Forum Replies Created
@ Adera Maybe they do have a buffer, but they have also shown they can make something quick as they did with the backgrounds and the Valentine's outfits.
And yes, they have been releasing more clothes for men. But if they read the forum, the could have known it is not what we wanted. Or at least the ones outing their opinion told them it wasn't what we liked. Looking at the last few things they made for guys: briefs, more briefs and mankini's.. Against both a lot of opinions were posted.
I still have no clue of what is of imortance to the development team. Sometimes I feel there is someone that has a fetish for (similar) clubdresses and outfits for girls and outrageous/ridiculous underwear for men. I feel as if there is a fixed idea of introducing male lingerie, at least to this game. Thoug I admire the effort (too little male fashion compared to fmela fashion, in general), I do believe they should pay more attention to what we are asking for.
As the metrosexual man is still gaining teritory, they could generate more revenue with making what we ask for… It's no wonder there are so little cmplaints from girls about their wardrobe.
And as for the colours, is this better?
March 28, 2011 at 7:06 pm in reply to: MF. Pose Reviews. 52. Slow Dance. Clothed & 105. Slow Dance. Sex Clothing #49117Bad Sunny!!
Do you think it would help if I send them hearts and kisses?
I am fine with it. I incorporated it in my story. The Prefect's wife goes on a regular bases…
“Has Praedator Umbra reach Libidinis?”
“Yes Curator”
“Did he receive his name?”
“Unknown yet Curator”
“A prisoner escaped from the northern outpost?”
“Yes Curator, a minor thief”
“Send out a message to Manu Occidit. The thief will be drawn to the festival”“Yes Curator, it will be done”
As the herald walks backwards to the door, keeping his head down, the Curator turns to his large desk. The monolithic legs, made out of tusks of the enormeous sea mammoth, caught in the most norhtern seas reachable by sail, support the heavy marble desk. Underneath the oleander drawers, the intricate inlay of the desktop, freshly polished with rose oil, slightly senting the room. The desk cleared, not a single paper fouling the rose-red patterns of the pink marble, flowing into the pattern of the inlay of dark oak, grey teak and the fullness of rosewood. The sign of the Brotherhood catching the eye immediatly.
As he puts his hand to his chin, slowly rubbing the rough bristles of his trimmed moustache, he turns his head, just a breath of air making the candles flicker, focussing his attentive eyes to the door. Slowly and without a noise, the door swings half open and a shadow slips in, keeping his face away from the candles that light the room.
“I understand you have heard the news Curator?”
“Yes Aranea, and I have taken measures already. Worried the mission of our Ranger is in danger?”
“No Curator, as long as he keeps his head in the city. We have sent Rangers there before.”
“But didn’t we adapt our training when we found out they were seduced by Libidinis?”
“Yes Curator, but results have so far been unpredictable. It will depend on his character”
“Have we heard from Manu yet?”
“No Curator, by calculation they have met in the past 2 days or will tonight. A pigeon takes 3 days to reach the monastery”
“If the pigeon reaches the monastery… Too many falcons have been in the skies lately, too few messages have gone undelivered. Let alone the risk of discovery. Something is brewing”
“Very possible Curator. Though the risk of our messages being decrypted is very low. It is the best encryption we have made so far”
“Indeed. Our faith is in the hands of Umbra. Too late to do anything else now. I take it you have set plan B in motion already?”
“Yes Cuator, as you have ordered”
“Good, good…”
As he turns his eyes away from the shadow in the corner of the room, and finds the slowly burning fire in the marble fireplace, once more the candles flicker and the lightest click reveals the visitor gone. “I must make sure the falcons stay in for the next 4 days. That message needs to arrive. The thief escaping could very well fit into the play. I wonder who it is.” The Curator turns to a small cabinet next to the hearth, takes a bottle from behind a small door and a glass from the top and pours. As he swings the blood red wine in his glass, smelling the deep layered flavor of the almost sirupy fluid with his large nose, his eyes stare at the fire as his thoughts dwell on. “I need to compromise Umbra’s cloak of shadows, without it leading back to me. I need to get a message to that thief. I need to find the witch…”
The sky starts to turn orange as I get up from my bed. I have made my plans for tonight, closing off all influences from outside, I returned to my meditative state and read the scroll over and over again. Comes of Mercator, Delniz, solstice, meet. I have to find Delniz and I have to scout the residence. I know its location from the maps I memorised, the strange lay-out of the city seemed to direct all roads from the residence, towards the centre of the city. Just a small alley leading towards the city walls, lined by warehouses, stables and workshops. The alley seemed to narrow for two carts to pass, so I have to find out what this alley is used for. Might be an escape route. I decided to go downstairs and have a quiet meal, enjoying the local wine, pretending to have too much after a few hours and returning to my bed to sleep off my intoxication. Using my deep sleep as a cover to leave quietly through the windo in my room.
