Forum Replies Created
There´s always the exception to the rule….
Actually, we have been talking about this subject before:,799.0.html
But the more attention it gest, the better!
Tight, you said the most used worrds in German in a talk between arguing people: Pass auf
@Lover Are you suggesting we are arguing? I wasn't aware of that
Btw, I deserved that joke about Rudi…
December 16, 2010 at 12:03 am in reply to: FF. Pose Review Request. 15. Foreplay – Lying on the bed. #46162It's almost as if they started to listen…..
@Janine: Happy?But this is a serious subject. I have been asked too to be a girls daddy… Hmm, having a daughter makes it too horrific to consider.
I have reported several users because of suspecting them to be underaged. Reported my thoughts and AChat reacted. So this works and seems like a helpful tool.
I do agree that a better way of securing someone is of legal age should be implemented. I clicked the 'yes-button' without reading the warning too carefully.I am with Lover on this one. I see the phrase pass by often as well. And most girls have been prem because of gifts, making myself gulty of doing it too on a very rare occasion. And whould girls spend their own money if they can get it from us
Although I value a woman who can takje care of herself a lot better than girls asking for gifts because they are going dutch (
Men have the poses, so girls don't have to be premium to enjoy them. And at the end, the clothes go off anyway. They catch us at our own territory. For girls they created shopping, offering a mass of clothes for them and much less for guys. Guys (most of them) are here for the sex and need to have a visual stimulation (porn is watched far more by guys as girls, correct me if I am wrong). So they created poses and the need for men to be prem to be in a 3some. Just playing on our primal instincts…Pass auf! His pronounciation wasn't great, mine is better there. But his vocabulary was better than mine is…
I wouldn’t be surprised if a social astudies was attached to, some promovendus trying to get his master
😀 Labrats in a controlled environment haha
but this result should have been obvious…You being more open depends on the thread
And I can see both sides and find them funny. There lies my advantage.
One of the biggest examples is Rudi Carrell, heavy accent although his german was a lot better than mine.LMAO! A dutch terrorist… And thanks, now I have that voice in my head too…lol
I doubt if I know better terms than you. I'm not in Germany often enough to be fluent anymore, but i still understand everything that is said and written. And talking about funny voices… Ever heard a german talk dutch (I know from personal experience, my dad), or for that matter, a dutch talk German?@Lover I'll check yours… But it will be less funny for me since I am part German… But I can understand what you mean…
I am glad they are finally there, and with huge contributions from the users themselves… I'd say well done to all!
I think this will be the first time I do NOT!!! buy a pose. As Lover said, I do not want anything resembling a fallus in my mouth. Not silicon or anything else. Wrong sub-group A-team…
A lot of the options Trekmanalpha posted are valid in my eyes. I wouldn't choose all, but some of them are (very) useful. As far as expanding options to search, it's up to everyone themselves to decide how wide or narrow they make their search. If you are loooking for a (very) specific partner, more search options could be a big plus.
I very much agree that the country you come from, should be in a list instead of free to however someone wants to spell it. But i think on the other hand, that a lot of people won't use the option, since it is now used often to add extra info to the profile, country of origin or city being of lesser importance. I would really like more room to write down something in my banner, instead of the restricted amount of characters they offer now. Choosing a smaller font-size, would create room and should be easy to implement.I had the update as well. And it is fixed. I also noticed that there is a new icon in the login screen, where you enter your details. There is now an option so save username and password, so there is a choice instead of the automatically saved info of before the update.
A-team, well done. Another step to a more professional game…@Bear: You said it yourself. The one who invites, determines the room. Same as with premium poses, once a non-premium user is invited, he/she can enjoy all the poses of the premium user. It is the same in the new room.
And I think it is safe to say that, once purchased, the room stays yours, wether you are premium or not. -