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  • TightFit74

      @ Adera: A small step for men, a giant leap for mankind. I am sure it will be there with the next update.


        Congrats girls, update slow dance for FF (and or FS, not sure) coming up!!!

        in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49185

          The fact that theRanger is sent off without any magical skills, and since he does not know yet what his quest will be, it might be a plot twister once he finds out he has been sent on a mission inlike fulfilled. The son of the prefect definately has the necessary magcial powers at his bidding when he needs them.
          Knowing magic in different forms in fantasy books, they are usually not as practical as healing spells in Diablo, and I assume in D&D as well. I have learned and hopefully incorporate it in my story the right way.. A learning proces as this is new to me :)

          in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy. #48997

            The sun finally breaking through the heavy branches that have surrounded me all morning. The trees breaking, rays falling down, shining upon the green forest floor. The edge is near, far away in the distance, the first noises of the city reach my ears, i can feel the mass of people closely packed together behind the thick, massive walls. I find a high rock at the edge of the forest and hop onto it. Setting my hand above my eyes, I look in the distance, smelling the ocean breeze, seeing the friable edges of the city, blurred against the light grey of the skies.

            With pain in my heart I leave my beloved forests, knowing I might not return to them for a long time, not sure the city is my final destination. Yet, for now I know where to go, a contact of the brotherhood waiting for me in a tavern in the black smith’s quarter of the city. A rough place, hard work makes strong men, the fire of their forges running through their veins, easily ignited with a puff of air. Not a place to attract attention to yourself.

            First task is to get past the guards. But knowing the local tongue and a pouch full of gold coins will get me through if asked to explain my coming, confidence strengthening my posture, taking on an authoritive pose as my feet lead me closer to the gates of Libidinis. Carts, pulled by oxes and horses lining up as they are thoroughly checked at the gates, the city-state on high alert since it was attacked by a neighbouring harbor, a few hundred miles away. Yet, the flow of visitors for the summer festival too numerous to check very carefully.

            With a sigh and a shrug on my shoulders I step onto the road and mix in with the endless line of travelers approaching the city gates. Commoners, farmers heading for the festival markets, travelling peddlers with handcarts, seeling an array of articles, even while they are on the road to the city. With my plain face and my born ability to mix in and disappear against the background, noone notices me walking towards the gates, seen but soon forgotten as there is nothing remarkable about me to remember.

            I look around with my trained eyes, looking for remarkable things, my eye caught by a figure talking to the guards. An uncommon sight, a swordswoman carrying a bastard sword. Even from the few hundred pases that I am behind her, I can tell she is a veteran. The relaxed, yet vigilant posture airing authority and experience in battle. Not a cat I’d want to stroke the wrong way. The closer to the gates I get, the slower the crowd moves towards it, the stream of people ever increasing since the opening of the festival is almost at hand.

            Without a problem I pass the gates, the guards looking at me, then their eyes move on, gliding across the faces and carts, looking for something out of the ordinary. A strange voice, clothing not quite matching or a strange bulge under someone’s long coat. Yet my presence inconspicuous, my face like the ones beside me, seen and immediatly forgotten as if I never passed them. A map of the city was provided  when I left on my quest and I memorised it during my travels. Burned it on my last night among the trees, the morning after watching the girl pleasure herself in the stream.

            At the first crossroad inside the walls, I turn right. The houses quickly shrinking in size as I penetrate the outher burrows of the city, the main street keeping the grandeur of Trader’s houses, winding itself like a river to the heart of the city, the central square. As if I was born in the city, I turn left and right, finding short cuts I had seen on the map, making decisions on where to go automatically. Looking for and finding “The Anvil”, a dark tavern, frequented by the apprentices of the black smiths, the main occupants of this quarter of the city.