I open the door and step onto the landing, bumping into the girl from the tavern. Her soft breasts are pressed against my chest and her soft, slightly rounded stomach bumps into my crotch. As she stumbles and finds her balance, her hands extend and grab my arms, throwing herself against me. As she looks up, her whispers in a coarse voice..
“Will you have dinner downstairs and dessert in your room, my Lord?”
“I will have dinner. I’ll think about dessert. But may I ask you a question?”
“You may, but I am not sure I will answer”
With a wink she sways her hips from left to right, rubbing her lower body against mine as she keeps my arms around her, her breasts dragging over my chest, a shimmer of naughtyness glistening in her coal black eyes. I pull her closer to me and bend my head down as if kissing her neck. “
“Where can I find Delniz”
“Do you mean Delniz, the violin-builder?”
“Do you know more Delniz’s?”
Slowly I let my lips slide down her neck, to her shoulders and then back up, my hands travelling from her hips to her buttocks, cupping them as i pull her stronger against me. I slide the tip of my tongue out, tasting the sheen of sweat covering her skin as I let it move up to end just below her earlobe. A deep sigh, a tremble, hardening of her nipples as she bends her head back, exposing her throat to me. I pout my lips, and suck them against her skin, finding her main artery and feel it pulsate against my tongue, speed increasing as I bend her back.
“Well, anymore Delniz’s you know?”
“No, not to my knowledge, and I know almost everyone in this part of the town”
A deep sigh released from her mouth a I swing her back upright, holding her tightly as she finds her balance, her face flushed as blood rushed down when I bend her backwards. As she leans against me, I give her a light liss on her cheek, then let her go and start descending the stairs…
In Holland we have a saying: The persistor wins…
March 28, 2011 at 3:38 pm in reply to: MF. Pose Reviews. 52. Slow Dance. Clothed & 105. Slow Dance. Sex Clothing #49113lolSunny, iIf I bump you into that butcher's block, it will be for a reason…
OK Sunny, you have achat-arrest. Work first, play later…
Phew, part 5 posted. Background on the Prefect and his son. I hope the Prefect's preference has been made more delicate, loving.. I did adapt the story to keep the thread pleasant
The arched ceilings, divided with heavy wooden beams, flickering as three chandeliers throw their candlelight into the room. A heavy oak table, centered in the room and set for three. Silver plates are covering the smooth surface of the long planks, Wax worked in for centuries as the table was made when the house of Mercator was established. For centuries the head of the family sat at the head of the table and had his evening meals, discussing business with his wife and children, submerging them in the family principles.
The house of Mercator grew rich from trading overseas and along the coastline. They started with a little merchant ship, going from harbour to harbour, peddling goods they picked up on the way. Soon a first trading route was established and regular journeys could be made. The House of Mercator having a keen eye for chosing the right product to buy and sell, soon a fleet of ships was roaming the seas around Libidinis. With the growing richdom, their influence grew as well and it did not take long before the house of Mercator accepted the position of Prefect, handing it down to the oldest son through generations. As the men were blessed with good semen, each generation brought forth a son that was able and willing to take over the posotion of Prefect. Lead by the house of Mercator, the city of Libidinis grew into a thriving centre for trade, attracting folk from all directions and plumage.
Signis, the current Prefect of Libidinis, had very similar traits his grandfather Viribus had. A proud man, very aware of his responsibilities towards the city and his family. Watching over his interests very carefully, he married his wife Lydia out of convenience. Her familyties with a neighbouring kingdom, offered him an alley towards the inlands, protecting the city from possible threats. Besides that, her natural flair offered great advantages in the diplomatic field. A glance from her could get even the most stoically man to blush. Though never attracted to her himself, only bedding with her to care for progeny, he knew what effect she could have on men. Her slender sensual body, her heavy chest and her large eyes turning heads wherever she went.
On their weddingnight he explained to her what he expected off her. If she would obide to his rules, she would have a good, stable life, enjoying the riches and influence the house of Mercator offered. Though not blessed with a high intelligence, she understood her position and her capabilities as the Prefect’s wife. Allowing her as many lovers as she wanted or needed, he demanded that she would be discrete and would aid him in establishing political and diplomatic relations. Being clear her natural femininity could be a great asset in negociating business deals, she had bedded down with partners, yet only if she desired the man himself.
