless watches of the night,
                      A gentle face — the face of one long dead —
                      Looks at me from the wall, where round its head
                      The night-lamp casts a halo of pale light.
                    Here in this room she died; and soul more white
                      Never through martyrdom of fire was led
                      To its repose; nor can in books be read
                      The legend of a life more benedight.        (blessed)
                    There is a mountain in the distant West
                      That, sun-defying, in its deep ravines
                      Displays a cross of snow upon its side.
                    Such is the cross I wear upon my breast
                      These eighteen years, through all the changing scenes
                      And seasons, changeless since the day she died.


                    (Longefellow's wife, Fanny died in 1861 when her
                    dress caught fire: he too was burned trying to
                    save her.  The poem was found in his portfolio
                    after his death in 1892)

                    in reply to: Forum Game: 3 words game #127031

                      and awkward too


                      in reply to: Shabby Saturday – The Worst Dressed Day #169128

                        Me too …


                        in reply to: Forum Game: 3 words game #127030

                                           In Untold Ways


                          in reply to: Forum Game. Describe the Person Above You #132589


                            quick witted and funny
                            intelligent, literary minded
                            who uses her intellect well
                            shy & stoically Swiss
                            a good friend to those
                               who see these qualities
                            understated but secretly wild and wanton
                              who will blush at that little truism

                            in reply to: Favourite Pomes #168677

                              Juan’s Song
                              By Louise Bogan

                              When beauty breaks and falls asunder 
                              I feel no grief for it, but wonder.
                              When love, like a frail shell, lies broken, 
                              I keep no chip of it for token.
                              I never had a man for friend
                              Who did not know that love must end. 
                              I never had a girl for lover
                              Who could discern when love was over. 
                              What the wise doubt, the fool believes—
                              Who is it, then, that love deceives?

                              in reply to: Music Association Game #41914

                                Uncle Lucius    Just Keep Walking



                                in reply to: Forum Game: 3 words game #127069

                                            over the edge


                                Viewing 15 posts - 736 through 750 (of 1,050 total)