            Suddenly laughter and outcries fill the narrow street and from behind I hear footsteps echo from the masoned houses. Before I can step to the side, a group of young girls pass me by, some bumping into me, one girl struggling to keep on her feet before she falls down. Against my nature and training I walk up to her and reach out my hand to help her up. As she lifts her head and her eyes meet mine, I freeze. Immobilised by the sparkling beauty in her deep brown, almost black eyes. Only the touch of her hand on mine bringing me back to the present, almost drowning myself in the depths of her cornea.

            I grab her hand and pull her on her feet. My eyes still fixed on hers, not able to look away from them. Suddenly she steps in closer, takes my face into her hands and kisses my lips. She presses her full, soft mouth against mine and swiftly slides the tip of her tongue between my lips before she releases me, turns around and runs away. The rest of the group just turning the corner. I am startled, troubled, confused. Years of training, seperating physical need from mental attachment flushed away in an instant. A floodwave of beauty catching me by surprise, gnawing at the roots of my training, carefully planted by the supervisors in the monastery.

            I’m fighting the urge to flee, run away and hide in the shadows to recompose myself, a hasty retreat risking discovery or a situation rememberred by someone. Realising that, I take a deep breath and slowly turn towards the door of the tavern, smelling the scent of stale beer and tobacco mixed with cloves. A mixture often found in harbors, the influence of foreign reigns incorporated in daily life. The entrance almost hidden in the shadows as the sun high lights the other side of the street. I shrug my shoulders and grab the handle of the door, not looking left or right as I pull it open.

            The stench of coal and sweat, beer and food filling my nose as I step over the threshold, halting for a moment to let my eyes get used to the obscured light in the tavern. A big hearth at the back wall of the place, a bar to the left, long tables stretching over the width of the place and a few tables and chairs in nieches on the right side of the room. Only a few people present, 2 young men sitting at a long table, drinking a beer quietly. In one of the nieches an older man with, what seems to be his daughter, is eating a bowl of soup. The girl hanging against the back of her chair, clearly bored. I turn my head away from her, showing only the back of my head to her, avoiding a look to close for comfort. The bar is manned by an elderly woman, the hardship of her life printed in capitols in her face, the tattoo of the outcast on her forehead.

            I walk to the left, finding the elderly woman looking at me uninterested, the hood on my head keeping eyes in the shadows. “A room, a pitcher of water and lamb stew”. Pitching my voice at just the right height, I fid her reaction to my softly spoken words and moving from behind the counter, towards the staicase in the back. I follow her up when she opens a small door to a small room. Immediatly my eyes take in the room, checking the window, access to a small alley at the back of the tavern, a 6 foot drop. No doors to neighbouring rooms, the bed facing the only entrance. I am satisfied. The tavern is off main streets but not too far from the main locations of the city. A ten minute brisk walk to the north will bring me directly to the central square, 5 minutes to the west will take me directly to the prefect’s residence.

            The woman leaves the room after I approved it and I put my few belongings under the bed. I walk down the stairs and find a nieche facing the entrance, the chair I pick hidden from views by the shadows of the low beams on the ceiling. I pull the hood down further, leaving just enough room above my eyes to look at the entrance. Knowing I will have to wait a few ours before my contact will arrive, I am getting thirsty and hungry. Before I can look up to the bar, a plate and cup are placed on my table, followed by a thud as the pitcher of water is put down as well.

            I look up from the door, finding two black coals, arched by pitch black, finely plucked eye brows, staring at me with a wonderous look. “Your food, my lord” A young girl taking a light bow as she steps back from the table. A mouth as red as cherries, a slight smile around it, long, straight black hair, bound by a wreath of wheat, a scent as sweet as roses. Long, slender fingers strangeld together as she sways her hips from left to right, a tight, short skirt covering her youthful hips and buttocks, her chest covered by a tight, woven corset, her full breasts pushed up and almost falling out of her cleavage. Before I can say anything, she turns around, looking back just before she steps behind the bar, giving me a wink.