They had a good life, their relationship well established and working for the both of them. As soon as Lydia was expecting, all physical relations stopped, never to recommence once Comes was born. Having now a son to take over the leadership in the future, Signis drew back to his love for his own gender. Occasionally he would have one of the male servants come to his room late at night and spend a few hours in the arms of a young man. One night a young man came to his room, the first time they met and it would never be anyone else to come to visit the Prefect at night. Lucas, as Signis called him lovingly to himself, was the son of a black smith. With his slender build and having three more brothers competing for the future passing down of the smitty, he was sent to trade school and mastered serving. At the top of his class, he caught the attention of the housemaster of Aquila Hall. As soon as he finished his apprenticeship at a connected house and turned 19, he was hired and added to the staff of Aquila Hall. The residence named after the first ship of the house, the birth of the riches of Mercator. Soon he found himself in the arms of the Prefect, becoming his only lover.
“Comes, tell me about your Ludus team. Are they well-prepared for the tournament?”
The dark voice of Signis fills the room, the timbre making the candles on the table flicker.
“Yes father, they are training as we speak. I have been pushing them hard lately, I think they have a great chance of winning and bring glory to our house.”
Looking at his father, Comes’s eyes harden. “My house soon father, though it will be a surprise for you”, whispering the thought to himself, he doesn’t take his eyes away from his father. He has been planning his take-over for months now. He knows his father has a talent for seeing indiscretions in someone’s eyes when there is turmoil behind it. Congruency is key, the slightest slip of concentration could make his whole plan fail. He has been under the guard of his father’s eyes for too long. He could give himself away in a heartbeat.
“Tomorrow I will give them the day off. Maybe send them to the baths. They need to relax first to get to perfect form. Don’t you agree mother?”
Comes directs the attention to his mother, who is playing with her food, distracted by some unguessed thought. She lifts her head and glazes at both of them before she returns to reality.
“What’s that Comes? Oh yes, a man needs to redirect his focus, unload before he can charge up fully for an important tournament. I think it is an excellent idea to send them to the baths. I will go there myself later tonight.”
As the words leave her mouth, her attention disappears with them in the dimmed light of the room. Her eyes glaze again and she sinks back into her daydream, her hand forgotten, stirring the food on her plate. Comes sighs, knowing of the little adventures of his mother. Understanding the relationship his father and his mother have, he has long gotten used to her slipping out to the baths or having a lover spend the night in her private quarters. “At least I won’t have to worry about either of, I’ll have my own fun.” His father having his own lover spend the night in his bed, Comes has arranged for the twins to be in his room tonight. Baldur, the Captain of the Guard got his orders a few hours earlier and will bring the girls to him. He spent an hour preparing his room and giving specific instructions to the captain, making sure the girls would be presented to him the way he wanted. Soon he can leave the table and play.
As he sheds the thoughts of anticipation from him, his mind turns to more pressing matters. So far his plan worked out fine. The small raids on the warehouses of the family, gave him a nice working capital. Secretly hiring pirates to plunder the warehouses, he shared the yield with them, he gathered enough to hire a group of mercinaries to take over the house on the night of the solstice. The timing would be perfect, at the end of the first match of Ludus Vitae, his father will be home, spending time with Lucas. His mother will be attending the match and Comes himself will as well, since his team won the tournament the year before and opens the tournament. 10 men will capture his father, take him away and he will never been seen again. The suspicion will fall on the house of Adversa, the born enemy of the house of Mercator. Constructing devious rumours, placing evidence and hints over the past months have suggested the house of Adversa planning hostilities towards his house.
Even arranging the practice match between both Ludus teams to be exceptionally brutal, his seeds of suspicion are firmly planted and have taken root. The first leaves and branches emerging from a growing vine of deceat. As the matter was often discussed in the diningroom, his father told him the intimate details of his plan for defense and strike-back, allowing him to weave in between the lines of defense and find an opening to take the house and make it his. All his plans culminating to that one night, when all he wants will be his. Suddenly his thoughts are interrupted as his father pushes his chair back. Finally, time to play…
Sunny, you get one guess. My profile name is a hint..
not another set of undies… I already change them into fresh ones everyday… If I would buy them all, I would have enough for a month BLEH!!!
March 26, 2011 at 8:06 pm in reply to: MF. Pose Reviews. 52. Slow Dance. Clothed & 105. Slow Dance. Sex Clothing #49110a blindfold and nothing else… that would get me going…
March 26, 2011 at 1:00 pm in reply to: MF. Pose Reviews. 52. Slow Dance. Clothed & 105. Slow Dance. Sex Clothing #49108@ Sunny Good thing I can cut blindfolded.. So you can grab me from behind without having to worry about my fingers..
never intended to introduce paedophilia into the story. I should have expressed myself more clearly. Ofcourse I mean young men..