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  • in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #179978
      in reply to: Favourite Pomes #179932

        Robert Lowell and Elizabeth Bishop met in 1947
        and started a correspondence which lasted for
        30 years. Lowell used Bishop’s letters for material
        he would write about her, in particular 4 unrhymed sonnets
        “For Elizabeth Bishop” published in his 1973 History.
        The last line “unerring Muse …” … the ‘smoothest compliment.’

        For Elizabeth Bishop 4
        by Robert Lowell

        The new painting must live on iron rations,
        rushed brushstrokes, indestructible paint-mix,
        fluorescent lofts instead of French plein air.
        Albert Ryder let his crackled amber moonscapes
        ripen in sunlight. His painting was repainting,
        his tiniest work weighs-heavy in the hand.
        Who is killed if the horsemen never cry halt ?
        Have you seen an inchworm crawl on a leaf,
        cling to the very end, revolve in air,
        feeling for something to reach to something? Do
        you still hang your words in air, ten years
        unfinished, glued to your notice board, with gaps
        or empties for the unimaginable phrase–
        unerring Muse who makes the casual perfect?

        in reply to: Music. Sliding Into The Covers #179717

          Altered Images cover T. Rex


          in reply to: Music Association Game #179710

            Roxy Music Live in Frejus 1982
            Love Is The Drug

            in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #179645

              For Roxy and Gabi getting married again (3rd)
              this time in Strasbourg tomorrow

              in reply to: Music Association Game #179635

                Romi Mayes – Make You Love Me

                in reply to: CRY HAVOC ! And let slip the tunes…… #179633

                  “Afel Bocoum is a musician from Mali, noted as a singer and guitarist.
                  He began his career as a member of Ali Farka Touré’s group ASCO,
                  and Toure is often regarded as his mentor.”

                  (An Ali FArka track is on page 4)

                  in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #179632
                    in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #179628

                      Joy Williams for you Eff ..
                      and I’ve had two of her rekkids for years
                      better late

                      in reply to: Favourite Pomes #179606

                        As I Walked Out One Evening
                        by W.H. Auden

                        As I walked out one evening,
                        Walking down Bristol Street,
                        The crowds upon the pavement
                        Were fields of harvest wheat.

                        And down by the brimming river
                        I heard a lover sing
                        Under an arch of the railway:
                        ‘Love has no ending.

                        ‘I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you
                        Till China and Africa meet,
                        And the river jumps over the mountain
                        And the salmon sing in the street,

                        ‘I’ll love you till the ocean
                        Is folded and hung up to dry
                        And the seven stars go squawking
                        Like geese about the sky.

                        ‘The years shall run like rabbits,
                        For in my arms I hold
                        The Flower of the Ages,
                        And the first love of the world.’

                        But all the clocks in the city
                        Began to whirr and chime:
                        ‘O let not Time deceive you,
                        You cannot conquer Time.

                        ‘In the burrows of the Nightmare
                        Where Justice naked is,
                        Time watches from the shadow
                        And coughs when you would kiss.

                        ‘In headaches and in worry
                        Vaguely life leaks away,
                        And Time will have his fancy
                        To-morrow or to-day.

                        ‘Into many a green valley
                        Drifts the appalling snow;
                        Time breaks the threaded dances
                        And the diver’s brilliant bow.

                        ‘O plunge your hands in water,
                        Plunge them in up to the wrist;
                        Stare, stare in the basin
                        And wonder what you’ve missed.

                        ‘The glacier knocks in the cupboard,
                        The desert sighs in the bed,
                        And the crack in the tea-cup opens
                        A lane to the land of the dead.

                        ‘Where the beggars raffle the banknotes
                        And the Giant is enchanting to Jack,
                        And the Lily-white Boy is a Roarer,
                        And Jill goes down on her back.

                        ‘O look, look in the mirror,
                        O look in your distress:
                        Life remains a blessing
                        Although you cannot bless.

                        ‘O stand, stand at the window
                        As the tears scald and start;
                        You shall love your crooked neighbour
                        With your crooked heart.’

                        It was late, late in the evening,
                        The lovers they were gone;
                        The clocks had ceased their chiming,
                        And the deep river ran on.


                        in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #179605

                          and some more Dawn Landes

                          in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #179572

                            Yep, you get a 2nd because I think you’ll appreciate it

                            in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #179571

                              It’s about time you had some Heidi

                              doncha think ?

                              in reply to: Original Limericks #179509


                                Everyone’s on their mobile phone
                                Can’t leave the things a-bloody-lone
                                Always within reach
                                Even on the beach
                                Then – “You’ve got Covid, Stay at Home!”

                                in reply to: Music for a Pussyhound #179061

                                  Frank and his guitar .. unusual for me to say but,
                                  this live version is better than the studio one

                                  Frank Zappa – Willie The Pimp

                                Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 1,050 total)