Forum Replies Created
A pussyhound is eminently capable of condensing her pannum purpureum
so as to make each word count. Brevity is the soul of wit so it is said
and can be done by her with panache if she holds it up to the light and
turns it around a little to perfect. (there ! in 51 words !)a slovenly vulturine tart should know !
I'm in a Riff Raff kinda mood found this photo from your modelling past,
you never said anything …[img][/img]
Andrea, your post in June – here is the colour print
I'm in a Riff Raff mood because I am riff raff … I see all the smart winter-dressed visitors in their designer clothes looking stunning as from a magazine and there's me in my scruffy outdoors gear (I always have cultivated the scruff look) and I smile but not in a critical way as I like to be an equalitarian (egalitarian in posh language) about such things … waffle over … the Riff Raff for you cos I love you Eff[img][/img]
This touches me deeply cos I'm a sloppy sentimental but I love this band
and this slow passionate song is mine, all mine …Hooray For the Riff Raff – St. Roche Blues
(this might be a repeat but it's mine
Oh Kat we love to find your pawprints in the garden and all those sweet scent markings on the shrubs and to find the catnep plant mawled to the ground with the grass flattened by a kat's rolling there, high on music and catnep and never a hairball in sight … these hounds love your commentaries and hope you'll keep jumping the fence to leave them. (You are right, a lovesick puppy put the wrong Bettye Lavette link on but she has now)
Since a cat liked Joni's story telling would she like another, equally old but fine song & music by Al Stewart, aptly named Year of The Cat … just wash your face and let it play
And one for the awol Pussyhound to shake the walls a little
Sons of Bill – Siren Song
where are you ?dancing 'neath the starry sky
I was out an about and sat next the sea and realised my next post on here
would be No.100 so I decided to find something for you a bit special
and since my soppin knickers wont fit on here you get some Ooh La La
my loving flop-eared Pussyhound who has made me such a forum geek
I like the Monsters more and more .. I let Agnes play and can have her
play in my kitchen anytime … I'm raising the tempo with Thao who like
the Riff Raff grab my notch with their originality, unique in all the world !THAO – THE FEELING KIND
Kat, I accept your Clash their great sound and that fabulous beat,
her tight waist pushing her boobies up and can imagine how she
must have felt in the knicker department at the end of the song
all that dancing and wild applause … nothing like live music but I raise youMarcia Griffiths – Feel Like Jumping
Shake your booty
This song entered my head in a flash at the mention of wine
You don't need to know the words
just feel the music and the inflections and tone of the voice
Fatouma Diawara – Clandestin
Kat & Andrea for you to sway to
Simply because I love my Pussyhound
can't stop playing this …