            Befuddled left at the table, a clash starts to unfold in my mind, the confident sexuality of the young woman arousing me as the trained celibacy is stirred and tested. Hesitantly I eat, trying to come to terms with the new experiences, the dilemma’s I am facing now. The loyalty to the Brotherhood still overwhelmingly strong, yet in a corner of my mind a small spark has been lit, the potential of setting everything ablaze already there…

            in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49183

              Since I never played D&D, I have my references from the many fantasy books I have read, and from Diablo, I and II. The terminology from D&D familiar, the exact effect it has on the characters yet to be discovered.

              The Ranger is trained to kill, not to inflict wounds or mere injury. Though a certain specific mission could order him to wound instead. Yet healing, magical or otherwise, suggests the victim is still alive. The Ranger will strike only if he is convinced of succes.His techniques skliled enough to take a life instantly. He will wait for the right opportunity, for as long as needed to perform the task that was put on him to perform. A relentless drive, his full devotion to the Brotherhood ensure him completing his quest or die in the proces of doing so.

              Though it is uncommon to see a woman wearing warrior clothing, let alone seeing a female veteran, there is no rule excluding women from tournaments. Especially in archery and knife throwing, women have entered comeptitions and some have been victorious. If Janine would like to enter a swordsman tournament, she'd have to prove her ability. Preventable bloodshed unwanted. But this rule goes for men as well, except soldiers from the city's army. Their enlistment proof enough for being well-trained.

              As a stranger to the city, the Ranger will find himself in difficulties. conflicting interests threatening to throw him of his quest. In the secluded monastery, he has not been in contact with many women, only servants in the castle where his vow of celibacy is strictly enforced. Yet, in this frivolous. sexually free city, he encounters women that will control his mind unconsciously. No matter how rigorous his training was, it could not prepare him for the debauchery displayed by some females. It will throw him off balance, his biggest struggle soon to be revealed..

              As for resurrecting the dead.. I can see someone being resurrect to perform a certain task or be under someone's control. Not just simply brought back from the dead, to live in a prosperous life. The whole concept of an assasin would be non-existing. Yet, if it were possible to bring someone back, there will be ways of permanently ending someone's life or life a cursed life after being brought back.

              Event though I hope more will join us, this is already a huge treat to me.. thanks all for posting your chilling, mesmorising, wonderful stories :D

              in reply to: Gifts. #24790

                There is a difference between living out a fantasy and posing, pretending to be a girl… Big difference..

                in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49177

                  War games = tournaments.
                    During the weeks of festivities, a range of tournaments are scheduled for the men to prove their masculinity. Besides knife-throwing, bow-shooting and horsemanship tournaments, 2 special events need to be named. First of all there is the initiation wrestling tournament. Boys that are ready to enter manhood, have been secluded for several weeks, training on a bare mountaintop to prepare for the wrestling matches in the city. The lucky boy who will be declared the winner, will have his choice of girls to become a man in bed as well. But any boy that makes an impression by spirit or posture will sure be a man before the end of the festival. Girls ever present at the matches, looking for a future husband or lover.

                    The second event worth mentioning, Ludus Vitae (game of life), is a teamsport. 2 teams of 5 men playing on a diamond-shaped field. Goals in the form of eagle’s nests standing on poles at the far ends of  the field, a skull the object to score with. In the olden days, the skull used to be the head of the finalist of the year before, as the losing team was killed after the match. In this enlightened city state, a real skull is replaced by a wooden skull and the team that loses gets a ceremonial punishment. A single lash with a flexible stick to the soles of the feet. The winners are rewarded by the Prefect himself. A pouch full of gold coins, free room and board in the whole city during the remainder of the festival, and ofcourse honor and fame for the members of the winning team. Though it is a brutal game, many contesters needing medical attention, the game is loved because there are also nobility teams. A chance to see villagers take on the prince’s and heirs of the kingdom, all equal on the field. Girls offering themselves, exposing their bodies during games. Sometimes ordered to get one team out of focus, sometimes because the heat of the moment takes them under control.

