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  • in reply to: Threats in game for having a girl… #48763

      @ Sunny.. I was sure you could take a joke. Still know you do… Have seen your soft side… Love your passion for happiness.. ;)

      in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19221

        There's a question I have..
        What's with the girls that say “hi”, you respond and you never ever get a reply..?? Uhm… is it me? ::) ::) ::) ::)


          @ Bear How you dance is not important. Just…


          in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11521




            COWBOY HAT


            K I L T
            T U X
            S U I T
            C O W B O Y  H A T   AND B O O T S
            L E A T H E R  V E S T  AND C H A P S

            in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49215

              I guess Libidinis is mainly occupied by humans (in the fantasy books I read, they usually were the main group). Therefor I chose to introduce the twisted character of Comes. I believe every human society has deranged minds, especially when fuelled with money and power.

              Though Signis is in heart a good man, his favoritism for young boys not something exclusive in the city, his son has twisted thoughts. They might have been enhanced by the presence of the demon. I'll leave that option open to you, Bear. For the Ranger it doesn't matter what kind of person Comes is, and it might be interesting to see if Umbra will run into the demon or has to deal with his influence on Comes. If the demon has no dealings with Comes, his childhood might have formed the breeding grounds on which his deranged mind has sprouted seeds. Umbra will find out his secret. The forced obedience of the girls will be looked at with disgust.

              It's his biggest secret. except for the Captain of the guard, nobody knows about this. Not even his father knows about it. The chamber was constructed secretly. Comes is a spoiled young man, his mind corrupted with the power and money his father has (in principle). He is very intelligent, found out early he could do almost anything and get away with it. Uses his intelligence now to weave a political net around his father, gaining the attention of the Brotherhood while weaving.. It will be his downfall as he threatens the peace that has benefitted the Brotherhood so much. At least, as long as the Ranger sticks to his quest…

              In a way, this offers an opportunity for all 4 stories to mix together. As the gem Adera left behind, might hold the key for Silvermane.. To be truely honest, I believe this would be worth published as a book if there was a market for eroticism in a fantasy world.. all stories coming together in a way…

              in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49212

                Comes of Mercator is definitly an abomination in Libidinis. His father knows about his secret and his twisted mind, but since it is his only son, he forgives him every flaw. This behavious is yet unknown to Umbra, though he will find the room, empty when he goes out on his scout.
                Suspecting what goes on in that secret chamber, Umbra might get enraged. Knowing know the sweetness of making love.
                I could also see a coalition between Janine and Umbra possible if Janine finds out about the secret of Comes. It might be interesting to see how they both go after him. Either in an outspoken coalition or a situation where both go after him, without knowing about the other. An accidental meeting, a shared goal might create a dangerous team Comes has to be very aware off…

                In a city as liberal as Libidinis, I'd see it as an open behaviour. No shame or secrecy. Both men and women can have mutliple lovers besides their spouse. Each relationship deepening a different aspect of sex- and sensuality..

                in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49210

                  Besides the internal struggle Umbra is going through and which are perilous to his true purpose, other forces are working in this political gumbo as well. In a next post few characters will be introduced. The caretaker f the monastery, in charge of the place as the highest representative of the Brotherhood with his assistant. Their worries about the faith of the Ranger in this delightful city growing. A rumour about the Ranger's presence might be brought to the city as the characters might be joined by a fifth..
                  Besides that, although never discussed, the influence of the Brotherhood on the political arena is public secret. Everyone knows, noone talks about it. With the caretaker and his assistant, the governors of the city will be introduced as well. Tjose characters prettydefined, the Brothethood not yet as clear to me..:

                  Signis of the house Mercator, Prefect of Libidinis.A proud man, coming from old riches. Confident in his command, yet weak for his preference of male servants. Him and his wife not sharing bedrooms, a few nights per week the Prefect sends for a boy.

                  Lydia of the house Mercator, born Clericus, Prefect´s wife. Mentally not blessed with very high capabilities. She’s pretty dumb, but with her beauty and her seductional skills, she is worth a lot to the Prefect. As they don’t share an intimate relation, she is free to bed with anyone to her likings. Discretion a must and guarded heavily since she does not want to lose her status, derived from her husband. Nor can she go without his large chest of gold.

                  Comes of the house Mercator, only son of the Prefect, designated heir of the command of the city. Spoiled, cruel and an insatiable lust for twin sisters, servants at the residence. As they submit to his position as son of the Prefect, they are bound to his will to do his every bidding. His room holding a secret chamber where he lives out his depraved fantasies. His only weakness as he is under constant guard, the captain his friend and beneficial to his favors when he lends out the girls he owns.

                  Soon the Ranger will need to gather information about the son, he will meet his supplier. Meanwhile the festival is getting closer to opening.. Will that happen at the solstice? In my last post, the solstice will be in 4 days.. Will that date compromise your story Bear? Maybe we should end the days, by closing them, keeping a kind of countdown?

                  As for entertwining threads, I see a high possibility that Umbra will lose his faith momentarily, diving into the sensuality of the city. The central square a lure to all visitors of Libidinis, looking for entertainment. Be it a sexual encounter, watching a good match of Ludus Vitae or the skills of a trained swordsman/woman..


                    I can acknowledge that MS had the same options for the male as in the MF version of the dance pose.. All of the pretty awesome.

                    in reply to: Threats in game for having a girl… #48760

                      @ Hatcher She handles guns.. and her bark is worse as her bite?

                      note to self… never piss off Sunny… ;D

                      in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45508

                        @ Alstott No flowers growing in my garden. I could use some help getting it back in order.. Any peple with green fingers around? I heard island girls sometimes have green fingers.. award-winning green.. But I do kinda hope my pics of the dutch tulip fields inspired them a little.. it is definitly the time for tulips…

                        in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11518




                          COWBOY HAT

                          LEATHER VEST AND CHAPS

                          in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49206

                            The future of Umbra is yet uncertain. The fight in his head between passion and endlessly repeated training not even unleashed. He could go either way. Dive deep into the sexuality/sensuality of Libidinis or stick to his believes and convictions and perform his quest or die..
                            As he was ordered to stay hidden, an immediate meeting with one of the other characters is purely based on chance.
                            Though, the chances of all other characters (in the thread now, come on guys, plenty of room for others to join in!!) noticing Umbra is much bigger as the commoner in the streets. Janine for having a trained eye, picking out veterans, trained persons. Adera, the pixie with magical powers would notice him instantly. And the shapeshifter woulf smell him..
                            He might go through the sotry without crossing paths with anyone, but I find that doubtful…

                            in reply to: BDSM, Bondage and Fetish Poses. #48672

                              I have learned a lot from Janine and told her so. As far as I understand, for a healthy bdsm relationship, consent and trust are key-elements. The guy that reacted to you like this, Mistress_N, doesn't really know what he is talking about. It's sad there are so many ignorant people out therre..

                              in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11511

                                @ Bear Taking turns with Allstott, if anyone else wants to take over, be my guest!!

                                A-team? When???

                                in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45503

                                  Not as warm here, but still… steelblue skies, sunshine and hardly any wind (very uncommon for holland). Spring is definitly here…

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