                    Though most tournaments have a civil character, evolved during the ages from bloody executions of prisoners, to a pure display of skill, Ludus Vitae still demanding casualties. As there are no rules about the physical encounter between men, often broken bones, cuts and tears are the result of an intense clash. Though seldom, fatalities have been reported each year. The reward too high, sparking competative natures, occasionally leading to a clash of bodies where one man does not rise to his feet again.
                    As there are many teams that want the opportunity to play against the noble teams, pre-qualifying tournaments are held before the festival even starts. On the first night of the official opening of the festival, the first match is played. The winner of the year before against its challenger. All throughout the festival, each night matches are played, the final scheduled in the middle of the festival.
                  (The game inspired on the game Ja’La dh Jin, found in the books of Terry Goodkind)

                  in reply to: Gifts. #24784

                    I don't think Bear meant that girls shouldn't get a job and pay for membership. Any self-repsecting woman would.. But I think there are several reasons why girls/shemales can receive gifts and guys can't.

                    The only way AChat will survive in a competitive field like this, is if they “offer” plenty of girls. I am sure that more than one scientific study shows that men spend x times more on sex on internet as women. Which means you have to lure girls with benefits, which are sponsored by the boys on a site.

                    Same reason why non-prem girls can engage in any 3some and non-prem guys can't. Keep the girls to get the guys… Milk the guys for poses and prostitutes, entice the girls to become prem and spend money by offering a (ridiculous)huge  collection of fashion to wear..

                    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11500

                      @ Sunny  click Erotic fantasies at the forum's starting page, and then the second thread from the top. Not the OOC one, the orginal one…

                      “a tale of erotic fantasy.” by Janine dee

                      in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49171

                        The brotherhood sees the festival (summer or fall) as the perfect opportunity to have their minion perform his task. Many people will be attending the festival at Libidnis, many strangers visiting the city. A lone man (he shall remain nameless until he receives his mission) will not draw attention, especially if he is as well trained as this Ranger is.

                        The brotherhood being the only organisation with wordly power that managed to set foot on the soil of many city-states and kingdoms. Claiming to be neutral, but secretly very active. Sending their agents to invoke revolts, murder nobility and politicians as well as mediate in peace talks, negociate in kidnappings of heiress's. Their own survival their most important interest, yet getting richer and more powerful in the proces becoming more and more an important secundary goal.

                        I imagine the peak of the festival being the war-games the neighbouring houses will play at the festival. A brutal yet relatively peaceful way of matching strength, giving opportunity to diplomats and nobels to confirm old treaties, make new ones or get into fights. The task of the Ranger will lay there, the son of the Prefect/King/ Steward (female characters not excluded) of Libidnis the target. Motives yet to be revealed will show what his role is in this story and what the true motives of the Brotherhood are…

                        Getting very excited with all the ideas and the first intro's I have written. I forsee very interesting adventures, the peak of the festival promising some coinciding, major events..

                        in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11498

                          Maybe I should.. There is still some hope lingering that the A-team can take a hint or take the time to reread some of the posts/requests I made. But not taking any chances… We would like (taking the liberty to voice more as my own wishes):

                          – A KILT (formal, classic, wdc)
                          – A TUX
                          – A SUIT (dark grey, black, light grey, classic colours really)

                          these three requests at the top of the list… In this order please….

                          in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49168

                            Maybe the end of summer, harvest feasts. Abundance of food, drink, the fire and passion of summer running through veins, the weather warm enough for lesser clothing. Dancing on squares, games to play and prices and fame to be gained..

                            in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11496

                              Can't seem to discover any chatter about the new dresses for the girls.. A-team, you might want to see this as a


                              that we need more male clothing… *sigh*

                              in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49164

                                What about: Libidinis (Citatum Libidinis, city of lust, latin)

                                in reply to: Room Ideas. #14413

                                  @ Sunny Glad you're still thinking of me ;)

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